  • Lose weight correctly

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    Diets attract us at the subconscious level. In today's society, the commonly accepted standard of beauty is actively planted, measured in kilograms and centimeters. Almost none of those who lose weight can imagine how much they want to look in detail after the difficult weight loss mission, but everyone knows how many extra pounds he wants to lose. The compilers of diets know this and gladly inform us about how much excess weight will go away after the diet.
    In addition, a diet is a very specific diet for an insignificant amount of time, and a "healthy diet" for many is often analogous to some terrifying meal plan, consisting of half green vegetables, half-fat skimmed yogurt. To develop a truly correct diet for weight loss, you need to learn a lot of material. Far from everyone finds the strength and time.
    The diet saves a person from the problem of choice - everything is thought out for him. The brain of the slimming and its exhausted organism perceive the diet as a temporary measure. Therefore, "dieticians" with experience in the end get better. Short-term measures have a significant drawback. After their completion, on a subconscious level, there is a desire to regain their former state in order to "reward themselves" for self-denial and suffering during a diet.

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    It is very important to remember that our food serves not only to meet the needs of the body in nutrients and energy. It has a number of so-called supervalued properties. Food protects from anxiety, helps to calm down, "cures" depression, saves us from boredom and loneliness. For many, sharing a meal is an important factor in communication. By the way a woman cooks well, many judge how good she is mistress.
    But the consumption of food in excess of energy needs immediately raises the problem of extra pounds, and attempts to limit food and lose weight immediately actualize the problems from which a person with this food is protected. And a vicious circle is developing.
    As life is now troubled by everyone, there are periods of unrest in everyone's life, it can happen that the weight loss regime, which was very comfortably carried over by us in a calm state, becomes unbearable at everyday troubles. The final is known - a painful struggle with oneself, a sharp decline in the quality of life and a breakdown.
    And what should I do?
    First, you should calm down. Increased appetite at or after anxious situations is quite normal.
    Secondly, do not despair, believing that now we will never get rid of extra pounds. There are quite a few techniques to increase the controllability of food or reduce its fatigenicity.

    Admission of the first "Dietetic"
    Rule: You can not lose weight all the time, even if you really want it.
    Our body can be likened to a sailboat, which floats then at a fair wind, then it is forced to fight with the counter. And if we are calm, balanced, the mood is good and active, it will be easy for us to lose weight. But if we are in agitation? If family or production problems? And most importantly, does all this increase appetite? And any attempt to somehow limit the food causes irritation and makes the state unbearable? Then we lower the sails and drop anchor. In our case, this is a transition to non-fatogenic nutrition. We try to eat more lean protein dishes - meat, fish, cottage cheese. More starchy foods - cereals and products made from them, pasta, potatoes. Fat is smaller, especially the animal. It would be nice and limited to sugar. We eat more often. Also relevant are rules such as slower meals and small snacks before basic meals. Lose weight is, perhaps, and will not allow, but a comforting effect will give, and there will be no weight gain.
    Admission of the second "Behavioral"
    Food certainly calms. We have every reason to consider food a household antidepressant. By the way, it's far from the most harmful. For example, alcohol and nicotine are much more harmful. And if you understand, the use of chemical antidepressant and sedative drugs is also unsafe. But in addition to eating, the ability to soothe has such household effects as a walk in the fresh air, a nice bath or shower. And also reading, good music, interesting films, etc.
    Reception of the third "Medical and Physical"
    Anti-depressant is also physical training of medium intensity. Optimal walking at a rate of interest is 10 to 15 faster than usual. Within half an hour-hour. Of the sensations only pleasant - a feeling of warmth, an increase in general tone and mood. No shortness of breath and palpitations. Pulse is not more often than 110 strokes, and breathing is not more than 20 breaths per minute. Such activities are harmonizing for all our metabolism and for the whole organism. They start the process of fat splitting and therefore reduce appetite. They are optimal for weight loss.
    Receiving the fourth "Somnologichesky"
    Very often the cause of anxiety, unstable mood, psychological breakdowns is insufficient sleep. In this case, the only thing that can help us is the normalization of sleep. And you need to worry about how to do it better. But even if the
    is not directly related to sleep deprivation, the improvement of sleep will still go to us and our mood for good. Especially as it has been established, lack of sleep has a direct bearing on the increase in weight, and a good full-fledged sleep - to reduce it.
    Admission of the fifth "Pharmaceutical"
    Try without extreme need not to resort to the help of sedatives, hypnotics and antidepressant drugs. It is not safe. However, soft soothing herbal preparations - motherwort, hawthorn, valerian root extract, melissa, oregano. Some of them can be used and as infusions for baths.
    To solve a psychological problem, it is possible to successfully apply methods that are not directly related to psychology. And one should not neglect it. A lot of life's turmoil comes from the fact that we can not take good care of ourselves, our beloved. The mood is sometimes bad or good. Every time you do not go to a psychologist. And very often poor food and low mobility serve as a backdrop for a bad mood. And vice versa, adequate nutrition and an active motor regime can translate the mood from dull into active and upbeat.
    Reception of the sixth "Psychological"
    To implement this method, you need the help of a specialist psychologist. But there are some psycho-correcting formulas:
    1. We live in a human society and can not live outside of society. All that we need for life, we, one way or another, get from other people. Hence it is vital to be able to get along with other people. Learn this.
    2. Very many psychological problems of man are generated by the rejection of certain aspects of the surrounding reality. Remember, the reality that surrounds you can not change, no matter how much you like. But you can change your attitude towards it. And there will be peace.
    3. A lot of worries and anxieties in a person arise because of deceived expectations. Remember, no one was born into this world with the sole purpose: to justify your expectations.
    4. Each person has only one life. You do not have the right to demand from other people some special sacrifices, because you can not give them one more life, no matter how hard you try.
    5. If you believe that your children owe you something, remember none of them asked you to produce it.
    6. It's the same if someone is putting rights to your life. You did not ask him to bring you into the world, and he has no spare life for you.
    7. You are suffering because of the loss of a loved one. But if your loved one somehow could see you now, probably, it would be more pleasant for him to see you happy!
    8. A feeling of guilt is very painful and destructive for a person. Much more promising sense of responsibility for error. The error can be identified and analyzed. Even if you fail to correct your mistake, you gain experience that will allow you to avoid similar situations in the future.
    9. There are only two positive emotions: interest and joy. Even if there is nothing to be happy about, be interested. Be interested in people around you, their circumstances, nature, events. Study life, study people, study yourself. Extremely useful and fascinating occupation. By the way, satisfied interest is a guaranteed emotion of joy!
    10. Very often, striving for happiness, we buy apartments, cars, villas and the like. It seems to us that together with the next acquisition we will be happy. However, instead of him we get disappointed expectations, new problems and a feeling of envy for neighbors who have more or are getting it cheaper. The path to happiness is much more promising through reaching the world with yourself and with the people around you.
    A serious mistake is the neglect of physical exertion. Extra time to walk on foot to work is laziness, not to mention regular fitness classes. Women's nature is such that it is easier for ladies to completely give up food, rather than begin to train seriously.
    So why do women choose their diet? And because the diet, along with fitness, is much more difficult to transfer. The reason is banal - most diets are made up for a sedentary lifestyle of an office employee. At the same time, most of the activities at the fitness club are very active. If you imagine that your diet is designed for 1,200 calories( so much is a standard diet), and on an hourly training you will spend about 400 kcal( about 30 percent of the daily ration), of course, you will begin to experience a great desire to eat, almost notcontrolled by the mind.
    Familiar and the media have taught us to think that after training you can not eat at least two hours - otherwise you will not lose weight. What do we have then? The body, like a starving wolf, pounces on food, and you can not eat a portion of your dietary food. Therefore, sooner or later, but all such athletes awaits a dietary breakdown.
    Many visitors to fitness clubs refuse to train, usually because of a feeling of hunger, which is almost impossible to control, working in a strengthened mode. At the same time, the diet due to a reduction in the volume of food gives a quick and visible result for everyone. Therefore, following a diet is easier than psychologically, than constant struggle against hunger after intensive training.
    In addition, it is easier to follow a diet from the point of view of a habitual way of life. It almost does not require additional time, saves your money and allows you to lead a familiar and established way of life. At the same time, the "diet without sport" as a long-term strategy does not work at all. Lose weight, which constantly limit calories in food, begin to lose muscle tissue and, as a result, spend less calories. Because of this, the diet sooner or later gets into a dead end.
    If you combine fitness with rational nutrition, then, naturally, you will not lose weight so quickly. Forces, time and knowledge you attach much more. But, as practice shows, you will not have to sit on diets and suffer from hunger. Statistics show that among those who have lost weight, there are more people who lose weight with training and proper nutrition. Therefore, do not spare eight months for a complete change in life, so that you can never sit on low-calorie diets.
    In the modern world diet for weight loss - it is either strictly prescribed by the amount of food and time of its use, rations, or some subordinate to the general principles of the system. Although there are diets that can be called hunger strikes. In any case, the diet prescribes to refuse certain products or limit their consumption.
    Food, alas, owns our brains, sometimes we just think about what to eat. And imagine how much resources will be released if you stop thinking about food. After all, in fact it is just a source of energy for life. In most cases, the cause of excess weight is in our head and in the shower, and not in the absence of some kind of secret ingredient for another fashionable diet.
    Perhaps almost all of us live with the idea that beauty, health, success - is primarily a slim figure. On this, among other things, enterprising people make huge money - the annual turnover of the food industry and diets in our country alone amounts to more than a trillion US dollars. It has become profitable for food to be an addiction, like alcohol or cigarettes. Advertising is not the most useful products promises us the unearthly pleasures of a piece of chocolate or a bag of chips.
    All girls who read glossy magazines and have ever looked at a romantic comedy believe that the best remedy for depression is chocolate. And even more effective - a bucket of vanilla ice cream. Female "picheism", as, indeed, and shopologolizm, quite encouraged the analogue of male alcoholism. We habitually "zaedaem" stress at work, family quarrels, failures in love. Well, what happens to one tiny chocolates? But if you count how much stress, how many chocolate?
    Advertising forms stable associative models for us: chocolate is associated with happiness and pleasure, chips and beer - with a cheerful youth company, and a bundle of pelmeni and instant soup - with an established strong family life. All in order for you to "swim" at first in the waist, and then immediately began sweeping out the dietary products from the shelves of the supermarket.
    But here we are most often expected to catch. Buying the words "dietary", "low-calorie", "fat-free", we do not give ourselves the trouble to read on the label not that the composition of the product, but even the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Compare the number of calories in an ordinary cake and the so-called "light".The difference will be a maximum of 70 - 100 calories. And the content of fats and carbohydrates will differ by 2 - 3 points. Eating a 100-gram slice of ordinary cake you get from 28 to 32 grams of fat, and "dietary" - 24-26. This is practically the daily rate of fat consumption for a person who wants to lose weight."Do not be fooled" by the manufacturer's statements about the "ease" of products, read the composition, and the war with kilograms will go much more successfully.
    According to statistics, a woman sits on a diet 33 times in her entire life. Someone grows thin and just forgets about it, because the weight keeps. And the majority is in dietary captivity, often ineffective.
    If you really want to lose those extra pounds, if you do it for yourself, not for the sake of society and other conventions, then it is enough to observe several rules.

