
Hair masks from colorless henna - how to use colorless henna for hair restoration

  • Hair masks from colorless henna - how to use colorless henna for hair restoration

    The secret of the beauty of oriental girls lies in the use of natural cosmetics. So, to achieve a thick hair, residents of eastern countries use colorless henna. Its effectiveness and influence on the improvement of the condition of the hair were proved in the last century.

    Colorless Henna

    This product is in no way inferior to its famous colleague - the usual henna.

    Please note! Its main feature is the lack of hair dyeing effect.

    Colorless henna is used as a remedy, not a natural dye. However, the content of useful substances in it does not decrease in the least.


    This cosmetic product is obtained artificially from the plant of lavsonia. It grows mainly in the eastern countries. Useful substances that are part of the harmony, strengthen the roots of the hair, promote growth and improve their condition.

    To ensure that the finished product does not give a color effect, it is not made from leaves, but from the stems of lavson. They do not contain a color pigment, so when using colorless henna hair will not be painted in red.

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    To produce the powder, the collected plant stems are thoroughly washed, dried, and then ground to a powdery state. In the process of manufacturing colorless henna, no additional chemicals are used. Therefore, the resulting powder is an entirely natural product.

    The healing properties of

    The healing properties of henna

    Colorless hair henna is known for its beneficial effect on the condition of the hairline. This is achieved, thanks to the useful properties of the substances that make up the powder:

    • fisalen( a natural component that helps cope with the appearance of dandruff);
    • chrysophanol( anti-inflammatory component, heals hair from fungal diseases and has antimicrobial properties);
    • routine( helps to strengthen the basal bulbs of the scalp);
    • emodin( a source of natural shine of hair);
    • ceaxanthin( it is a natural remedy for the prevention of hair loss);
    • aloe-emodin( enhances and speeds up the process of hair growth);
    • betaine( promotes natural hydration);
    • carotene( has restorative properties).

    Such a variety of nutrients explains the therapeutic effect when using powder.

    Please note! Its regular application contributes not only to the treatment and strengthening of damaged hair, but causes their growth.

    Application of colorless henna

    Application of henna

    It is recommended to use various masks for treatment and strengthening of hair. Also, the strengthening effect has a powder infusion used for rinsing hair.

    Due to its curative properties, colorless henna can be used as a strengthening and healing agent for the skin of hands and face. Here, henna powder is used in the form of various masks.

    Colorless henna is also useful for manicure. It can strengthen the nail plate and stimulate its growth.

    The most effective colorless henna in the composition of cosmetic masks.

    Masks for strengthening hair

    Mask of colorless henna

    A hair mask made from colorless Henna can restore hair, give them a healthy appearance and natural shine.

    Please note! This is the easiest way to treat hair.

    Only a mixture obtained from water and henna powder is used here.

    • To prepare a hair mask from colorless henna, 100 g of powder should be used. It should be diluted in 1 cup of boiling water.
    • The resulting mixture should be mixed until a homogeneous pulp is obtained. The green color of the finished mixture should not be intimidated. When applied to the hair, the mask will not affect the hair color, becausein the composition of the powder there are no coloring pigments.
    • The resulting mixture must be gently applied to the hair and rubbed into the roots. To ensure that the beneficial substances have the maximum effect, the hair should be carefully massaged for a while.
    • After that they can be combed, covered with a kerchief and leave the mask on the head for 1 hour.
    • After a while, the hair is thoroughly rinsed. It is recommended to rinse them several times.fine powder particles can get stuck in the hair.

    This mask can be used several times a month.

    Treatment of hair loss

    Honey and camomile for masks with henna

    The powder of colorless henna is one of the best natural remedies against hair loss. To do this, you need to prepare a healing mask from its powder.

    The main ingredients of the mask:

    • henna( 4 table spoons);
    • burdock oil( 2 table spoons);
    • chamomile broth( 100 ml);
    • powder of green clay( 2 tablespoons);
    • melted honey( 50 g)

    All components of the mask must be mixed until a thick, uniform consistency is obtained. It should be applied to the roots of hair and gently rubbed. The mask should be kept on the hair for 45-60 minutes.

    It is recommended to wash off the mixture with shampoo and wash the hair several times with water.

    Treatment of split ends

    Cinnamon for masks with henna

    Many girls are worried about not only strengthening the hair with henna, but also eliminating the problem of split ends with it. To do this, it is recommended that every time you wash your hair, apply a powder from henna powder or a specially prepared mask.

    Composition of the mask for split ends:

    • powder of colorless henna( 3 table spoons);
    • cinnamon powder( 10 g);
    • juice of 1 lemon.
    Olive oil for masks

    All ingredients of the mask are thoroughly mixed and olive or coconut oil is added( 2 tablespoons).If the mask is excessively thick and poorly applied, it can be diluted with water.

    The finished mixture is applied to the ends of the hair and carefully rubbed. The mask should be left for complete soaking for 1 hour.

    After that, the hair is thoroughly washed with running water using shampoo.

    Already after the first use of a hair mask based on a colorless Henna powder, a significant improvement in the condition of the hair can be noted.