  • Dynamic and static exercises for the eyes


    1. Massage

    Carefully, without pressure, massage the middle finger of the lower eyelid skin, after closing your eyes, 10-20 seconds.

    2. Blinking

    Quickly squeeze and unclench eyelids without straining them. Blink for 30-60 seconds. Close your eyes and relax them. Rest for a minute this way. Such a rest should be arranged with the eyes at the slightest appearance of fatigue, alternating with a long series of exercises. This exercise gives the eyes a good rest, increases blood circulation in them.

    Comment. Both these exercises, if performed before the exercises of other groups, help to focus on the eyes, and are also an excellent soothing agent.

    1 group exercises - CONCENTRATION OF THE


    ( focusing the eye at the point between the eyebrows)

    Keep your eyes up and inward, concentrating it at the point between the eyebrows. Breathe

    rhythmically, look into the interblast interval calmly and without coercion. Do not blink. Do not lift your head up, keep it straight. When fatigue occurs, go back to the starting position and blink several times.

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    Comment. First time it will be difficult for you to hold your eye between the eyebrows for more than a few seconds. In this case, it is necessary to repeat the exercise several times. Gradually bring the run time to a few minutes. Close your eyes, relax them and rest for half a minute. If possible, do the exercise 2 more times.

    In addition to the general strengthening effect on the eyes, the focus on the point between the eyebrows is much more than the rest of the exercises, it contributes to the development of mental concentration skills. This is very important for further improvement in yoga.


    ( focusing on the tip of the nose)

    1. Sweep your eyes downward and inward, focusing your eyes on the tip of your nose. With good mobility of the eyeballs, the wings of the nose and a strip of skin above the upper lip will be visible. Breathe rhythmically. Do not look away, do not strain the eyes and muscles of the eyelids and do not blink. Do not think about anything, just look carefully. Do not lower your head down, keep it straight. When fatigue occurs, go back to the starting position and blink several times.

    Comment. First exercise for 10-20 seconds. Gradually extend this time until light tearfulness and rubbing in the eyes. In the future, you will develop the ability to look at the tip of the nose for 365 minutes without any tension. In conclusion, close your eyes, relax them and rest for half a minute. Repeat 2 times.

    2. Without turning your head, turn your eyes as far as possible to the left. Hold in this position. Do not blink. If fatigue occurs, go back to the starting position. Repeat 2-3 times.

    3. The same, but on the right side. Repeat 2-3 times, then several times blink and rest for half a minute, closing your eyes.

    4. Raise your eyes as high as possible, looking up, but not bringing it to the point between the eyebrows. Do not raise your chin, your head does not change position. Do not blink. If fatigue occurs, go back to the starting position. Repeat 2-3 times.

    5. Lower your eyes as low as possible, keeping your head straight. Look not to one point. Do not blink. If fatigue occurs, go back to the starting position. Repeat 2-3 times, then several times blink and rest for half a minute, closing your eyes.

    6. Sweep your eyes in the lower left corner( on your left shoulder).Focus on the left shoulder and carefully, without blinking, look at it. Do not turn the head to the left. The back is straight. If fatigue occurs, go back to the starting position. Repeat 2-3 times.

    7. The same in the right side with a focus on the right shoulder - 2-3 times.

    8. Shake your eyes in the upper left corner 2-3 times.

    9. Scour the eyes in the upper right corner 2-3 times. A few times blink and rest for half a minute, closing your eyes.

    Comment. Exercises to focus the eye increase the ability of the lens to focus the vision at different distances, develop the strength of the eye muscles, develop the ability to focus attention. And some more exercises of this kind.

    10. Look at an object that is directly in front of you, and turn your head to the left and to the right, without taking your eyes off this object.

    11. The same, but now instead of turning your head from side to side, raise and lower your chin.

    12. Look at an object, describing the chin circles clockwise and counter-clockwise.

    13. Blink for half a minute, close your eyes and take a minute off.

    2 group of exercises - ROTATION WITH EYE AND AXIS

    1. Starting position: the view is directed forward. Then raise or lower your eyes and describe from this point of reference 7 circles of maximum radius clockwise. Movements should be smooth, without jerks. The head is stationary all the time.