    You can conquer appetite just like a horror story from children's dreams - just take it and stop being afraid of it!
    According to many slimming, appetite is the main problem, the main obstacle preventing a person from losing weight! After all, as often happens, there is a mood, and a desire, and awareness of the need to finally take up. And at first everything seems to be all right. But, the evening comes, the husband brings a cake, friends are invited to visit, and all our good wishes are wasted.
    The fight against appetite is dedicated to a great variety of tools and methods. But they all give only a temporary effect, or do not give it at all. And first of all because the overwhelming number of complete people appetite is perfectly normal, no matter how it may seem the opposite. About the pathological increase it can speak no more often than in one case for 10,000 people.
    The most important thing that one should understand: appetite always corresponds to the situation. In some situations it is elevated, in others it is naturally reduced. Everything depends on the direction of our metabolism. If the exchange is focused on extracting energy from the reserves, naturally, the need for food will decrease. If our metabolism is currently aimed at accumulating energy, the appetite will increase. And that's all.
    Most people have an appetite higher in the evening hours than in the morning, in the autumn-winter time, than in the spring-summer. Appetite is raised against anxiety and depression, with low mobility, or vice versa, after excessive, too intense training.
    The conclusions are obvious, try to lose weight, remain in a good mood, exclude lack of sleep, build your diet so that in the evening hours, restrictions and prohibitions were as small as possible.
    In women, appetite often depends on the phase of the menstrual-ovarian cycle. In the second phase of the cycle( in the period two weeks before the monthly), the appetite may be higher than the first. If this is typical for you, then direct weight loss efforts to the first phase of the cycle, and in the second limit your weight maintenance.
    Appetite usually rises on the background of alcoholic intoxication. Alcohol increases the permeability of cell membranes to glucose, blood sugar levels drop sharply, and we feel hungry. Conclusion: if you set a goal to reduce weight or to avoid its growth, alcohol consumption should be moderate.
    Different nutrients coming from food have different destinies in the body. Fats preferentially replenish reserves, carbohydrates and proteins predominantly serve the current activities. Fat food is harder to eat, because fat is where to add - the capacity of fat stores is huge. But if the food is not rich in fats, but contains enough protein and carbohydrates, then the body can hardly replenish its fat reserves from it, but the feeling of hunger will quench. Conclusion, try to satisfy the appetite, mainly, of low-fat food. And the feeling of satiety will appear, and the excess fat will not accumulate!
    In the practice of correction of excess weight, the so-called dietary modifiers-nutritional mixtures consisting, predominantly, or exclusively, of carbohydrates and proteins, are increasingly included. More often, they are used to replace individual meals. In studies with nutrient mixtures, one very interesting property has been discovered. It turned out that if a portion of this product is taken for 10 to 15 minutes before a meal, then the subsequent meal becomes significantly less caloric. A person is faster saturated and better controls food.
    Appetite may increase in the presence of so-called food impulses - the type of food, its smells, talk about food, or situations where food is very likely. This is inevitable, we are so arranged. In this situation, the most important and most difficult is not to forbid your food and not to swear on your dependence on food and lack of will. It would be much more effective to satisfy hunger with low-fat food, then you will quickly become saturated with a small piece of "tempted" you fatty product.
    Appetite can also reduce the physical load built in a certain way. First, amid muscular activity, the level of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the blood rises. And these hormones stimulate the breakdown of fat. And secondly, the nerve impulses coming from the working muscles, increase the tone of the brain, reduce the depressive mood, and, therefore, reduce the need for food, as in a sedative.
    To achieve the desired effect, you need a medium intensity training, without shortness of breath, palpitations and other discomforts, leaving a pleasant sensation of warmth in the body, a feeling of cheerfulness and a good mood. Speaking figuratively, if a person is engaged in a tiring run, his appetite will be more likely raised. If he is engaged in health walking, we have every reason to expect a decrease in appetite.
    And another very important point. Many people noted a decrease in appetite and good food comfort even on unloading regimens, if they were very clearly aware of why they need to lose weight and moved to this goal. In this case, there is a so-called psychological movement, or personal growth. A person realizes that from the slave of habits he becomes the master of the situation. He realizes that he is changing for the better. He realizes that he has finally taken up the business for which he was born, namely, to learn to be happy. And that now any life problem to him on the shoulder. Interest in yourself, your feelings, the discovery of a new mass, including in gastronomy. For example, it turns out that food is much more pleasant and tastier eat slowly. And that feeling of easy malnutrition is much more pleasant than the state of overeating.

