
How to take activated charcoal for weight loss - reception features

  • How to take activated charcoal for weight loss - reception features

    A woman who is trying to lose weight, uses all possible ways: diet, fitness and various harmless substances, the main purpose of which is to reduce the volume and kilograms. In the 80's and 90's, even such strange products as sea sand and mineral oil( oil product), with the help of which some achieved real results, were in demand. In the same group can also include activated charcoal, the benefits and harms of which will further talk.

    In advertising, this substance usually does not look like a miracle cure that relieves excess volumes, but a chemist's drug, the main action of which is aimed at removing toxins from the body, which leads to a decrease in weight. And yet, how to take activated charcoal for weight loss?

    How to use

    How much to take depends on the weight and age of

    First you need to figure out how to drink these pills, which are sold in each pharmacy. The instructions say nothing about the fact that activated charcoal helps to lose weight. The main purpose of this drug is elimination of toxins, which is especially necessary in case of poisoning or intestinal infection. By the way, activated charcoal can be safely called the most affordable remedy for flatulence. That is why it is recommended before such a medical examination, as an x-ray or ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs. Coal is good at diarrhea, as it is able to bind water molecules.

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    A person who is interested in the ability of activated carbon to reduce the amount of extra pounds, knows not only all the positive properties of these pills, but also that its composition is purely natural, and therefore safe.

    Please note! Activated charcoal intake does not really have any age limits, just need to know the recommended dosage for a particular disease.

    To get rid of flatulence, for example, you can drink only 1-2 tablets, the same number of tablets should be given to a child suffering from diarrhea.

    And if an adult decided to drink activated charcoal trying to remove harmful substances from the body after a stormy party, then the concentration should be 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight. The same dosage should be used for weight loss. By the way, the opinion of many doctors agreed that the maximum effect is achieved if you use crushed tablets and drink them with plenty of liquid.

    Diets with activated charcoal

    Diets with activated carbon

    The following methods and modern diets will help to lose excess weight without harming your health.

    So, several well-known diets:

    1. The use of activated charcoal for 2-4 weeks 3 times a day( before taking it) at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight. Tablets should be washed down with plenty of water.
    2. Alternatively, you can use this option: if losing weight adheres to five meals, then 2 tablets before meals, and if three meals a day, before breakfast and lunch and 4 before dinner.
    Please note! If you decide to resort to this method of losing weight for the first time, it is better to start with a minimum amount: 1 tablet before each meal, and then gradually bring to the required level.

    How the method works

    Promotes weight loss

    Any method of weight loss, based on activated charcoal, is aimed at restoring the proper functioning of the intestine. According to nutritionists, "carbon" techniques have the following advantages:

    • cleansing of the intestine from various kinds of harmful elements, such as slags and toxins;
    • prevention of gas formation;
    • rapid weight loss.

    But we can not say about the corrections introduced by the anatomy: no intestinal loop can not be inflated to this size, hence, gas formation can not be the sole cause of the large abdomen. Usually this is also associated with improper and unbearable feeding, but not with gases.

    Almost every person who has ever taken this drug, says that weight loss is indeed observed, but only if you reduce the portion size and increase the calorie consumption in parallel.

    In addition, there are a number of diseases in which the presence of activated charcoal for weight loss is contraindicated:

    • intestinal diseases;
    • gastritis or peptic ulcer;
    • disorders in eating behavior.

    Also, do not use this medication if there is oral contraception or taking any medication.

    Please note! Activated charcoal sorbs any substances - both harmful and useful - that means, this way of losing weight is not suitable for everyone and should be supervised by a specialist.

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