
How to win the lottery - participate in lotteries

  • How to win the lottery - participate in lotteries

    Most people are absolutely convinced that it's impossible to win the lottery. But with all this, research shows that almost every third regularly experiences its own luck by playing it. Of course, only dozens become real winners and millionaires. How does it come out? How to win the lottery?

    The name is the key to success

    Numerology of the name

    If you are going to play a lottery where you need to cross out certain numbers, always refer to your own number, month and year of birth. Hunters of luck, constantly studying the probability of winning, say that such figures can be called the most successful.

    For example, your date of birth is December 9, 1988( 09.12.1988).So, the first happy number for you will be 9, the second - 3( 1 + 2), and the third - 8( 1 + 9 + 8 + 8 = 26, 2 + 6 = 8).In exactly the same way, you can compose a lucky version of your name. Just assign the letter A to the number 1, the letter B to the number 2 and so on.

    Image is everything!

    instagram viewer
    Image is everything!

    Those people who were lucky enough to win at least a significant sum in the lottery say that even your clothes on the day of buying a ticket can be crucial to the probability of your winnings. They believe that when going for a ticket, you can not wear things that have a yellow or red color. Let it be better that you wear something dark or even black. And it means everything, even underwear.

    It is believed that peas, cages, strips and colorful colors have the ability to scare away luck. Therefore, as you know, this option is not for you. Also, do not put on anything new. Want to put on your favorite piece of jewelry? Then the maximum that you can afford is a pendant or a silver chain. Do not wear gold. It will be nice to pin the pin down with the head down.

    Some people believe that luck can be affected even by what you have not eaten so long. For example, dairy products, beets and garlic do not favor good luck. Instead of similar products it is better to eat a little of any meat, fresh vegetables and fruits or eggs.

    Black Monday

    Want to win the lottery? Then keep in mind that even the day of the week and the day of the month in which you are going to purchase a ticket are of great importance in your luck. If you are burning with the desire to win and are ready to wait a little if necessary, buy yourself a lottery on the day that corresponds to the date of your birth.

    Speaking of the days of the week, the happiest can be called Monday and Tuesday, as well as Saturday and Sunday.

    Fate is also important


    Even before you go buy a lottery ticket, try to be as careful as possible. Be sure to fix in your mind any incomprehensible things that happen to you in everyday life. For example, drove a car with an unusual or simply attracted your attention number. Remember it mandatory and use it when you cross out the numbers on the ticket.


    Stop it!

    Did you win? And then one more time? Just incredible luck! But it is worth noting that she absolutely does not like people who try to exploit her, and when it's for her own gain - even more so. Therefore, if you managed to win a couple of times in a row, stop and for a while do not buy any lottery tickets at all. So luck will "rest" and again will throw you a lot of pleasant surprises.

    Do not believe in all such ways to attract luck to yourself? Well, it's up to you. It should be noted that the probability of winning the lottery increases already with your purchase of the ticket. So why not try it? !