    Rule one.
    No need to eat when there is no feeling of hunger. It does not matter that it's lunch time and everyone sat down at the table. Also, when eating, feeling full, you need to stop immediately and stop absorbing food.
    Rule two.
    Our stomach is a muscular organ, and its size in normal condition does not exceed the size of a human fist, so it is highly undesirable to stretch it. In addition, the so-called "fist rule" is ideally correlated with the calorie content of the diet, but for this it is necessary to try to use normal food, rather than dwelling on only apples or kefir. For example, for breakfast you can eat oats with raisins. In this case, the necessary portion should be about 150 - 200 g. If you adhere to this "fist rule", then the feeling of hunger can easily be forgotten, but you must always observe a small condition - all consumed products should not necessarily be low-calorie. But high-calorie should also be in moderation.
    If you adhere to this diet, then the amount of meals should be about 4 to 5 times a day. If you are a supporter of three meals a day, you can eat 1.5 "fists".Most importantly, do not overeat. The time between meals should be an average of four hours, and before going to bed( for 3 hours), it is best to give up eating and drinking altogether. If you can not cope with the onset of hunger, you can eat a small piece of fish or a few spoons of cottage cheese, but in no case eat starvation with fruit or other carbohydrate food.
    Rule three.
    Sweets are a treat, not a meal, as are fatty meat or fish. All this is best eaten in the morning, and then limit yourself. Although, to be extremely accurate, then all the sweets that you eat in the morning, in fact, are a wild stimulant of appetite. Sugar in the blood rises, and a person begins to chase hunger a couple of hours after such a breakfast. If you have used a sandwich with fatty sausage or ate salted fish, then you will definitely want to drink, while you will drink quite a lot, and as a result - puffiness and other troubles. Therefore, all the goodies are still needed, but in everything, as they say, know the measure. Adhering to certain mandatory rules, you can easily avoid many problems, and even lose weight: the flour and sweet must be eaten only after protein food. For example, when you want chocolate, first eat 100 grams of cottage cheese, and then you can eat chocolate. And in any case, do not forget about the "rule of the kulak."
    Rule four.
    The rule of balanced nutrition. In fact, you can almost anything, avoiding chips, salted nuts, artificial smoked products, because all this is the most real poison.
    During each meal, the ration must necessarily consist of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The main meals are breakfast, lunch and dinner, and everything else - the most ordinary snacks, during which you can eat some fruit, i.e.saturate your body with carbohydrates. Do not exclude from the diet protein food - you run the risk of falling prey to yourself that there is no real zhora. But the portion of protein should be no more than 1/2 of a fist or 1/3 if you are not engaged in power loads. From fats, limit your intake of vegetable oil.

    Why does a man want to lose weight? It would seem that the answer is obvious. We grow thin because it's better to be slimmer than fat! Because slenderness, this is a higher condition of health, it's vigor, lightness, success. But if everything is so clear, then what are the problems? Take it and lose weight! But the practice shows that everyone is dreaming of being slim, but it turns out to be very few. And that's why.
    Let's imagine a mountain on which we have to climb. High mountain, steep slopes. One desire is not enough here. You need more skills, you need special equipment, ropes, insurance. And it would be nice to put together a team and go together to storm the peaks. If you go to the mountains without friends, insurance and skills, you will surely break. Already there are parallels with our weight loss. Mountain, this is the extra mass that we have to spend. Skills - knowledge of the problem, characteristics of the flow of metabolism, regularities of consumption and fat accumulation. In general, everything that we are talking about here. Desire, why should we certainly need to climb this mountain, why should we lose weight, this is the motive. And until now, the analysis of the problem boiled down to how to come up with such a true motive that inevitably prompted a person to get rid of excess kilograms. But the motive should not be strengthened. Each of us is perfectly informed what bonuses he is waiting for if he suddenly grow thin.
    It is necessary to do a number of other things, namely: to make a less high mountain, and its slopes are more flat. So that climbing it from a dangerous occupation, risky disruptions, turned into a pleasant walk. To get reminders, something that would unobtrusively remind you of your goal.
    The best thing is to set yourself a task for the next one to two months. Best if it's your birthday soon! All the advantages of a thin and built-up person, the best gift you can make to your beloved! And if the birthday has passed recently, and the next one is not soon? Yes, are there few holidays worthy of a gift? New Year, Eighth March or February 23, Grand opening of the beach season, the birthday of a loved one. Set intermediate goals. For example, after a month weighing less by four kilograms, losing weight per kilogram per week.
    And let somewhere in a prominent place you have a picture where you are slim and graceful and very much like you. Very cool will help the cause, if you find a magic phrase that will magically tune you to overcome difficulties and continue efforts.
    Weight loss is very healthy help the joy of small intermediate wins. If you managed to perform a weekly program, say, to lose weight on a kilogram, this will please you all next week. So, the muscle tone will be raised, and there is not so much wanted.
    Another positive emotion, this is an emotion of interest. It's very interesting to see how your appearance changes for the better week after week, it's very interesting to feel your condition when old fat deposits burn in the body. I wonder how taste sensations and eating habits change, it's interesting that light food, it turns out, can fully saturate us, and even in small quantities. It's interesting to keep track of how your views on life change, and how the attitude of others towards you is changing. Hence the rule: be interested in everything that happens to you, be interested in details. It is interest that makes our life full, happy and supports us in tonus.

