Deep vein thrombophlebitis of lower extremities: symptoms and treatment
The health of the lower limb vascular system, which experience overload, is important in light of the growing number of patients with varicose veins every year, thrombophlebitis of the veins of the lower extremities and simply chronic insufficiency.
It is especially recommended to pay attention to the health of your feet to women, as they have, in addition to the standard load, the following: a love of high heels and uncomfortable shoes, pregnancy and childbirth. All this can provoke a decrease in the decompensatory function of veins, varicose veins and complications.
The structure of the leg venous system: how healthy veins look
The diseases of the venous limb network affect two types of veins on the legs: deep and superficial, with the second occurring much less frequently. Both kinds perform work on returning blood from tissues to the heart, therefore any pathology in their appearance or subjective sensation should alert the person.
Surface is located pretty close to the surface of the skin. In their healthy state they are visible on the hands and feet, inflated if a person performs some kind of muscular work. Deep, located inside, they are in the muscles themselves, constantly pumping the blood. Between these two systems are communicating veins.
Healthy deep and superficial veins are also "responsible" for the regulation of body temperature( its decrease and sweat of the fluid will be higher with a large inflow of blood to the surface areas).Thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower limbs is a dangerous disease, which, as a rule, is a complication of other diseases.
Causes and consequences of acute thrombophlebitis of the veins of the lower extremities
Immediately it should be said that thrombophlebitis is not varicose, which is a complication of reducing the ability of veins to decompensate. They have approximately the same symptomatology to especially neglected degrees: cyanosis and swelling of the skin, tuberosity and folding of the shins in the places of the foot injury, acute and aching pain.
But varicose veins are a much more "harmless" disease. With it, the lumen of the vein only widens, and the walls - become thinner, as they tend to compensate for increased loads. Their ability to contract decreases, the tone becomes minimal.
Deep vein thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities is an inflammatory process, a complication of varicose veins( its next stage in neglecting oneself).This area is inflamed due to the formation of a thrombus. Quite often this disease is one-sided: only one shin or thigh is affected.
What are the causes of thrombophlebitis of the veins of the lower extremities? There are several of them:
- the aforementioned varicose veins;
- trauma of the calf surface;
- numerous intravenous injections( even justified);
- heredity;
- diseases, including oncological diseases, in which blood coagulability is increased;
- common factors: overweight and obesity, pregnancy, a professional factor - a long standing on the legs or lifting weights, taking hormonal drugs, bad habits.
Acute thrombophlebitis can develop within a few days, but, basically, this disease overcomes a person gradually. You can not be careless even if it thrombophlebites the superficial veins of the upper limbs: a thrombus will create an even shorter path to the pulmonary area. The consequences of neglected diseases will be deplorable:
- Gangrene, complicated by trophic ulcers, which are cured extremely hard and long;
- Closure of the thrombus and migration within minutes of it to the artery of the lung: choking occurs, from which it is almost impossible to save. It is called thromboembolism of the pulmonary arteries( PE).
Throat vein thrombophlebitis of the lower leg, thigh and popliteal area: symptoms and treatment
This disease does not pass asymptomatically, its course necessarily affects the general well-being, the condition of the veins and the appearance of the legs. Therefore, a person should immediately turn first to a surgeon, and then to a phlebologist, if he notices the following:
- sustained swelling of the legs without pronounced veins;
- shooting and aching pain, felt both on the skin and in the "depth";
- cyanosis and the severity of veins( the presence of so-called "bunches");
- redness and denseness of the skin in the area of the deformed area;
- elevated temperature in the affected area, as well as a general higher than 37 degrees.
But do not take the situation so tragically: thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins of the lower extremities and the defeat of the deep veins can be successfully prevented, and also treated fairly quickly in the early stages. If you are prone to this disease or have already had similar problems in the past, you can take the following actions:
- is regularly monitored by a surgeon and phlebologist, to conduct self-diagnosis;
- wear comfortable shoes( this, in particular, concerns women), not to have clothing in the cloakroom that strongly compresses the limbs;
- to have a normal weight for its height and age, to give up bad habits, to engage in fitness;
- give feet rest, periodically sleep with raised legs, do not disdain with massage and relaxing gels for legs.
If these recommendations are followed, the inflammation process may never start. If the thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower extremities could not be avoided, it must be remembered that early diagnosis and treatment will help to cope completely with the disease.
To date, medicine has found several ways to cure: anticoagulant therapy for liquefaction of blood, regional thrombolytic therapy and surgical removal of thrombus. The main thing is to turn to a doctor in time and be set up for a complete cure!