    2. The same, but anti-clockwise.

    3. Repeat 2-3 times the exercises number 1 and 2, then blink and rest for a few seconds, covering your eyes.

    4. Now the same movements( No. 1-3), but with eyes closed. This exercise requires even more concentration.

    5. Open your eyes. Begin to describe with your eyes the horizontal eight - 7 times.

    6. The same, but the other way - 7 times.

    7. Now describe with your eyes the vertical eight - 7 times.

    8. The same, but the other way - 7 times.

    9. Now the same movements( No. 5-9), but with eyes closed.

    10. Open your eyes, blink several times and, closing your eyes, rest for a minute.

    /// Group Exercises - EYE MOVEMENT AS AS3636ASAD Comment. Do these exercises, turn your eyes left, right, up and down as far as possible. Remember the constant clarity of the image of objects during movement and stopping of the eyes, achieve this clarity not by volitional effort, but by focusing attention. Unlike the previous group of exercises, where the continuity of movement is due to the successive micro-contractions of the eye muscles, when the eyes rotate, the view quickly moves from one edge of the field of view to the opposite one, with a delay of several seconds in each position.

    1. Up and down - 7 times.

    2. Left - right - 7 times.

    3. Straight - up - straight - down - 7 times.

    4. Directly to the left - right to the right - 7 times.

    5. Look diagonally: the upper left corner - the lower right corner - 7 times.

    6. The lower left corner - the upper right corner - 7 times.

    7. Left top corner - right - bottom right corner - straight - 7 times.

    8. Left bottom corner - right - right top corner - straight - 7 times.

    9. Skew your eyes to the left: up and down - 7 times. Try to make your eyes move on a straight line perpendicular to the floor.

    10. Skew your eyes to the right: up and down - 7 times.

    11. Raise your eyes: left - right - 7 times. Try to make your eyes move on the ceiling in a straight line perpendicular to your nose.

    12. Lower your eyes: left - right - 7 times. The look then moves along the floor in a straight line.

    13. Combined movement: the upper left corner - the bottom right corner - the lower left corner - the upper right corner - the upper left corner - the lower left corner - the upper right corner - the lower right corner - 7 times.

    14. Give freedom to fantasy: for example, describe the eyes of semicircles, all sorts of geometric shapes, or simply rotate them in the most disorderly manner, while achieving clarity of the image. We remind you once again that the movements should not necessarily be fast. The main thing is concentration.

    15. Blink a few times, close your eyes and take a minute off.

    16. The same exercises( No. 1-13), but now with your eyes closed.

    Comment. Just do not think that in a closed version you can perform these exercises at any time and in any situation. This will not happen because with closed eyes your eye movements will be visible, and you, while in society, can frighten someone from the uninitiated or think something about you. So be careful.

    Having done all these exercises, you thus fully loaded all six groups of basic muscles. This series of exercises and the previous train and strengthen the muscles of the eyes, increase your ability to accurately focus. The exercises of these two series are dynamic, they are lighter than static( the first series),

    , which requires a long fixation of the sight at certain points. After these exercises, you are ready to do the exercises of the next group with maximum benefit.

    IV group exercises - CHANGING FOCUS DISTANCE

    Comment. This group combines the most important exercises - those that strengthen the ring muscle, strengthen the straight and oblique muscles surrounding the eyeball and support the elasticity of the eyeball and lens. In addition to the simultaneous execution of exercises with both eyes, do them also separately, with each eye separately, especially for those that focus, that is, it is aimed at harshness, worse. Have patience, do not wait for immediate results and note with pleasure every step that you manage to make forward.

    1. Maximum tension and relaxation of the muscles of the eye.

    Comment. Performed by each eye separately, with the unused eye covered by the palm in such a way as to avoid pressure on the eyeball. The obscured eye remains open.

    1) Extremely close to the eye any small object, such as the tip of a ballpoint pen or needle eye, trying to see clearly and clearly all of its details. Hold it a little in this position. The ring muscle of the eye is extremely strained, the lens is in the state of maximum convexity. The oblique muscles become as strained as possible, and the eyeball lengthens to the extent that its own elasticity allows it.