    Many of us are trying to lose weight alone. But more and more people understand that it is better to do it together. It is not by chance that on the Internet on forums devoted to reducing excess weight, it is often possible to meet ads such as "I'm looking for a girlfriend for losing weight", or "I'm sitting in the Kremlin, who is with me?".In such a collective approach to weight loss, there are many advantages, much more than it seemed to us at first. And it is possible that in the future such an approach will become one of the most common, and maybe the only one. And it would be nice for us to understand the advantages of this method right now.
    Currently, there are two types of slimming groups. First, they are spontaneous unorganized collectives, united on the principle of personal sympathy, often around some method of weight loss. There are a lot of similar communities on the Internet. People unite around the Atkins diet, Montignac, discuss some training programs, etc.
    The second is organized collectives. They can be divided into non-professional - the most known of them are weight watchers, and professional teams united around doctors - the so-called method of treatment group, weight loss school, etc. The central figure of such a joint team is an instructor, trainer or doctor,.
    Advantages of the group approach.
    The first advantage: the group - as a training ground. The fact is that for good weight loss is very important good quality information about the nature of metabolism, the properties of certain types of food, the effects of various kinds of physical activity, etc. And the group can successfully act as a place for classes. Moreover, the information reported in such occupations is usually adapted to perception. In the process of learning you can ask and ask again, you can listen to answers to the questions of others. Plus obligatory homework. After all, everything you learned in the group, you have to try to observe at home. And to some result these efforts will lead. All this can be discussed in the next lessons, compare their results with the results of others, understand how to more rationally and more effectively build their efforts. It is clear that such training is much more effective than an attempt to gain knowledge from books. If this were not so, none of us would go to school, but read the textbooks at home.
    But there is also a second advantage, as yet little known and not always used to the fullest. The fact is that as soon as the collective gathers, it does not matter for what purpose: to lose weight, to fish or to look for treasure, the so-called group process immediately begins to develop. And one of the aspects of this process is the psycho-emotional harmonization of the person who finds himself in a team of like-minded people. In other words, a person in a group naturally improves his mood, he becomes more positive, he has confidence in success, self-esteem rises, responsibility to other members of the group appears, and so on. Why? Apparently, this is due to our ancient nature. We descended from schooling animals, and therefore the presence of a number of people close to us is already calming and harmonizing us. But the good mood and other psychological effects that arise in the group are extremely useful for weight loss. Moreover, as it was explained relatively recently, such psychological restructuring naturally restructures the metabolism of a person to the consumption of fat. After all, a good mood is always an increased muscle tone, and tone, or partial contraction of the muscles( reduced availability), requires an influx of energy, and the body draws this energy from the fat. And since fat is consumed, it means that nutrients appear in the blood, and a person begins to need less food and is much more likely to observe a diet.
    The necessary mood for weight loss - a thing thin, delicate and for many very relevant. It can be extremely difficult to tune in by reading books or listening to lectures. But the same mood arises in the group in the most natural way due to the so-called group process. Man suddenly wants to eat less fatty food and move more, begins to like to treat himself and his life creatively. And, why this happens, sometimes it is very difficult to explain and understand, but it is very easy to feel.
    Of course, these positive changes do not appear immediately. For the emergence and development of the group process, it is necessary that the members of the group come into interaction, in cooperation, begin to help each other with advice, to argue, to find together the best ways to solve this or that situation. The task of the facilitator is to behave very sensitively and to direct the process to the side, optimally meeting the interests of the gathered. And this is all the better for him, the more he is experienced as a psychologist.
    And one more advantage, directly coming out of the previous one. The effect of losing weight during group sessions is usually more resistant than losing weight caused by other methods, for example, a diet. Group process often leads to personal growth of a person, his psychological growing up. Such a person already more adequately "in an adult way" poses problems, chooses the optimal ways to solve them, more consciously and rationally approaches his health, nutrition and lifestyle.
    Often, again due to personal growth, a person not only grows thin, but also becomes more successful in other areas of his life, finds interesting work, arranges a personal life, etc. A more interesting life reduces the role of food as a cure for boredom, and thisagain helps maintain weight.
    By the way, very many psychologists who own the group method noted that patients with overweight often lost weight even in cases when they visited the group for any other reason and did not set themselves the task of losing weight.
    A group process always occurs when there is a group. And it always helps those who are going to lose weight. But this effect on the expression is very healthy depends on how much its presence and effectiveness is realized by the group leader. After all, very often people are going to just listen to a lecture or a course of lectures about how they should eat and exercise. The group process in this situation simply does not have time to arise.
    The group that is optimal for weight loss:
    - It is desirable that such a group led by people who know the group process, and versed in matters of physiology, metabolism, nutrition and, quite well, having personal experience of weight loss.
    - It is desirable that in such a group a person could solve the whole range of issues related to weight loss.
    - It is desirable that the work of such a group would be more like a club lesson. People could attend classes in such a club as needed for a long time.

