
How to ask for salary increases - salary increase

  • How to ask for salary increases - salary increase

    So the person is arranged that always wants more: no matter how interesting or prestigious the work is, and after a while - and it becomes clear that in it you need to change something! If you do not change seats in the chief's chair, then at least get an increase in salary - work is only really interesting when there is some kind of dynamics, some kind of growth! On how to properly ask for salary increases from the bosses, at what time and what is the risk of losing your job altogether, we will talk.

    Notorious failure

    You can want a lot of money, while being an excellent specialist, a responsible employee - and still never get a raise to your salary! If you work in an enterprise, or in a company, or in an organization where strictly fixed salaries - do not expect a miracle! You can hint at management as much as you want to your rare professional qualities, you can recycle your working time, you can not go away from work at night - it will not be reflected in your wallet! The maximum that you shine is the verbal gratitude of the authorities or the prize, for example, on the occasion of the Day of the professional holiday, the New Year or issued to you by the authorities as a bait for the "goldfish", so that you still do not decide to quit: good workers are always needed.

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    Salary equivalent to the costs of the

    forces. At the same time, if you are lucky enough to work where the material compensation is calculated based on the performance of the employees, and you are doing an excellent job, but you are not in a hurry to raise your salary, then not only you can, butand you need to solve this issue. You could just forget about you! It remains only to think about how to properly ask for a salary increase for the chief.

    The most suitable moment

    When the chief is generous

    Usually the subordinates are well informed when it is better not to approach the boss with any question. He is also a man and can have weaknesses to be tired, distressed, angry, etc. Do not bother him with your requests, when he is annoyed with the arising production problems, got scolded by his superiors, just tired at the end of the day. Calculate when your boss is in the most complacent mood, and that's when you start a serious conversation with him about your "future".

    From tears to blackmail

    you can not believe, but there are people who always achieve their, including unscheduled salary increases. During the "negotiations" they will use a lot of tricks: they will complain about the difficult financial situation, health problems;slukavit, saying that they are being lured to another place by a large salary;finally, they will simply blackmail their boss, hinting that wages are unfairly charged, and the competent authorities can put things in order!

    What is the best way to do

    We are striving to increase the salary

    Perhaps, it will be more ethical to delegate this question to someone else. It can be your immediate boss - the leader of the smallest rank, or in the role of your "human rights defender" will make a colleague - a person with whom you can discuss this issue in advance. How can he talk about you? It's very simple: to say that you are going to quit because of your salary. True, there is another danger: if you are really very valuable to the firm specialist, then its leadership will necessarily find means;if you really are the "professional" that you have long been dreaming of getting rid of, the process of dismissal on your own can be greatly accelerated - you will simply be forced to resign.

    Money from the sky does not fall

    If you are gnawing at the thought that at work and, especially, outside it there are people who get an order of magnitude higher than you, then do not forget that, firstly, their work can be much more difficultyour;secondly, they still showed themselves in something better than you. Perhaps they got a much more serious education - they have more than one diploma;constantly improve their professional skills;more forces are put into work.

    "How to pay - and I work!"

    How to pay, and I work

    And, of course, you can not help but warn those who crave "gold" that one should not adhere to the "philosophy" that allows you to work through your sleeves. Due to low labor discipline, a person will prove himself at work very badly - they do not raise their wages to bad workers! Moreover, the habit is always dangerous because it is difficult to eradicate it, a man no-no, let him return to the old one. And now imagine: you received a post with a higher salary than at the previous place, where you had little money, but also worked the same way. It's time to prove yourself, to prove to everyone that you are not in vain entrusted with this more paid work area. And here it turns out: you are not ready to work in the sweat of your face, even for a lot of money. Blame the whole habit. ..

    Of course, it's worth trying to ask for a salary increase. And sometimes about their achievements and merits do not stop to remind that they were appreciated!