
How to take chewing gum for weight loss - Diet Gum promotional move or panacea

  • How to take chewing gum for weight loss - Diet Gum promotional move or panacea

    To become slim, to get rid of extra pounds and not to exhaust yourself with diets and sports is the dream of every woman. As advertisers say, a new product, developed by dietitians - a chewing gum for weight loss - will help get rid of excess weight and get slender forms. Gum Diet Gum combines ingredients that promote fat burning, accelerate metabolism and suppress appetite. Gum for weight loss - a great alternative to hunger strikes, diets and debilitating activities in the gym. How to take chewing gum to achieve the desired effect?

    Rules for taking

    1. Take chewing gum at least three times a day before the main meal.
    2. It is desirable to regulate the diet regime and remove from the diet sweet, fatty and floury.
    3. It is not recommended to chew gum on an empty stomach, preferably before eating, eat a little oatmeal or fruit salad.
    4. Before the main meal, chew the chewing gum for fifteen minutes, and then proceed with the meal.
    5. Thanks to the special components of the drug, the desire to eat a huge amount of food disappears, the feeling of hunger is dulled, and satiety occurs even from a small portion of foods.
      instagram viewer
    6. How to chew gum to dull the feeling of hunger? Chewing gum can be consumed not only before lunch or dinner. Diet Gum can be chewed instead of snacks, to reduce the temptation to eat something tasty or sweet.

    Duration of reception of chewing gum

    Duration of admission

    The preparation is accepted by the courses, the duration of which depends on the desired result and the effect achieved. On average, the chewing gum is taken for two to four weeks. In the first two weeks of the course, the amount of chewing gum is three tablets a day, in subsequent weeks( the third and fourth) the drug is taken no more often than twice a day.


    If necessary, the course can be repeated after a short break, which should be three to five weeks, and subject to normal health and no side effects.



    The composition of the drug for weight loss Diet Gum includes:

    1. Goji berries:
      • activate the metabolic processes of digestion;
      • contains vitamins and antioxidants;
      • reduces the elevated cholesterol level.
    2. Green coffee:
      • stimulates the processes of losing weight and burns fats;
      • activates physical activity.
    3. Acai berries:
      • strengthen the body's immune system;
      • reduce hunger and purify the body of toxins.
    4. Berries of Cambodian garcinia:
      • reduce appetite;
      • decreases metabolism.
    5. African mango:
      • contains vitamin C;
      • strengthens the immune system;
      • burns carbohydrates.

    The effect of taking

    The effectiveness of the chewing gum

    With regular use of chewing gum you can observe the following effect:

    • decrease in appetite;
    • fast and safe weight loss( advertising promises to get rid of up to 14-16 kg per month, but remember that this is still advertising);
    • improves metabolism and increases immunity;
    • fatty layer is burned, but the skin does not sag and does not form cellulite;
    • after the end of the course, the lost kilograms do not return, there is a persistent effect for a long time.

    Contraindications and side effects of

    Contraindications are possible.

    Do not be mistaken about chewing gum for weight loss and think that harm will not cause the components of the drug. When splitting with saliva, the components of the drug are rapidly absorbed into the blood. Therefore, like any other drug for weight loss, chewing gum Diet Gum is forbidden to use:

    • to people with increased blood pressure;
    • nursing mothers and pregnant women;
    • with a tendency to allergic reactions;
    • for diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • for liver and kidney diseases.
    Please note! It is absolutely not allowed to simultaneously use chewing gum with psychotropic drugs and antidepressants.

    As for side effects, they are possible in case of an overdose of the drug and have such characteristic features:

    • headache, vomiting and nausea;
    • various rashes on the body, sneezing, runny nose( allergic reactions);
    • insomnia and nervous overexcitation;
    • loss of strength and drowsiness;
    • disorder of stool normalization, abdominal pain;
    • increased pressure and heart palpitations.
    Please note! If any of these symptoms occur, stop taking the medication and consult a doctor immediately. A qualified physician will conduct a survey and clarify the diagnosis.


    Take cud for slimming or not - it's up to you. And before making a decision, take a look at this video:

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