  • Nettle for hair

    Read the article:
    • The use of nettle for strengthening and against hair loss
    • Therapeutic means for hair with nettles: recipes, rules for use
    • Reviews and useful tips about the use of nettle for hair

    Nettle for hair restores damaged strands and returns to them shine and beauty

    Currently, more and more women are choosing herbal remedies for hair care, among them nettles take the leading place.

    Its useful properties for the growth and strengthening of the curls were especially popular with our grandmothers, but modern ladies are delighted with them, and continue to successfully use the plant to achieve the same goals.

    Benefits of nettles for strengthening and against hair loss ^

    Useful properties of nettle for hair are caused by a number of medicinal substances that are vital for healthy strands:

    • It contains a large amount of vitamin C and a series of vitamin groups such as B, E, A and K( stimulantblood circulation), as well as the strongest antioxidant - carotene. These components nourish and saturate locks, slow the aging process( A and E), have anti-inflammatory qualities( vitamin C).
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    • Important microelements, such as copper, magnesium, silicon and many others, restore damaged strands, preserve their beauty and youth.
    • And such useful elements as tannin, choline, histamine, glycosides, formic acid, have tonic and antimicrobial qualities that help to cure various diseases of the skin of the head.
    • Natural nettle chlorophyll significantly increases the growth of curls.

    The use of nettle for hair has found itself for cosmetic and therapeutic purposes. For example, with the elimination of dermal itching of the head, dandruff, dry seborrhea. Effectively cures such ailments in a variety of herbal compositions.

    The most common recipe includes clover, horsetail, burdock root and nettle in a 2: 1: 1: 1 ratio. The collection is filled with water and brought to a boil, after which it is infused for an hour. It is applied twice a day.

    For repairing damaged strands, increasing growth and strengthening the hair follicles, rinsing hair with nettle is good. She will easily turn traumatized locks into thick and elegant head of hear.

    Despite a huge number of valuable properties, when taking nettle inside, it is always necessary to consult a doctor. With caution apply it for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hypertension, pregnancy, as containing active ingredients in the liking can cause bleeding and increased coagulability of the blood.

    Curative products for hair with nettles: recipes, rules of use ^

    With the help of nettles it is not a problem to find beautiful curls, it is enough to apply various caring products on its basis regularly. It can be various infusions, decoctions, masks, the recipes of which are given below.

    Broth of nettle for hair

    • Broth for the hair, which will successfully replace the balm rinse, is prepared from the leaves of dioecious nettle, hop cones and burdock root.
    • All ingredients are taken in equal proportions.
    • Herbs are poured in water and the mixture is brought to a boil. Defends about an hour.
    • Apply to damp, clean hair and do not rinse off.

    Infusion of nettle with strengthening effect

    • 50 grams of dry grass mixed with an equal number of mother-and-stepmother, brew the ingredients with a glass of boiling water and allow to brew for a couple of hours.
    • Then filter the infusion and squeeze out the liquid from the herbs.
    • Rub into the roots of dry hair once every three days.

    Nettle hair oil at home

    • 100 grams of dry nettle nettle is filled with olive oil( 300 grams).
    • Oily tincture should be kept in a dark place until two and a half weeks.
    • Store in a cool place.

    Extract of nettle for hair

    • Fresh plant leaves( 75 grams or 3 tablespoons), finely grind until a mushy condition is obtained.
    • Squeeze the juice, or in a different way, the extract, and rub it into the roots.
    • The component is kept on the head for an hour, at this time it is necessary to put on a hat and wrap the hair with cellophane.
    • Rinse without the use of shampoo.
    • Store in the refrigerator for up to three days.

    Nettle mask for hair growth

    • Dry leaves mixed with a burdock root in a 1: 1 ratio are poured with water at a rate of two tablespoons of the mixture per glass.
    • Healing is boiled for 10 minutes, then stands for about an hour.
    • Apply to clean damp hair and do not rinse.

    Mask with nettles from hair loss

    • 300-350 grams of finely chopped fresh herb leaves are mixed with 50 grams of yeast, liquid honey( 75 grams), olive oil( 75 grams).
    • Ingredients are mixed, distributed over the hair and washed off the scalp after twenty minutes.
    We also recommend that you read the article Colorless Henna for Hair.

    Reviews and useful tips about the use of nettle hair ^

    Reviews about the use of nettle for hair growth reached five points out of five possible. Good hair growth was noted with regular application of nettle decoction instead of rinse aid for 2-3 months, the result was noticeable after 30 days of application.

    Strands during this time have significantly strengthened, became thicker, a natural natural shine appeared, early gray hair left. In some opponents, hairs have grown to five centimeters per month for purposeful and complex use - the decoction of nettles here was combined with mustard, onion, pepper masks and various scrubs.

    Praise for the mask with nettles to strengthen and from hair loss confirm that such a means give a huge amount of nutrients to damaged hairs:

    • Locks strengthen, slow down and completely stop falling out.
    • Vitamins saturate strands of life, hair loss, fragility.
    • Hair after rinsing nettle less often get dirty, many began to wash the head once or twice in seven days, the work of the sebaceous ducts was regulated.
    • There was elasticity, dandruff, itching went away.

    It should be noted that blondes should be more careful when using medicinal plants, since there is a danger of getting a marsh greenish shade. In this case, it is recommended to replace the caregivers with nettle oil.

    Also with the use of nettle for hair, the following tips will be relevant:

    • Travosboro itself is best done in May;
    • The use of grass inside, taking into account possible contraindications, will reproach the process of growth and strengthening of the head of hear;
    • Combination of nettle with chamomile makes curls lighter, and with ground coffee - darker;
    • The mixture is thicker and more useful if it is not boiled with boiling water, but simply with hot boiled water;
    • A nettle broth added to a hair care product will only enhance its effectiveness;
    • A good result will give only a long and regular application of nettle decoction.

    To transform any hair with the help of nettle-based products is quite simple, especially if you use them regularly. Only in this case is a healthy spectacular hairstyle provided.