    Full people for some reason are convinced that they do not like to move. This is one of the common misconceptions. Full people do not like to make those loads, which, they think, can cause them to lose weight. For example, running or grueling classes on the simulators for an hour and a half a day. And they do it right that they do not like! Because this kind of training in the mass of its lead is not to weight loss, and to its recruitment. The situation is the same as with excessive prohibitions in food. For the time being, something seems to be working out. But to endure these unbearable loads is contrary to human nature. Follow the stall and weight gain.
    But you do not need to set records, you do not need to self-torture, you need some special condition of the muscles( let's call it optimal), in which the fat accumulated beforehand starts to destroy in these muscles.
    If the motor activity is selected optimally, there is every reason to expect an increase in mood, and a decrease in appetite!
    This condition occurs due to the optimal volume of movements, which each has its own, and which has to learn how to find. But if this volume is found, a number of extremely important for the body events occur
    First, the overall muscle tone increases, which in itself reorientes the metabolism to fat consumption. And the body turns to food supplies. Food is now much less needed. Appetite most naturally decreases!
    Secondly, due to the increased tone, the mood improves, you become more positive for your own purposes, you need less food as a comforter and, accordingly, you can eat less without too much trouble!
    Muscle contraction is served by energy that the body can extract from either fat or carbohydrates. From carbohydrates energy is extracted very quickly, but the carbohydrate reserve is very small, they are not enough for a long time. Fat in the body is much larger, but energy is extracted from the fat more slowly than from carbohydrates. And it turns out that intensive and over-intensive exercises burn mainly carbohydrates. If the training is less intense, then the body has time to extract energy from the fat.
    When carbohydrates are depleted, we feel hunger. It is with this mechanism that the increase in appetite is associated with intense tiring training. If energy is extracted from fat, then its splitting stimulates. Energy enters the bloodstream, and the appetite decreases, or, in any case, does not increase.
    Intensive and over-intensive training quickly leads to muscle fatigue. Muscles relax, their tone drops, and we observe a decrease in energy consumption. And very often it happens - during training, a person spends much more energy than at rest, but after a load due to severe fatigue, he spends much less energy than usual. That is, over-intensive loads do not increase, but often on the contrary reduce the total daily energy expenditure.
    Quite another matter - training of less intensity. They do not lead to fatigue, moreover - the muscle tone after the end is not reduced, but rather a long time remains elevated. And to maintain this tone, the body also spends energy, which also extracts from fat.
    After intense stresses, mood is very often reduced. This may be due to both microtrauma of muscle fibers and joints, usually observed with such training, and with more complex mechanisms. A good mood or, scientifically, a positive emotional background, is very closely related to motor activity. The more nervous impulses that enter the brain from contracting muscles, the higher the tone of the cortex and the subcortical structures of the brain, the better the mood. It is clear that with fatigue and relaxation of muscles, the number of these impulses decreases sharply and the mood falls. And the lower the mood, the higher the role of food as a universal antidepressant factor. Which again leads to an increase in appetite.
    Loads of lower intensity and persistent high muscle tone after their termination are in themselves factors that increase and stabilize mood. And perhaps, therefore, the need for food against such training decreases.
    Loads built on the principle of "the more, the better", this reduction in daily energy consumption and increased appetite, decreased mood and increased probability of breakdown. Conversely, loads less intense - this is an increase in tone, an increase in the daily energy expenditure, stimulation of fat splitting, increased mood and very often a marked decrease in appetite. The conclusion is obvious: loads of medium intensity - this is what you need!
    There is an optimal motor mode and another, directly improving property - with active burning of excess fat in working muscles, the content of fats and cholesterol in the blood and in the walls of the vessels decreases, which means, at least, the progression of atherosclerosis slows down. People, actively moving, are much less likely to suffer from arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease, diabetes, live on average 10 to 15 years longer and have a much higher quality of life.
    Movements are necessary for our body just like air, water or food! Movement normalizes the mood, relieves depression, reduces appetite, burns excess fat, helps us live happily ever after. Of course, if you choose the optimal motor mode, and not excessive.

    Usually, in extra kilograms, they charge food. But, as studies show - a bad, short, inferior sleep, lack of sleep is also the cause of obesity. Other things being equal, the increase in weight is more likely, the worse the sleep. And vice versa, the better, the more fully the person has a dream, the closer his weight to the normal.
    It is believed that the increase in weight with chronic lack of sleep is associated with a violation of melatonin production. This hormone is synthesized by the epiphysis during sleep. The role of melatonin in the body is diverse - the regulation of biorhythms, diurnal, monthly and seasonal fluctuations in metabolism. It is associated with seasonal changes in mood, appetite and propensity to accumulate fat. There is reason to believe that melatonin is involved in the learning and memorization processes. In experiments, it was shown that animals with a removed epiphysis under the action of a fatty diet quickly gain weight. But the introduction of melatonin can prevent them from gaining weight and even cause it to decline.
    However, it can not be excluded that the cause of the increase in weight in cases of sleep disorders is a depressive state. After all, against the background of anxiety and depression, food intake increases.
    Sleeping should be taken very seriously. Good sleep helps to lose weight. However, unlike any diets and sweatshops, to comply with the recommendation "more to sleep in a comfortable bed" is much more pleasant.
    Since very often sleep disorders are caused by anxiety and depression caused by troubles at work or at home, conflicts between people and internal conflicts, the role of quality psychocorrection in the complex of "slack" measures is very important.
    How to make a dream full? Pay close attention to your sleeping bed. It simply has to be comfortable. The optimal width of the bed for one person is 80 - 90 cm. It is undesirable for a room with an area of ​​less than 18 sq. M.More than two people were sleeping simultaneously. It is advisable that your sleeping bed is neither too hard nor too soft. In both cases, the muscles have to strain too hard to support an uncomfortable posture, and this disrupts the structure of sleep, reduces its usefulness.
    Sleep better in a ventilated room with a temperature of 22 - 24 ° C, so that to maintain comfort there was enough lightweight blankets. It is desirable that the duration of sleep is not less than 8 hours. And night sleep for a man is always better than daytime sleep. If your work schedule does not allow you to sleep at night, it is advisable to increase the duration of daytime sleep and sleep as much as possible in a darkened room.
    It is advisable that you wake up without an alarm. The full value of sleep is significantly reduced if this dream is interrupted. Refrain from heavy meals or drinking at night. Especially undesirable food is oily, spicy, with a lot of spices.
    If the process of falling asleep is difficult, use soothing effects, such as a leisurely walk in the fresh air, or a pleasant bath. Not bad help and soothing fees - valerian, motherwort, oregano. Significantly less desirable sedatives and hypnotics. If possible, try to do without them. These funds, although they cause sleep, but the structure of this dream is quite healthy violate.
    If you are concerned about anxiety and frequent depression, do not hesitate to bother the therapist. A good psychotherapist can provide you with effective help.

    There are loads of unpleasant properties. Just like food, they are used to "get bored".And after a while you will be too lazy to do those exercises that used to seem so nice. Only interleaving loads can be gained. Therefore, the best thing for you if your motor mode is as varied as possible. Here are a few more types of workload that can be of use to us.

    In the minds of losing weight, the idea that weight loss is running is strengthened. But for the vast majority of us running is not the best sport. Optimal walking at a rate of interest is 10 - 15 faster than usual, lasting 30-40 minutes a day! Excellent physiological load. The state is easily controlled, it is almost impossible to overdose such a load.

    Aerobics in the sections
    In general, not bad, but there is a drawback. Since it is almost impossible to select the entire group of participants with the same degree of training, the recommendations of the trainer will always be excessive for some, but for others it will be insufficient. Therefore, it is optimal to engage in an individual program, focusing on the sensations coming from the body. Classes with an instructor will be useful for you as instructors. You will be taught the necessary exercises and methods of self-control. And then you continue the studies yourself.

