  • Causes and prevention of hair loss

    Read the article:
    • Reasons for hair loss
    • Prevention of hair loss

    Frequent causes of hair loss - stresses, diets, endocrine disorders

    The causes of severe hair loss are of interest to scientists, doctors and beauticians all over the world, because the problem of saving their health and beauty in the face of deterioratingecology, irrational nutrition and ubiquitous stress is very important.

    Beautiful and healthy hair is an ornament and a pride of any person, although originally they were invented by nature not for beauty, but to protect them, for example, primitive people they protected from unfavorable weather conditions.

    Each person has a different number of hairs on the head, which is genetically determined and depends on the color.

    Scientists estimated that their average number in brunettes is about 100 000, for blondes they are usually thin and their number reaches 140 000, for red-headed people they are the least, about 80 000, but they are the thickest.

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    Causes of hair loss ^

    Hair on the head live long, on average about 3-4 years, sometimes up to 10 years and for each day grow by about 0.3-0.4 mm. And, it is noticed that they grow better in summer and in spring than in winter and in autumn.

    Due to the fact that each hair has a finite life, a small number of them constantly falls out, then later new hairs grow out of the same hair follicles that have been resting for several months after the fall of the previous ones.

    • With a normal update process, about 50-100 hairs are usually dropped per day.
    • If the hairs begin to fall out more intensively, more and more of them remain on the comb and cushion, then it's time to think about the reasons for this process.
    • To understand how profuse the loss is, take a strand consisting of about 15 hairs and pull strongly at the root. If there are more than three hairs left in the hand, it's time to take action.

    The causes of severe hair loss, called alopecia, are a great many and almost all of them originate after some serious disorders in the body, which include, in particular:

    • stresses,
    • psychological trauma,
    • psychoemotional stress,
    • endocrine disruptions,
    • largeblood loss,
    • radiation.

    In such cases, simple cosmetological scalp care is not enough.

    The main causes of severe hair loss are three:

    • symptomatic ( as a symptom of any disease);
    • androgenic( common male pattern baldness, most often due to genetic factors);
    • focal( nesting baldness).

    Symptomatic hair loss( symptomatic alopecia)

    The most common cause of hair loss is the symptomatic , that is, a symptom of some diseases and pathologies.

    With this form of alopecia, loss is intense, but uniform throughout the head, which is associated with a violation of the hair development cycle. Moreover, the fallout does not begin immediately, but approximately 2-3 months after the traumatic factor, when a person already has time to forget about an event that has so detrimental to the health of his curls.

    The most common causes of symptomatic alopecia are:

    • effects of severe illnesses,
    • inadequate or unbalanced nutrition,
    • stress,
    • iron deficiency and other critical trace elements in the body,
    • birth of a child,
    • chemotherapy.

    Symptomatic alopecia is completely reversible - after disappearance of the underlying cause, mass loss in most cases stops.

    Alopecia areata

    If your hairs fall out not evenly but in separate areas, and sometimes eyebrows and eyelashes also drop out, then there is focal ( nested) alopecia.

    Sometimes, separate foci of alopecia merge and the entire scalp becomes affected, that is, alopecia is total.

    To focal alopecia most often lead:

    • stresses,
    • various injuries,
    • infectious diseases,
    • is also possible genetic predisposition.
    Read also How to take care of oily hair.

    Prevention of hair loss ^

    The main methods of preventing hair loss doctors are the following:

    • Use of care products( shampoos, masks, balms and rinse) only suitable for your type.
    • Very useful masks made from natural products available in every refrigerator - honey, eggs, mustard, kefir and vegetable oil.
    • Do also head massage, it will improve blood circulation and root nutrition.
    • Pay special attention to sufficient water intake, which is a very important factor for the health of the hair.
    • Revise your diet to a healthy diet. Eat only quality and healthy foods, watch for the mandatory presence in your diet of protein as the main building material, as well as trace elements and vitamins.
    • Exclude fastfoods, convenience foods, carbonated beverages and other harmful products.
    • Eat more cereals, dairy products, vegetables and fruits.
    • The queen of beauty for hair and face has long been considered unloved by many since childhood porridge porridge, which is a storehouse of vitamins, microelements and amino acids. It has a lot of potassium, calcium, iron, copper, zinc and manganese, improving the general condition and stopping alopecia - make a pearl barley with your favorite dish.
    • Very different hair diets, which are almost always unbalanced and deprive a person of some necessary substances. And, as already mentioned above, the effects of the diet will only affect after three months, when its results have long been forgotten or generally insignificant, and weakened hairs need to be intensively treated and nourished by all those that they were deprived of.
    • Hair loss is also affected by external factors such as sun, wind, sand, high and low temperatures, from the adverse effects of which should be guarded as much as possible.
    • Especially detrimental to the operation of hairdryers, curling irons, various metal combs and hair clips, and tight braids. If you can not refuse the use of a hair dryer, then make the jet as low as possible.

    In case if good nutrition, masks and vitamins do not help stop the process of falling out, it is necessary to consult a doctor - trichologist, who is dealing with problems with the hair.

    In addition to balanced nutrition, to stop alopecia and prevent it, doctors recommend general principles of strengthening the body and a healthy lifestyle, which will have a beneficial effect on the hair condition:

    • quit smoking,
    • drink enough pure water,
    • not take antibiotics without emergency,
    • do simple exercises,
    • walk every day before going to bed,
    • sleep well,
    • as much as possible to protect yourself from stress.

    We also recommend to watch a video from the popular TV program "Live Healthily" about useful products for beauty, health and strengthening of hair: