  • Non-diabetes mellitus: its causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

    Syndrome of diabetes insipidus is a pathological condition that arose because of the relative or absolute deficiency of neurohypophysis hormone. Vasopressin has a pronounced antidiuretic effect, which causes the symptoms of the disease.

    It is also worth noting that you should not confuse diabetes insipidus with sugar, as these diseases are similar only in symptomatology, in the rest they are very different from each other.

    Who is affected? Not only men and women, but also children, are affected by such a disease as diabetes insipidus. This disease is extremely rare - according to statistics, the proportion of patients is not very high( only about 0.7% of all pathologies of the endocrine system).Most often this disease affects very young people - at the age of 18 to 25 years. But there is also an innate form, which the symptoms of the disease begin to appear even in children in the first weeks and months of life.

    Causes of diabetes insipidus

    The basis of the disease is damage to the hypothalamus or pituitary gland. The factors provoking the development of diabetes insipidus are as follows:

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    • severe craniocerebral injury;
    • tumor of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus;
    • metastases of malignant tumors that appear in the brain and affect the function of both the pituitary and hypothalamus;
    • pathology of the hypothalamic-pituitary system;
    • primary tubulopathy, which is disturbed vasopressin vasopressin by target cells located in the kidneys;
    • alcohol abuse.

    with the development of such a pathology as diabetes insipidus in young children is, the inferiority of the hypothalamus caused by violations of embryogenesis or genetically.

    Species of the disease

    There is a renal, transient, central and idiopathic diabetes insipidus.

    Idiopathic diabetes insipidus is characterized by the fact that it is impossible to find any organic pathologies of the pituitary gland. This form of diabetes is diagnosed in almost a third of all patients.

    Central diabetes insipidus appears due to the inability of the kidneys to accumulate fluid. Such a pathology is a violation of the operation of the distal tubules of the nephron. As a result, the patient develops thirst and frequent urination.

    The development of renal insipid diabetes is facilitated by an enzymatic, receptor defect or organic kidney pathology. In children, this form is congenital, causing a mutation of the genes or receptor of vasopressin. The acquired form is found in adults due to renal failure, as well as prolonged therapy with lithium-containing drugs.

    Symptoms of the disease and possible complications

    As a rule, signs of the disease appear suddenly. First, there is abundant and very frequent urination, that is, polyuria, than at night. Also there is a polydipsia, that is very strong thirst. The amount of urine excreted by a person per day can reach even 15 liters.

    There is also a lack of appetite, a gradual loss of weight, increased fatigue and irritability, dry skin, impaired digestive system and a decrease in sweating.

    A sick child may lag behind in sexual and physical development. In women, menstrual irregularities are possible, and in men - potency. There are also psychological problems, such as emotionality, insomnia and imbalance.

    If the patient uses little liquid, then he has a headache, fever, tachycardia, collapse, condensation, vomiting, dry mucous membranes, nausea and mental disorders.

    If a person suffers from a central diabetes insipidus, then the lack of an opportunity to quench his thirst creates dehydration, followed by a hyperosmolar coma, which is dangerous for life. It should be noted that the use of liquid in excessively large amounts can lead to the development of dyskinesia biliary tract, irritable bowel syndrome, as well as to gastric emptying.

    Diagnosis and therapy

    In order to diagnose a polyuria test is performed, due to which a large amount of urine and its low density are determined. A dry-drying test is also conducted, during which the patient does not drink for 8 hours. If after that the density of urine is less than 300 mosm / l, the diagnosis is confirmed.

    It is necessary to be non-sugar, which includes a fractional food with a high content of complex carbohydrates( nuts, meat, legumes and the like).The main method of treatment is a substitution therapy for the help of synthetic analogs of the hormone vasopressin( intention, Adiuretin).If a person has a pituitary tumor, he needs surgical treatment. It is carried out removal of tumors, as well as radioactive therapy.

    such a serious disease as diabetes insipidus treatment with folk methods, unfortunately, does not help.the first signs of the disease should be addressed to qualified specialists, to undergo diagnostics and the necessary treatment. Only in this case it is possible to hope that health will not worsen any more.

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