    2) Now your task is to expand, swing this amplitude of the elasticity of the eyeball and lens, on the one hand, and the degree of tension and relaxation of the oblique and ring muscles - on the other. To do this, you must use the power of contrast: look for a moment to the distance and then return to the starting position. Again, take a look and go back to its original position.

    3) Now just bring the object closer to the eye, still holding its clear vision.

    4) In conclusion, look into the distance, relaxing the eye muscles.

    5) Do the same with the other eye.

    Further exercises in this group are modifications to this.

    2. The look is focused on the finger of the hand. Finger in the starting position hold the

    at a distance of 40-50 cm along a straight line from the face. Now the finger then comes close to the eyes, then moves away at a distance of the outstretched hand - 10 times. Achieve such a sharpness of the image of the finger, so that it clearly shows the skin pattern.

    3. Starting position: the same. But now the finger moves left and right - 10 times.

    4. Now the finger approaches and moves diagonally from left to right - 10 times.

    5. The same, but from right to left - 10 times.

    6. Look at the tip of the nose, and then into the space. The tip of the nose and the point in space should be approximately in the same direction, so that when you look at the eye, the shift of the eyeballs is minimal. Repeat 10 times.

    7. Look at the tip of the nose, then at the tip of the finger. Now the finger is still, keep it at a distance of 20-30 cm from the face. The finger and the tip of the nose should also be oriented in the same direction wherever possible, for the reason just mentioned above. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

    8. The finger is the space. The above remarks remain in force here - 10 times.

    9. Nose - finger - space - finger - nose - 10 times.

    10. Hoc - Space - Finger - Space - Nose - Finger - Nose. This exercise is better performed rhythmically - 10 times.

    11. Blink a few times, close your eyes and take a minute off. Such a rest, we repeat, should be given to the eyes at the slightest appearance of fatigue, intermingling with them a long series of exercises.

    12. When you have the opportunity, do this exercise too: look into the distance, changing the focus: 5 m, 10 m, 20 m. .. 100 m, 150 m, 200 m, 300 m. .. 1 km, 1,5 km, 2 km, and in the reverse order.

    Comment. Do not make any effort and do not strain when looking. In the performance of exercises should be lightness. When doing these exercises, do not be afraid to carefully, while maintaining relaxation at the sight at the far and near points, to experiment. If you look without coercion, you can not hurt your eyes. If you take a deep breath and then exhale whenever you look into the distance, you will be pleasantly surprised by the visual acuity returning to you.

    Every time you can achieve a glimpse of better vision, it means that the next glimpse will be easier and longer. Remember always - in the myopic eye there is sight. When you learn to relax two oblique muscles, the

    which keeps the eye constantly elongated, the eye will flatten and you will see as well in the distance as you are near.

    Doing exercises number 6-10, you will notice a curious phenomenon called the illusion of rocking. You, who know the structure and work of the eye, the reason for this sensation, we think, is understandable, and therefore we will not take the place of its explanation, but we will talk about the significance of this phenomenon.

    When the rocking, visual or mental( remember the power of the view), successfully, a person can experience a feeling of relaxation, which manifests itself in the form of sensation of the universal swing. This feeling is associated with any object that is seen, felt or realized by a person. You can imagine this movement in any part of the body to which your attention is directed. It can be tied to the floor on which you sit in the lotus position, or with any object around you. Swinging can be represented by a building in which or near which you sit, and the whole world surrounding you.

    When a person realizes this rocking, he loses the memory of the object from which it started. And while you are able to maintain a sense of this movement in the direction opposite to the true movement of the eyes or movement that you imagine in your mind, relaxation will persist. However, if the direction of this movement changes, then there will be a voltage. It is quite easy to imagine a universal swing with closed eyes. After this, you can do it with your eyes open. Later, the feelings of relaxation that accompanies the rocking can be achieved without the awareness of this latter, although the very effect of rocking is achieved only when the person thinks about it.