    Bicycle and ski trips
    The pace and intensity of the load is the same as for walking wellness. Breathing is even, sufficient. No uncomfortable sensations. In no case should you bring yourself to fatigue.

    Aerobics classes at home
    If you own the principles of self-control, this is a very high-quality kind of training.

    Exercises on aerobic simulators
    From household it is velosimulators, treadmills, step simulators. The main thing again is self-control. This kind of loads is good and that allows you to simultaneously listen to music or watch TV.

    Exercises at home
    Alternating exercises - tilts, squats, hands and feet, body tilts in prone position, etc. Exercises are better done in a lightweight version, aiming at more repetitions of one exercise. For example, it is better to do squats, leaning your hands on the edge of the chair, bending the trunk in a lying position is easier to do by lowering your legs from the bed to the floor, push-ups from the stop are easier to do if the stop is high - at the height of the window sill, or higher. Choose 4 - 5 most pleasant exercises for you and make them, alternating "in a circle".A good exercise for the home is running in place. Do this exercise by wearing shoes or standing on a soft mat.

    Walking up and down the stairs
    It should be noted that this type of exercise is more intense than walking on a flat surface, so be careful with the choice of the pace of movement. You should "suffice" for at least 10 minutes to 12 minutes. And an obligatory condition, no shortness of breath and palpitations.

    Wellness run
    Later, as your training intensifies, so-called wellness run is possible. The requirements are the same - a pulse of about 110 per minute, sufficient breathing, a sense of cheerfulness, an increase in tone and mood. Although do not neglect such intermediate types of load as running-walking, walking at a fast pace over rough terrain.
    Do not forget about the morning tonic gymnastics, which we call routine exercises.10 - 15 minutes of invigorating movements in the morning before the start of the work day. The energy consumption is small. And this is not the main thing. The main thing is that such charging increases muscle tone, which means it stimulates the splitting of fat and reduces appetite.
    Game sports are less desirable. The nature of the loads there is such that the muscles quickly lose their carbohydrate and become fatigued. So - increased appetite and inhibition of fat splitting. However, if the game tones you up, invigorates, etc., then everything that you need, your body will receive. The only wish - do not push yourself to fatigue.
    Undesirable and workouts aimed at building muscle mass. The very mode of these exercises involves fatigue. Otherwise, one can not stimulate muscle growth, fatigue only hinders.
    Ambiguous opinion about swimming. Very many of those who lose weight after a session in the pool notice an increase in appetite.
    The main thing that you should not do in any case is to compete with yourself, trying to surpass your past achievements every time. You do not need records, but specific muscle activity, which stimulates the consumption of fat in the body.
    And one more important remark. The need for movement in the body changes in the same way as the need for food. And the training, which yesterday seemed very pleasant, today may seem excessive and tedious. Focus on your feelings. They should be just pleasant. If yesterday's pace today seems excessive, reduce it. If the duration of the exercise seems excessive, shorten the session.
    The use of hard diets in this situation will lead to asymmetrical weight loss - a pronounced fat consumption in the face, neck, and chest area, while fat from the problem zones will last in the last place. A soft comfortable unloading food can help. And on the background of nutrition exercises, massage and water treatments. These effects will help stimulate the consumption of fat from these areas, and the diet will create the need for this expense.

    A person striving to lose weight, going back to the scales, every time hopes to see there figures smaller than the day before. If these figures are large, then inevitably a bad mood, despair, accusing oneself of lack of will and weak character. And it is possible and frustration. Thoughts: "Well, all in vain, nothing helps me!" Many people stopped losing weight in general because they did not lose weight with the next weigh-in.
    In order not to be disappointed, very often a person losing weight subordinates all his activity to the main goal - to see weight reduction. Refuses to himself in the liquid, sits in the sauna, avoids large amounts of food, even if it's vegetables. And that is completely unacceptable, uses diuretics and laxatives. That is doing everything that, either does not promote weight loss, or directly prevents it.
    It is much more useful to learn how to correctly understand the results of weighing and to recognize those situations when the scales, to put it mildly, rub our glasses. And here two groups of situations are possible:
    • Despite the fact that the fat mass decreases or, at least, does not increase, our user sees weight gain during weighing.
    • The fat mass, on the contrary, does not decrease or decreases very slightly, while the scale shows a fairly decent result.
    And in the first and second case, the person will be disoriented, which can lead to incorrect conclusions and incorrect actions. Therefore, the procedure of weighing, and interpretation of the result - things are very serious. Approach them should be armed with special knowledge and skills.
    The most important thing:
    We weigh not the mass of fat, but the total weight of the object placed on the scales, including the water stored in the tissues, the contents of the bladder, the contents of the intestine, the weight of clothing and other things.
    Even with a very competent and high-quality weight loss regimen, the reduction in fat mass rarely exceeds one to one and a half kilograms per week. Therefore, if you have dropped a kilogram per day, you should not think that all this kilogram is in fat. Conversely, if you have gained a kilogram per day, do not despair. To collect for a day a kilogram of fat is almost impossible.
    Within a day, a person's weight fluctuates, and these fluctuations are 1 to 3 kilograms. They are associated with food and water intake, evacuation of the intestine and bladder, loss of fluid during breathing and sweating.
    Quite a lot of problems are associated with scales. Most household scales provide an accuracy of not more than a kilogram. The results of weighing sometimes depend on your position on the scale platform, whether you stand on one foot or two. To eliminate these errors, choose a balance that provides an accuracy of at least about 100 g. It is better that these are electronic scales. When checking, pay attention to whether you were able to get the same result when weighing again, whether the result depends on whether you are standing on the scales directly or leaning to the side.
    The most common cause of all the sorrows associated with weighing is the delay in the water tissues. And there are a number of situations where fluid in the body is delayed with a very high probability. These are the situations.
    • Use of large quantities of salty and spicy food. The salt( sodium chloride) in the body is present in the form of a so-called isotonic solution with an approximate concentration of 0.9-1%.That is, every extra gram of salt, before leaving the body, will retain 100 ml of water. Accordingly, 10 grams of salt will detain a liter of water, and this will ensure an increase in weight per kilogram. For reference: 10 g of salt is contained in 200 g of salted and in 100 g of dried fish.
    • Fluid retention in the presence of alcohol. The same situation. Alcohol and its decomposition products require dilution with water to some less toxic concentrations.
    • Many women experience an increase in water accumulation in the second phase of the menstrual-ovarian cycle, one to two weeks before the next monthly period. Sometimes the weight fluctuations associated with the cycle are very significant and reach 3 to 5 kilograms. An interesting point, the result of a short, for example, weekly weight loss diet very often depends on the phase of the cycle in which this weight loss started. If immediately after the end of menstruation, the effect can be two times more than if you took yourself for a week before they started.
    • Condition after a sudden intensive exercise. In this situation, there may also be a fluid retention associated with edema of the overtrained with unaccustomed muscles. It often happens that a person, taking to losing weight, at the same time starts to perform both too severe diet regime and too hard training regime. He hopes that the weight with this combination will go twice as fast. But it often turns out to be disappointed - in the first days, despite the inhuman conditions of life, the weight either does not decrease at all, or decreases very slowly.

