
How to achieve the set goal - how to achieve the goal

  • How to achieve the set goal - how to achieve the goal

    To strive for anything in your life, to achieve the goal and set for yourself a new one is inherent in most of us who want to improve in both spiritual and material terms. Of course, the goals are different. For someone, the goal is to enter the institute, others want to overcome a serious illness, the third - to get married successfully. However, whatever your goal, you should not turn it into the meaning of life, otherwise after its achievement you can fall into depression because of lack of basic incentives and future prospects.

    On how to achieve this goal, many books have been written( both purely theoretical and based on many years of practice).But almost all of them converge to the same elementary actions, which make it possible to approach the planned point.

    How to Set an Object

    Define Goals to Achieve

    So, first of all, you should determine what you really want to achieve. Divide your life into "segments" and set your own goal for each of them. For example, in private life - to get acquainted with someone specific;in the professional sphere - to make a "leap" along the career ladder and "occupy" a certain higher position;in raising the educational level, it is to enter this institution, and so on.

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    Be careful: formulate only a specific goal, avoiding abstract and general concepts, otherwise you can get at all not what was planned( instead of increasing incomes - increased workload at the same salary, instead of attention from Petit - the interest of an alcoholic neighbor).Large goals( for example, to build a house), break into smaller ones( hire builders, buy materials, cover the roof).

    Do not forget to fix the time allotted for the achievement of the set goals( to hand over to the driver's license before his 21st birthday, etc.).

    The most difficult goals are career ones. There are very few possible options for the development of future events, therefore, a common goal and small "sub-goals" along the way to it should be formulated( finish English language courses before the end of the year, change hair style or visit a stylist in July, learn to work in this computer program before August 10).The simple formulation "I want to be a director and earn more" is more likely to remain in dreams.

    Before setting career goals, think about whether you really want it. Perhaps it's too idealistic for you: You are the boss( let it be "middle hand"), you come to your new huge house in a luxury car, spend your weekend with your friends in the Caribbean, etc. In practice, the higher position most often means an increase in working time, a lack of days off, nervous breakdowns due to a sense of "danger" from those you "walked around", and other "pleasures."Therefore, if you do not want to lose free time, health and privacy, it is worth considering the situation. As a variant of the goal, you can use the installation to increase revenue( for a certain amount) without specifying it in your position( it is possible that you will soon be offered a more paid place in another company).

    Achieving the objectives

    So, the goal has already been defined, and you have. .. wait? Of course not."We take" the first "sub-goal" and embody it in life. It does not matter from what "segment" of his life to start fulfilling the set goals. You can, for example, almost simultaneously sign up for courses, plan for a weekend trip to the mountains and run through the car dealership, choosing your own car.

    The main thing is to act( but not only in physical terms).Use the "help". .. the universe of which you are a part( for more details on this method, see John Kehoe's book "The Subconscious Can Do Everything").We are not going to delve deeper into the jungle of our brain and will limit ourselves to only a few axioms on the basis of which methods for achieving the set goals were developed:

    • thoughts are material - everything that you think about is somehow manifested in your life( you will think that you are constantly short of money - they will not appear);
    • if there is no clear purpose - it is necessary to wait for "alms" from the Universe, which, unfortunately, without your help can not help you;
    • without changing the way of thinking does not get to "climb" to the next step( striving for the director's place, do not think like a clerk);
    • method of visualization of the desired allows much faster "to approach" the intended goal;
    • never doubt your abilities - if someone else has been able to achieve what you want, then you will get it, too;
    • do not forget about intuition;
    • let the subconscious mind find the right answers to the questions you are interested in, and for this purpose, "download" it with the necessary information and facts;
    • listen to your body - the appearance of any disease can tell about a person's problems better than himself;
    • do not limit your life to artificial frames( something like, I can not learn a foreign language or I will never go on holiday in Egypt);
    • remember, you do not have problems, but there are only opportunities;
    • do not make excuses for yourself if the road to the goal turned out to be difficult( if you set the target and finish it);

    Ways to achieve the set goals of the

    All the ways to achieve the set goals in life( including career and financial sphere) begin with the development of the self-awareness of a successful person, allowing everywhere to expect and see success and opportunities( unlike the loser's consciousness, which reveals only flaws, obstacles and limitations):

    First, you need to convince yourself that the world around you takes care of you, bestowing on your wealth. Learn to gratefully accept the gifts of the universe in your life: successful acquaintance, increasing wages, the opportunity to relax in the family circle, the birth of a child and much, much more than what every day gives you life. Try not to say "No!" To any proposal suddenly made to you, even if it seems that it will not bring you any "dividends".Ask for time to meditate and look for favorable aspects in the proposal.

    Secondly, realize that life always brings joy and satisfaction. Get rid of the position of a loser, a pessimist, looking for unsolvable problems and hard work. Try to enjoy every moment of being, from every minute of your favorite work, from communication with friends, from the opportunity to walk to the house on foot( if you missed the bus or have not yet chosen a car for yourself), from the starry skythanks to forced overtime work) and from all other wonderful moments.

    Third, know that you have plenty of opportunities that will lead you to the intended goal. Do not limit yourself to three or five of them. Their tens, hundreds and thousands to maintain good health, create new relationships, make a career, get closer with their children, and even to earn a lot of money.

    Fourthly, remember that success depends only on yourself. Do not wait for the "kick" to start acting in the right direction and move towards your goal.

    Fifthly, feel that you are a lucky, darling of fate. After all, you probably have a lot of wealth in life: friends, parents, children, favorite hobbies, many ideas. ..( always add to the list by discovering another "treasure", for example, the ability to grow flowers or play the guitar).

    If it does not work

    The "road" to the goal chosen by you is not always the shortest. That's why, after discovering that any action you have planned( which in your opinion should lead you to the intended result) is not obtained from the second, third and subsequent attempts, it is worth stopping. Most likely - this is simply not the way to move. The universe may have given you other "clues" about how to achieve your goal, but you did not notice them. Try to stop hard to control the situation and "release" it( switch your attention to the goal in another segment of your life).In a few days( or even hours), you will certainly get the opportunity to go on another road leading to your dream.

    Road to the Dream