    Remember that there is only one reason for failure in achieving the illusion of swing. This cause is tension. Rocking comes by itself, without any effort, if the movement of the eye is carried out correctly. Rocking does not create relaxation, but it is his testimony.

    The better your vision at the moment, the greater the amplitude of these strokes. If in one eye this amplitude is less than in the other, then work with this eye additionally, overshadowing the best eye in the manner not already indicated. Do not forget that the movements and illusions of swinging can often be more successfully achieved by letting the eyes rest, closing them and making a peg. By a similar alternation of rest of the eye with its movement, people with very imperfect eyesight sometimes achieved temporary or permanent vision improvement within a few weeks.



    Comment. These exercises, strictly speaking, are neither dynamic nor static. This is again relaxation exercises. Their action becomes especially valuable precisely after the performance of the previous groups of exercises.

    1. Open your eyes very widely and look so, not blinking, for a few moments. Then blink several times - 3 times.

    2. The same movement, but now, having relaxed cheeks and muscles of a neck, also lower the lower jaw. The mouth remains closed - 3 times.

    3. Without straining and not blinking, look directly in front of you, trying to clearly see everything that is in your field of vision, that is, not only what is directly in your line of sight, but also to the left, and to the right, and above, and belowhim. Rather, even to say, try to see clearly everything that is not directly in line with your gaze. When there is fatigue, blink a few times and close your eyes.

    Comment. This exercise should be done quite often, because it develops not only peripheral vision, but also observability, as well as the ability to see in the dark. However, take care that it does not go to the detriment of your ability to central fixation.

    4. Close your eyes, massage the eyelids, gently stroking their index and middle fingers in the direction from the nose to the outer corners of the eyes.

    5. Return to the starting position. Close your eyes, gently place the tips of index, middle, ring fingers and little fingers on the eyeballs and feel how prana passes from the fingers to the eyes as you exhale.

    Complete the entire exercise cycle with padding.

    Comment. We repeat: it is desirable to perform the whole cycle of exercises sitting in a lotus position. But if you have not mastered Padmasana, then do these exercises, sitting in a comfortable position on a chair or in a chair. They can also be engaged in lying on the floor or in bed.

    People often ask: "How long do we have to do these exercises?" We answer: until the right eye habits become subconscious. Then your eyes will be able to cope with their responsibilities themselves, because they will be in a relaxed state. Let us explain our idea with the help of such an ordinary example: when driving a car, you never think about what foot you press the brake, because at the same moment, as the brain realizes this need, the brake is already pressed. This happens because we are dealing here with a well-adjusted reflex, controlling the leg. It is the same with the eyes. When the eyes instead of gazing at objects, instead of gazing intently at objects, will learn to move and blink often, when vision begins to be accompanied by deep breathing, you stop straining your eyes and will not make them look, and let them see. This is all the mystery.

    With proper use of the eyes, vision will constantly improve, just as a pianist will have fluency and strength in his fingers when he, after getting rid of the tightness in his fingers and stiffness in his back, devotes some time to the exercise in the game. Do a relaxed activity in the way of your life. Learn to use your eyes in a relaxed manner - and you will avoid future trouble with your eyesight.

    You say that the exercises are too much? Yes, it is necessary to recognize this: there are many exercises, and they need a lot of time, but they are all important. And so we say again: "Who wants to be healthy, he finds time!"

    Here we give a full cycle of exercises, but if time does not allow you to perform it entirely, then do exercises at least selectively. Identify the most important for you and do not waste those free minutes that are issued even on the busiest day;do these exercises regularly, in good faith and carefully.

    Suppose that you have achieved excellent results in improving your vision, but then came the day when you thought it had deteriorated again. Do not be surprised and do not worry. Note that in general, progress is as follows: improvement, then a temporary break or even some regression. It is possible that at this time you were physically or mentally unwell. Or it was just a pause, during which nature redistributed the nervous force released as a result of improving your vision. Do not forget that the tense state of the eye undermines up to 90% of your nervous strength. When this force is restored for subsequent normal use, significant changes in the overall nervous system of the person take place.

    Do it regularly, do it with a firm belief in success, do it with pleasure - and good results will not slow down!