    A number of situations where weight is reduced, and sometimes quite significantly. But this is mainly due to the loss of fluid, not fat.
    • Experiments using diuretics and laxatives. First, on the background of their intake, the liquid effectively leaves the body and the weight decreases. However, later, when the action of the drug passes, an inverse phase occurs, water begins to accumulate efficiently. The use of diuretics or laxatives without due indications is unacceptable. Using them to reduce fat mass is completely meaningless. They in no way affect the rate of fat splitting.
    • Loss of fluid during intense sports training. Very often a person, himself or encouraged by a coach, tries to be as "sweaty" as possible. And, weighing himself, rejoices that he managed to lose a kilogram for training. However, this is again a kilogram of water, not fat. Even with very intensive training, energy consumption rarely exceeds 900 kilocalories per hour. And this is the equivalent of a maximum of 100 grams of fat.
    • Loss of water caused by staying in the sauna. In this case, weight loss is due solely to fluid loss and also has nothing to do with the consumption of fatty tissue.
    • Loss of water in the hot weather. Very often in the heat period, we see a weight reduction of 1 to 2 kilograms. However, when the heat passes, the water reserves are restored, and the weight is restored accordingly.
    • Reduction of the water content associated with the carbohydrate reserve. Carbohydrates in the body are contained in the form of animal starch glycogen. The total mass of these stocks is small, does not exceed 100 - 150 g. Calories in this stock are not more than 600. In normal life, a person spends this amount of energy in 4-5 hours of wakefulness. However, glycogen in the body does not exist as a dry substance. It is connected with water. The retention in the tissues of a given amount of glycogen requires 1 - 1.5 liters of water. When observing the unloading diet, glycogen stores are depleted literally in the first days. And by removing the glycogen-bound water, a rapid decrease in weight to a kilogram per day is observed. However, even with a small expansion of food, glycogen stores are restored, and the person recovers everything thrown back. Very often, this mechanism works in people who use traditional unloading days, apple or cottage cheese. The kilogram, discarded after such a day, returns safely the next day.
    • Loss of fluid due to decreased salt content in the body. This mechanism of weight loss can also be observed in those who follow a "weight loss" diet. Especially if this diet is poor in table salt.

    How to weigh
    1. The weighing procedure must be as unified as possible. Weigh in at the same time of day, in the same clothes, or without clothes. It is best to weigh yourself in the morning on an empty stomach after a toilet.
    2. Try to be weighed on the same scale.
    3. Know how to correctly interpret the weighing results. If, in spite of your "weight loss" efforts, the weight has become larger, then this is probably due to an increase in the accumulation of fluid in the body.
    If you are determined to lose weight, if you picked up food that you like, if you move a lot and are in a good active mood, then the result will not get you anywhere. And in this sense it is not so important how much you weighed yesterday and how much you weigh today. The main thing is that day by day you change for the better.

    For slimming New Year and other holidays present a certain problem. Two weeks of legal idleness with obligatory feasts and alcohol. What kind of diet is there? !With this "mode" you can dial three and four kilograms. But you should not be afraid of these holidays. But the food should not be very fat, and the process of celebration is not very sedentary. And in order to cope with this task, we need to understand how to cook, how to eat, how to drink alcohol, how to stroll and how to weigh, and how to interpret the result.

    How to cook
    The main thing on the New Year's table are salads, and the main component of salads is mayonnaise. And the fat content of this mayonnaise directly depends on whether this salad is a fatty dish or completely dietary. A portion of the usual salad "Olivier" with the usual mayonnaise of 70% fat contains somewhere grams of 20 fat. The same serving with mayonnaise 20% fat content - only 5. A similar situation with any other salad. For example, a very popular salad - herring under the fur coat - with the usual mayonnaise - 26 grams of fat per serving, with light mayonnaise - only 9.
    Other ways to make salads less fat - instead of fat sausage, low-fat ham, or cooked lean meat, takeInstead of fatty herring, a much less fat mackerel, or pink salmon. In the salad "Mimosa" so popular in our place, instead of canned fish in oil, a canned fish would come in its own juice.
    Perfect dressing for salads - soft low-fat cottage cheese, mixed with yogurt or fermented milk with the addition of salt, chopped greens and spices. Unlike sour cream, the fat content of which can reach 40%, the fat content of our filling will not exceed 2%.
    You can prepare other snacks with less fat. So, for cuts you can use low-fat smoked beef, smoked chicken breast or turkey. Fish is also relatively low in fat content, especially cod varieties, pike perch, saithe. It can be served as balyk, or fried on non-stick surfaces with a little oil, or on the grill.
    Minimal fat content of bread, and in vegetables, fruits and soft drinks, fat is absent altogether.
    All these rules are easy to fulfill if you receive guests. But what if you were invited to visit. Here, too, there are a number of saving options. You can come early, taking with you a less fatty mayonnaise and take part in cooking and serving the table. If you do not even have a table set up for you, bring rye bread, vegetables, lean meat or fish for snacks and snacks, mineral water and ask them to put it on the table.

    How to eat and how to behave at the festive table
    We sit down for a festive table not to satisfy hunger and eat, but to enjoy the company that is close to us in spirit and to enjoy delicious food. So let's talk and regale!
    Of course the very presence of food, its appearance and the smells of natural images arouse appetite. And it's useless to fight with yourself. At best, we'll spoil the holiday, at worst we'll "break".
    The first rule: in no case should not come to visit the hungry. The more satisfied we come to visit, the better we feel there, and the better( decent) we look.
    The second rule: satisfy hunger with less fatty foods. Ideal for satisfying appetite bread and low-fat meat sliced, vegetables, cereals, lean meat. If you are full, you can enjoy with very small portions of New Year's dishes, which, due to small amounts, will not do you any harm. Eat salads in tasting doses. This will allow you to eat all the dishes that you would like to try.
    The more diverse your food, the slower you eat it( because you always try a new combination of tastes), and accordingly, the faster you gorge yourself. And from the side it is much more natural to look, if on a plate you have different festive dishes, and not a tomato with bread. Slow down food and eat less food helps, if you eat with a knife and fork and cut the food in small pieces, rather than biting off the whole piece.
    The third rule: very well remove the appetite during the feast of all kinds of pauses. Especially if you dance, take a walk or somehow rest.
    The fourth rule: came to communicate - communicate. Among other things, activate the topics "you can not eat so much!", "So many days off it's horrible!" "I grew fat five kilograms for the last New Year, then all year came back to normal!".Since this topic is very close to many, there are plenty of people who want to listen to you, and conversations will take place instead of plentiful food.
    The fifth rule: holidays are not the last in your life. And the skills of how not to get fat in a situation where weight gain seems to be inevitable, you will be useful. For example, you can see how the appetite grows in the presence of food, or how easy it is to manage your food if you know that you can do anything. Watch how others eat. Many people, especially those prone to fattening, prefer to eat large portions of monotonous food. It is much more rational to eat very small portions, but use a variety of dishes in food. But all these observations are valuable not only for the experience gained. The main thing is that while you are engaged in research, you have less to do with food. So, you will be satisfied with less food.

