The ointment from varicose veins is effective!
Modern medicine widely promotes local methods of treatment of varicose veins. Of course, their use is shown, but such treatment must be combined with systemic drug therapy, which is aimed at eliminating the appearance of varicose veins, as well as preventing the disease and normalizing the tone of the venous walls. There are many different means for external use in varicose veins, which are released in the form of gels, creams or ointments from varicose veins.
Ointment for varicose veins treatment - fast and convenient treatment
Varicose veins ointment is an easy-to-use variant of the drug against varicose veins, it is easily applied and quickly absorbed. Usually it is based on an anticoagulant that improves blood properties - heparin, which has an additional vasoconstrictive and analgesic effect.
For example, the ointment from varicose veins can contain in its composition extracts of donnitsa, chestnut and ginkgo biloba. It happens that two or more active substances are immediately present in the composition of the ointment. Vitamins have a positive effect on the walls of veins, D-panthenol improves the regeneration processes in all soft tissues of the lower limbs.
Using a cream from varicose veins, the disease can not be completely eliminated, but the presence of therapeutic components in the cream can not only dilute blood, but also reduce venous pressure. Use of the cream will help cope with swelling of the legs, eliminate pain and a feeling of heaviness in the legs.
Prevention of varicose veins is very important, for this you can use preventive or therapeutic compression knitwear. When a person for a long time stands on his feet, regularly lifts the weight or has a tendency to constipation - this only exacerbates the disease, and varicose veins are steadily progressing.
Therefore, it is recommended first to eliminate the causes of varicose veins, and then go directly to the treatment, which will carefully combine preparations for systemic and local therapy. In the early stages of the disease, doctors recommend treatment with ointment varicose veins, this will avoid the stagnation of blood in the veins, as well as reduce the occurrence of relapse and relieve the inflammation of the veins, which will greatly ease the patient's condition. In order to avoid serious problems and complications, it is necessary to treat the disease at the initial stages, and do not forget about the prevention of varicose veins.
Healing gels in the control of varicose veins
An excellent assistant in the control of varicose veins, especially in the early stages of the disease, are a variety of therapeutic gels. It must be remembered that this is not the main method, but only an addition to the drug treatment that the doctor assigns to the patient.
An effective treatment for varicose veins is Heparin, it has anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic effects. The gel from varicose veins is the most effective, because heparin can penetrate deeply into the skin of a person. That's why it is recommended to use gels, they are more economical and hygienic. They contain substances that ensure the penetration of active substances into the subcutaneous tissues, so the gel is immediately absorbed.
With Hepatrombin, the nutrition of the skin can be improved, and the healing process of varicose ulcers can be accelerated. A similar action is also Girudoven gel, with an extract of leeches, which strengthens the venous walls, normalizes the permeability of the veins. The venous gels of Dr. Tays perfectly tone up the veins because of the presence of chestnut components in their composition.
Also used in medicine are the gels of troxevasin and troxerutin, which reduce swelling and inflammation, and prevent the appearance of thrombophlebitis. You should not get involved in self-medication - most drugs for varicose veins are sold in pharmacies even without a doctor's prescription, but only a qualified specialist should select the specific drug, its dosage and duration of treatment.
Currently, there are many different drugs for varicose veins. Therefore, after discovering the first signs of this disease, you need to consult a doctor - in order to achieve the desired results, you should seriously approach the choice of these or other drugs. It is very important to correctly determine the form of the drug.
There are times when the choice is not a matter of principle, but it happens that the whole result of the treatment depends on it. When a person has fresh wounds or ulcers it is recommended to use only gels against varicose veins. Remedies for varicose veins, as well as medicinal preparations should be used only for the doctor's prescription, to avoid complications and worsening of the condition, one should never prescribe treatment for himself, as this can lead to the development of undesirable consequences.