  • How to cure hemorrhoids: treatment with folk remedies

    At home, you can very effectively use folk remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids, as well as rapid relief of symptoms.

    It should be noted that hemorrhoids are not an easy disease, therefore, the application of these methods should be approved by your doctor. In addition, they should be used only at the initial stages of the disease.

    So, you have hemorrhoids - how to treat an ailment with folk remedies at home, this issue is of concern to most people with such an unpleasant diagnosis. Do not despair, in most cases, alternative medicine gives quite a quick and tangible effect, eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids and affecting the cause of the disease. However, do not forget about traditional drugs, treatment can be supplemented with chemist's candles, and ointments from hemorrhoids.

    Healers' recipes have been going on for a long time, they are based only on natural ingredients - medicinal herbs, honey, propolis, onion husks, and even ordinary products. Therefore, the treatment of hemorrhoids by folk remedies includes the intake of herbal remedies inside, as well as the use of special sedentary baths, enemas, ointments and rectal suppositories that are made from natural products. All this will help to get rid of hemorrhoids and its unpleasant symptoms.
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    Herbal collections for the rapid treatment of hemorrhoids

    Quite a few healers offer to use herbs to treat hemorrhoids at home.

    1. 1) Yarrow, forest raspberry and butter. Melt the pan in 50-70 gr butter and add there the crushed herbal collection, all this must be mixed. The resulting consistency is applied to the "bump" in the evening. Store the ointment in a dark and cool place.
    2. 2) For this recipe we need pochechuyaya grass. She quickly cures inflammation and stops bleeding from the hemorrhoids. You need 3 teaspoons of this herb pour 2 cups of boiling water, let it brew for 12 hours. It is convenient to make tincture for the night, and the next day to drink in 3 parishes. In addition, lotions of pochechuynoy grass can be applied directly to the lump from hemorrhoids.
    3. 3) If hemorrhoids with bleeding, then for therapy you can use such recipes at home. Rub the juicy beets on a grater, and squeeze. The resulting liquid is consumed before meals at 50 grams four times a day. We take a yarrow and nettle on one tablespoon, after pour hot water and soak in a water bath for up to 15 minutes. After filtering, and drink up to 5 times a day for 15ml until the bleeding ceases. Cucumbers should be dried and finely chopped. Then take 50gr and pour them 2 glasses of water, put on fire and wait until the broth begins to boil. Remove from heat, and let it brew, take 3 times a day for 100ml.
    Next we will consider what non-traditional methods to apply depending on the type of hemorrhoids to overcome the ailment of the house.

    Internal hemorrhoids

    With internal type of disease, the nodes are located inside the intestine, how to treat hemorrhoids in this case? To do this, apply candles, enemas, and tampons that need to be administered rectally.

    Special candles for internal hemorrhoids are made from various components - lard, honey, potatoes and even ice can serve as an ingredient.

    Basically, all the candles are made monotonously - from the thick paper we make a cone, it should look like a regular candle, which you can buy at the pharmacy. This candle is filled with a candle from the selected components and goes to the refrigerator. After freezing it can be used, after removing the paper.

    1. 1) Candles made from propolis. Mix the crushed propolis with melted fat. These components eliminate pain syndrome, and can reduce hemorrhoids.
    2. 2) Honey candles. To do this, requires honey with a lot of sugar, such candles are inserted before going to sleep in the rectum, pre-frosted to preserve the shape.
    3. 3) Candles and mummies and honey. We take 1: 3, so that the candle does not crumble, add starch or flour. You can also add milk or melted butter.
    4. 4) Potato candles are one of the simple and effective folk remedies. Scrape out the homemade candle from the raw potatoes, and insert it rectally at night. Before the introduction, the potatoes can be dipped in butter or honey to relieve the sensation of dryness.
    5. 5) If you are concerned about bleeding and pain, then you should prepare ice candles. The recipe is very simple - we pour water into the prepared form and freeze it. That's all, after they can safely be used until the symptomatology disappears.
    In addition to using the above methods, hemorrhoids can be treated with microclysters, which have healing properties.

    1. 1) We take herbs that remove inflammation - chamomile, calendula, sage, St. John's wort. Broths from these herbs can be injected into the gut.
    2. 2) You can use: tincture of strawberries, decoction of wormwood, or beet juice.
    3. 3) Water extract mummy is also used to successfully get rid of hemorrhoids at home.
    Do not focus only on folk methods, traditional medicine also effectively fights against internal hemorrhoids.

    External hemorrhoids

    When the external form of the disease nodes are located outside, so the question arises, what to treat hemorrhoids in this case? So, to get rid of the disease using compresses prepared from medicinal herbs, as well as lotions and ointments. In addition, the sessile baths are excellent for external hemorrhoids, they are - steam, cold or hot.

    1. 1) Steam baths. We need a container with a lid, in which there is a small hole for the exit of steam. On its bottom lie down a red-hot brick, which is sprinkled with the necessary remedy, or simply poured hot water with the addition of herbs. It is important that there is steam, which must go through the hole in the lid. As ingredients, a bow steamed in milk is often used, or garlic crumbled to a brick. Before the network on the steam bath, treat the back passage with petroleum jelly.
    2. 2) Cold baths allow anesthetizing and stop bleeding. The recipe is very simple, cool water is poured into a convenient container for you, it should be seated, so that the anus is in the water. You can do such procedures 2 times a day for 5 minutes.
    3. 3) Warm baths, they are cooked as well as cold ones. As ingredients, you can use the onion husks, honey, propolis, medicinal herbs or chopped garlic. You can also use a decoction based on St. John's wort, horse chestnut, ayr marsh. Sit in such a bathtub until the water becomes room temperature.
    Please note that it is impossible to treat hemorrhoids in pregnant women with the help of sedentary baths!

    Lotions and ointments

    If the baths are not suitable for you, then for treatment of hemorrhoids in adults, you can prepare lotions from medical solutions. Moisten a soft cloth in the chosen healing solution, and attach to hemorrhoids. As a basis, you can take alum, sea buckthorn oil, birch tar. As a supplement, inflamed nodes can be lubricated with onion juice, propolis or honey.

    Another method involves the use of leaves of wild strawberry. Put in a glass of boiling water a tablespoon of these leaves and leave for 20 minutes, then strain and use as a lotion. Rowan berries ground to a mushy condition are also used to treat this disease.

    The simplest lotion is to moisten the fabric with cold water and attach it to the outside units for a while. Another way, grate the carrots and beetroot, wrap the mixture in a cloth and attach it to the right place.

    Take ghee or grease, petrolatum. Choose the component you like and make an ointment from it, which can be applied both to external nodes and to internal ones using a cotton swab.

    Result of

    To get rid of the symptoms of hemorrhoids should not be used only folk remedies, at home they are perfectly combined with the pharmacy drugs that the doctor will appoint.

    In addition, herbs, ointments and baths are suitable only for the initial stages of hemorrhoids, more serious forms require thorough, possibly surgical intervention.

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