
How to make her husband successful - successful husband

  • How to make her husband successful - successful husband

    Ancient sages believed that the universe receives the creative energy from a woman, passes it to a man, and he, in turn, turns it into abundance. Thus, a man is able to structure creative energy, turning it into material values ​​and financial flows.

    Male loser and his wife

    Male loser and his wife

    Many women who have been married for several years begin to wonder what happened to their husband? Why does he always lie on the couch and he is not interested in anything other than football or fishing. .. and everything else he does not care about? No, of course, he brings a salary, but a penny. And, not wanting to put up with this state of affairs, women begin to scandal, sometimes reaching and radical measures, like a frying pan on the head.

    When a woman married this man, she was in love, and it seemed to her that this state would last forever, but then she began to notice more and more often that the farther her husband liked it the less - and he did not go to the gym andHe smokes, and earns little money. A shelf some nail - and do not interrogate at all. As a result, a woman comes up with the idea that she married her husband not as successfully as she had hoped, and with this very thought, the degradation of family relations begins.

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    Externally, this is expressed in the fact that the food the woman prepares by inertia, removes, erases too, even with her husband lives only because it is so necessary. There is no desire to inspire a loved one, which means that there is not even the creative energy that a man receives from a woman. There is nowhere to go, the family is created, the children are born, they need to be raised somehow, that's the reason for such a couple to live together.

    At home, such a woman looks untidy, launched not only physically, but emotionally. But going to work or visiting, puts himself in order, in her eyes there is shine, a smile appears on her face.

    As a rule, such a woman does not see any problem in herself, she sincerely considers herself to be a good wife, only her poor, her husband is not lucky. ..

    And what about a man? And he understands everything perfectly, even if he does not always realize this. He sees that for the wife of no value does not represent that to respect him as a man, she is not going to. And if so, what's the point of doing something?

    That's the way the husband lies on the couch, clicks the remote from the TV or hangs on the computer, fighting with virtual opponents, sincerely believing that there is nothing to try - they will not be appreciated anyway.

    How to fix the situation

    Where is the way out of this vicious circle? Who should break it? Undoubtedly - a woman. First of all, she must understand to herself what in any case can not be done.

    1. Soberly evaluate the situation. Do not break the comedy, pretending that everything is fine. If the husband complains about the problems, do not behave too optimistically. Show your husband that you are upset, but at the same time, let him know that you believe that everything will turn right. You should have a sober view of the situation with a belief in change for the better.
    2. There is always an output .Do not allow yourself to put up with circumstances and drop your hands. The ability to live is the ability to adapt in any life situation. The best thing you can do is to audit the skills and knowledge that can be used in a new way, taking into account the current situation.
    3. Give the heroism to her husband. Do not repeat the mistake of those women who throw themselves to pull out their family, exclaiming: "Dear, I will save us!", Adding to myself: "If you can not."A man such a rush is unlikely to please him, because he will receive an additional confirmation that they will manage without him.
    4. Take care of your nerves. Keep yourself in hand, without sinking to scandals. After all, this is a total collapse.
    5. Excuses for the husband - not the best way out. Do not sculpt in the mind of a man your own image of an undeservedly buried genius, comforting and justifying it. He really can really believe it.
    6. Do not become like an overplayed record. Do not talk about this problem from morning till night. Distract from her for walks, joint activities of some interesting business. It is not necessary to live with this problem, it is enough to solve it.
    7. No comparison! Do not put your acquaintances as an example. Do not need to tell him what a successful husband your girlfriend, or how other men could make a career or earn a lot of money. This greatly undermines the male faith in their own strength.
    8. Analyze the situation. Arrange evening tea drinking with something delicious, baked with your own hands. Over a cup of tea you can discuss all the problems and find ways to solve them together. Avoid talking negative affirmative forms like "We will all lose. .. We will lose our roofs. .. We will not have anything to eat. .." and so on. Anxiety is an unreasonable fear when people do not know what they are afraid of. It is much easier to cope with a specific fear than to be afraid of what is unknown. Do not sow the alarm in your minds!
    9. Ask for help from friends and family. A friend is known in trouble. You will have the opportunity to check this saying in reality and find out who you are a true friend, and who - so it was just close.

    How to help her husband become successful every woman decides for herself. But in the end she completely changes her behavior. Her home clothes are no longer an old greasy dressing gown. At home, she is always in a good mood. The most important person in her life is her husband. She never speaks of her husband badly, and if she hears something unflattering in his address - she is ready to scratch out her eyes that told the bad about her husband.

    Seeing this attitude to yourself, a man, if he, of course, is not a complete idiot, in turn, is trying to do something for his family - to earn more money, equip his life, tighten his tummy, and raise children.

    The word "crisis" has two meanings. The first is danger, the second is the chance. What value you assign to a complex situation in the family - depends only on you. If you are thinking how to make your husband successful, your choice has already been made. Sooner or later, all your efforts will give results and then success, career and positive attitude to your husband, and therefore you - is assured!

    Positive attitude in everything