    How to drink alcohol
    Not less than half of the increase in fat we take out of all these holidays is due to alcohol.
    1. Alcohol increases appetite. The mechanism of this phenomenon is very simple. It is even more chemical than biochemical. Alcohol, acting as a fat diluent, increases the permeability of cell membranes, which are partly composed of these fats. Glucose through these dilated pores in the membranes "runs away" from the blood into the cells. Its concentration in the blood drops sharply and there is a feeling of hunger. This hunger is imperative, it is very difficult to manage it. And usually the case ends with abundant excessive food.
    2. Alcohol reduces criticism and will, against the background of intoxication, slimming aspirations become dull, it is more difficult for us to control food.
    3. Alcohol itself is a very high-calorie product. For example, 100 grams of vodka of calories is contained not less than a quarter of a standard loaf of white bread. Since these calories practically do not give any satiety, overeating in this situation is inevitable.
    But there are several ways that will help us even with such a formidable opponent to make peace and even have fun. The main thing that we need to learn, all these unpleasant effects are determined by the rate of increase in the concentration of alcohol in the blood and the level of this concentration. In other words, the slower the alcohol enters the bloodstream and the lower the peak of its concentration, the better for us.
    1. The slower we drink the alcohol, the better. For example, there will be no consequences if you can stretch a glass of dry wine for an hour sitting at a table.
    2. In general, it is undesirable to use more than 50 grams of alcohol at a festive table. This is approximately 120 ml of cognac or vodka, 300-350 ml of dry wine( two glasses) or 80 ° - 1OOO ml of beer( two mugs).
    3. The lower the degree of consumed beverage, the better. In this regard, it is preferable to dilute the wine with water, whiskey ice and soda, gin and tonic. This measure also helps to reduce the rate of alcohol intake into the blood.
    4. The maintenance in an alcoholic drink of so-called tannins slows down the absorption of alcohol. And in this respect, dry red wine is preferable to white wine, and cognac and whiskey are preferable to vodka and gin.
    5. The speed of absorption of alcohol from a drink depends on what we drink this drink or seize. So against the background of meat snacks and bread, the rate of alcohol absorption slows, but if you seize an alcoholic drink with fruit or drink it with carbonated water, then the rate of absorption of alcohol will increase on the contrary. For the same reason, alcoholic beverages containing gas - champagne, beer, cocktails are less desirable.

    How to move
    If you move more, then the probability of gaining weight will be less. The purpose of movements is to raise and maintain muscle tone. And if the tone is okay, the metabolism is more likely to focus on extracting energy from fat. And if the energy is extracted from the reserves, then there is no big need for external energy sources either. Appetite is moderate, pauses between meals are large, less treats are needed. The best way to create and maintain a tonus is to walk, home water procedures, toning exercises. And do not forget about sleep. Full sleep helps to effectively break down fat.

    How to weigh
    After a series of feasts weight is often increased by 2 - 3 kilograms. But do not be in a hurry to despair. Most often this is not 2 - 3 kg of fat. To increase so much, you need to eat this amount of fat, so to speak, in the appendage, in addition to other food. For all our love to eat business is not so easy in terms of performance. Especially if at least from time to time myself upset.
    At least 70% of our weight is water. Therefore, the most common reason for rapid weight gain is a fluid retention associated with salts or alcohol.

    The intensity and duration of movements within the optimal motor regime is a strictly individual concept. When selecting the load, you need to focus only on your abilities and proceed only from your own feelings.
    If the motor mode is optimally selected, then on a background of the load you feel a rush of strength, a good mood, a feeling of warmth in the body. Sweating is not abundant or absent. Pulse is not more often 110 - 115 per minute. Breathing is not more than 20 per minute. You should in no case have shortness of breath, palpitations, any unpleasant sensations in the heart, joint and muscle pain.
    Very simple test: if during a workout you can support a simple conversation, and this does not lead to shortness of breath, then you have correctly guessed the pace.
    One more test: if half an hour after the beginning of the class you feel strong enough to go through an hour and two, then the pace of training is correctly chosen.
    The optimum load never leads to fatigue. It is very important for you not so much to burn out more fat during training, how much to cause an increase in muscle tone, which even further, many hours later, already at rest will provide increased fat consumption in muscles.
    It is very important how you feel after training, for example, the evening of the same day or the morning of the next. With properly selected loads, the following changes that are favorable for us will occur:

    performance The increase in performance is typical. People note an increase in both mental and physical performance. Characteristic is the expansion of the circle of vital interests, the emergence of new hobbies.
    Quality of life
    People, including optimally selected loads, significantly improve the quality of life. They give the impression of energetic, determined, modern people. This leads to the expansion of their social contacts. People around such people are often perceived as leaders.
    The sexuality of
    definitely increases.
    Normally normalized. Characteristic decrease in the necessary duration of sleep. A person wakes up earlier, but feels more rested at the same time.
    Characteristic of a good, even, positive mood, a decrease in anxiety and depressive mood. Many people note the emergence or strengthening of constructive life ideas, in particular, the idea of ​​careful treatment of their health.
    Health indicators
    According to numerous studies, people who are in optimal motor mode improve all health indicators - improve fatty blood composition, reduce atherogenicity, normalize blood pressure, etc.
    Muscle tone
    Muscular tone is noted. This is manifested by a feeling of pleasant warmth in the muscles, a feeling of "muscular joy."Improved posture, the figure looks more taut.
    On the background of the optimal motor regimen, appetite usually decreases, the saturation time is accelerated, the food process is easily controlled, the intervals between meals are increased, and the need for goodies decreases.
    Weight loss rate
    If the load regime is adjusted correctly, the rate of weight loss increases. Losing weight can be caused by much milder nutritional restrictions.
    If on the background of the load you feel shortness of breath, profuse sweating, palpitation, unpleasant sensations in the muscles, if your pulse against the background of the load exceeds 120 beats per minute, and breathing more often than 20 at 1 minute, if after a load you are tired,in a dream, you have reduced mood and vital activity, you feel pain in the joints and muscles, then you have chosen too heavy for yourself to work. We need to reduce it.