  • Which foods contain Omega 3 6 9

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    • Read in the article:
      • Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 products: use for the human body
      • Content in omega products 3 6 9: lists, useful properties
      • Products containing omega-3 fatty acids: recommendations

      Products containing omega 36 9: Why they are needed by a person

      Fatty Omega acids are an indispensable source of youth and health, so containing their products should be in everyone's diet.

      Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 products: benefits for the human body ^

      Some physicians believe that fats can only harm the body, but as a number of studies show, if they are deficient in nutrition, the risk of developing atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction increases, and thatmore surprisingly - diabetes.

      That is why Eskimos, eating a fatty fish containing Omega acids, are much less likely to suffer from any cardiovascular disease.

      Omega-3 products: benefit or harm

      The most useful omega-acid is numbered "3":

      • It relieves of cholesterol plaques, liquefies blood, prevents the formation of thrombosis;
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      • Improves the absorption of calcium;
      • Prevents Alzheimer's disease, activates mental processes, raises mindfulness, develops memory;
      • Promotes early healing of wounds and ulcers both on the skin and inside the body;
      • Cleanses the skin, strengthens nails and hair, slows down aging, helps to get rid of wrinkles.

      No less important is Omega-6 acid: it strengthens nerves, improves mood, prevents colds, increases the elasticity of the skin, prevents diabetes, removes cholesterol and cleanses blood vessels.

      Omega-9 oleic acid is also important for health, which acts as follows:

      • Increases immunity, reduces the likelihood of colds;
      • Makes the skin radiant and velvety;
      • Prevents the appearance of tumors;
      • Improves working capacity and mental activity, positively affects mindfulness.

      The most important products rich in Omega-3 fatty acids are for children: they prevent the occurrence of vitamin deficiency, accelerate the development of skills, improve growth and brain activity, strengthen memory.

      Content in omega 3 products 6: lists, useful properties ^

      Where to look for Omega-3 fatty acids: fish and seafood, seeds and nuts, beans, cereals, vegetables, fruits, vegetable oils

      Omega-3 in food: listKnowing all the benefits of products containing Omega-3, it is recommended to use them regularly:
      • The optimal amount of omega-3 in fish oil allows you to get rid of thromboflavitis, frequent colds, vision problems, wounds and burns, atherosclerosis, dry skin and brittle nails. You can not take it for food only with an increase in the thyroid gland, hypervitaminosis, allergies, stones in the urinary or gall bladder;
      • Omega-3 in olive oil rejuvenates, improves the condition of nails and skin, relieves internal inflammation, relieves the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, stimulates hair growth, positively affects intestinal peristalsis;
      • Walnuts: stimulate metabolism, prevent the development of diabetes, enhance potency;
      • Soya: has antioxidant properties, strengthens immunity, lowers cholesterol.

      In which Omega-3 products are fatty acids: fish and vegetables

      It is known that fish is the best product with omega-3 fatty acids, but the largest amount of these substances is found in salmon, sardine, herring, smelt, anchovies, salmon, mackerel,trout, tuna, flounder, sea bass, ruff, shark, oysters, scallop and lobster. In addition, this acid can be found in the following foods:

      • Basil, radish, oregano;
      • Chia seeds;
      • Spinach;
      • Pumpkin seeds;
      • Broccoli;
      • Salad;
      • Cabbage and green beans.

      The content of omega-3 and omega-6 fats in food

      In addition to foods rich in Omega-3 acids, there must also be those in the diet that contain Omega-6:

      • Sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds;
      • Rapeseed oil;
      • Omega-6 and Omega-3 in linseed oil reach a maximum concentration; ;
      • Sunflower oil;
      • Black caviar and mackerel;
      • Salmon and tuna;
      • Sea bass and halibut;Shellfish and cod.

      Which products contain Omega-3: table

      To have a clear idea of ​​the content of omega-acids in fats, it is enough to look at the table below:

      Omega-acids content 3 6 9 in saturated and unsaturated( monounsaturated, polyunsaturated) fats

      Also read article

      Products containing omega-3 fatty acids: recommendations ^

      Do not assume that Omega acids are of only benefit and do not harm at all - it is not at all: if the norm is exceeded, obesity may developand hypertension, as well as cardiovascular diseases. To prevent this, one should adhere to the established norms of acids per day:

      • For normalization of cholesterol and strengthening of immunity - up to 1.5 g;
      • To increase muscle mass - up to 3 g;
      • For weight loss - up to 4 years.

      It is best to consume seafood, because Omega-3 in fish are completely harmless and can be eaten daily. Oils, on the contrary, contribute to increasing cholesterol, so they need to be limited.

      When Omega acids are deficient in normal foods, it is recommended to take fish oil, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. It improves cellular metabolism, promotes muscle growth and strengthening, stabilizes metabolism, which is important for bodybuilders - they need to take 3-4 g of such fat a day.

      Special attention should be paid to the storage and preparation of products in which Omega acids are present: to avoid spoilage, one should not leave food for long periods of time in the open air under the sun's rays.they contribute to the oxidation of fats.

      Cooking fish is desirable by baking or cooking to keep as much of the body's nutrients as possible in it, plus fatty fried foods have a negative effect on health.