  • Candles from hemorrhoids: varieties, contraindications

    Quite unpleasant, even we can say intimate, is a disease like hemorrhoids. In addition, with severe conditions or exacerbation there is a very strong and cutting pain.

    Certainly, the first symptoms should be addressed to a specialist. However, the symptoms and possible ways of treatment should be considered at least in order to recognize the disease and be able to help before going to the doctor.

    So, hemorrhoids are a disease in which the veins widen at the entrance to the rectum. They form nodes that are called hemorrhoidal. These are the nodes that cause the greatest discomfort. The disease has several types of treatment, one of which uses candles from hemorrhoids.

    In theory this is one of the most effective methods, because the medicine has an effect directly in the place of inflammation. Moreover, with different forms, there are different candles from hemorrhoids. They are made on the basis of natural raw materials, it can be extracts of plants and even "animals", such as the use of shark fat. The price of candles from hemorrhoids will differ depending on the materials used in the manufacture.

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    That's why it's worth to ask what kinds of varieties exist, and what candles from hemorrhoids are better.
    Let's consider different types of candles in order. So you will soon find what is necessary for yourself, and eliminate, even unpleasant symptoms. By the way, I must say that there are two varieties: candles from internal hemorrhoids and candles from external hemorrhoids. The difference between these types of pain.

    With internal manifestation, only bleeding is possible, and when externally there is very severe pain and itching in the anus.

    1. Candles for hemorrhoids are sea buckthorn - this is a wonderful medicine, it helps even in severe forms. Since ancient times, sea buckthorn is famous for its miraculous properties. And indeed, these berries are one of the best healing natural remedies. Sea-buckthorn oil penetrates into the microcracks, which cause itching and burning in the area of ​​the anus during hemorrhoids. In addition to healing properties, sea-buckthorn acts as an antiviral, antimicrobial and antiseptic material. In general, it is desirable to use homeopathic suppositories from hemorrhoids, they are natural and more sparing for the organism.
    2. Candles with belladonna. This is mostly anesthetic candles for hemorrhoids, although it does not take medicinal properties to this plant. But first of all, if the candle is correctly placed, the extract will relieve the pain and spasm that may occur in the disease. As an addition to complex treatment, candles with belladonna with hemorrhoids are a good thing. With the initial and mild forms of the disease also.
    3. Caution in the application should be with adrenaline. The fact is that one of the best hemostatic drugs is exactly the hemorrhoids with adrenaline. They really anesthetize and stop the bleeding fast enough. However, it's not a secret that adrenaline can affect blood pressure, so hypertensive people, as well as elderly people, these candles are not recommended.
    4. Glycerin suppositories with hemorrhoids have several properties. First, they prevent constipation, because inflamed nodes often cause stagnation of stool, and as a result - the appearance of cracks and wounds, which cause those most unpleasant symptoms. And secondly, promote the healing of the skin and mucosa. Moreover, glycerin is a very mild-acting material.
    5. One of the reasons for the use of glycerine suppositories is also used laxative suppositories for hemorrhoids based on bisacodyl. It affects the problem, so to speak, from two sides. The first - helps to reduce the rectum, the second - strengthens the production of the intestinal mucus, which envelops the stool and contributes to a faster and painless exit. Using any candles with hemorrhoids you need to be careful, and with laxatives - even more so. It is better to consult with a doctor before using them.
    6. Of course, this disease is not only adults, it is not so common, but it also occurs in children. For this, there are special candles for hemorrhoids for children. In fact, the treating substances are the same, only a few times the dose is reduced.
    7. The use of musk, for example, is used to make Chinese candles from hemorrhoids. Of course, they are not only based on this component, but it is used most often, since it has a relaxing and spasmolytic effect.
    8. The high price of methyluracil suppositories for hemorrhoids allows them to be used quite widely. These candles, thanks to the ability of the drug to influence metabolic processes( metabolism), contribute to the rapid regeneration of cells and, as a result, to the rapid healing of wounds.

    As you can see, the choice of drugs is very large. And it's hard to name the best candles from hemorrhoids. Remember that hemorrhoids are a pathological disease. And in most cases without intervention it just heals, but periodically continues to bother.

    Also often the question arises, what are the cheapest candles from hemorrhoids. You can, of course, give some examples, say, candles based on benzocaine, but they will only relieve symptoms, so it is better to use homeopathic suppositories. The price of homeopathic from hemorrhoids, of course, will be higher, but the benefits are not less.

    Symptoms of hemorrhoids

    Let's list the most of the symptoms that may become the first bell for a drugstore after candles, if the doctor's consultation is possible only after a while.

    1. Pain. The pain is felt cutting and sharp, usually with external hemorrhoids. They are accompanied by itching, a sense of heaviness. In more serious cases, a person can not even sit - so much pain. As a rule, it causes tissue damage. In these small lesions, feces enter, after which the itching begins.
    2. Blood. Not necessarily with hemorrhoids should be heavy bleeding. But traces can be found, both in the feces themselves, and on a napkin.
    3. Spasm. This is a symptom that appears from time to time. The muscles contract, which leads to pain due to inflammation.
    4. Frequent urges, again all because of contractions of the rectum, which tries to get rid of "foreign bodies".
    5. Sometimes the nodes get out very much, in which case surgical intervention is often necessary.

    So, it is possible to say with certainty that most of the symptoms of a candle are removed. But in severe cases, still more cardinal methods are required. Also, using candles, you need to be especially careful when pregnant and during lactation. This applies even to homeopathy, because not all medicinal herbs are safe for the fetus, even despite the naturalness.

    In many cases, of course, it is not recommended to take any medications at all. Then doctors advise to look at the ratio: the benefits of mother - harm to the child, if the benefits are many times greater than the harm, the drug can be used. But, as was already stated before, the ideal option is not to engage in self-treatment, but to contact specialists. They will help to choose a complex treatment, which in combination with the correct regime of the day will make it possible to forget about the disease.

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