
Chronic hemorrhoids and its types, symptoms, causes and methods of treatment

  • Chronic hemorrhoids and its types, symptoms, causes and methods of treatment

    Most often, such a pathology as hemorrhoids, develops gradually, as an independent disease. For several years it passes through certain stages. This is a chronic disease, the exacerbation of which is followed by periods of calm, while delivering unpleasant sensations to the patients.

    Types of chronic hemorrhoids

    Classifying this disease by the location of inflamed nodes, exposes chronic external and chronic internal hemorrhoids. The first type of hemorrhoids is characterized by the external location of the hemorrhoids, which are located around the anus and can be seen. In the second case, the nodes are located inside the intestine, which during an exacerbation may increase and fall out.

    There is also a frequently occurring chronic combined hemorrhoid, when its manifestations can be observed both from the outside and from the inside.

    Due to the fact that the disease develops not immediately, but gradually, it is divided into degrees or stages.

    1. The first stage is a chronic hemorrhoids of the 1st degree. This is the initial stage, in which there are no external nodes, the symptoms are mild and the disease is difficult to recognize.
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    2. The second stage - chronic hemorrhoids of the 2nd degree is characterized by the fact that during the stool the nodes fall out, but then they are recirculated. At this stage, the diagnosis becomes obvious and the hemorrhoidal nodes, one might say, are "obvious".
    3. The third stage of the disease is chronic grade 3 hemorrhoids. In this case, the hemorrhoidal nodes fall out not only during defecation, but also after raising the severity or straining. Independently they are no longer recovered, but they can still be inserted back into the gut with their hands.
    4. The fourth stage - the nodes are always outside, you can not insert it manually. At this stage, complications such as thrombosis, infringement and inflammation of the nodes occur.

    Symptoms and signs

    At the very beginning, when the hemorrhoidal nodes are small and are inside, the symptoms of the disease are meager. As the disease develops, the clinical picture becomes more diverse and characterized by several symptoms.

    1. Feeling of discomfort in the anus. As if there is a foreign body, there is burning and itching. If there is inflammation, the inflammatory fluid that irritates the anus and strengthens all the symptoms can flow out of the bowel.
    2. Pain syndrome, most commonly associated with a stool. Passing through the intestines, in particular dense stools, touch the outer or inner nodes, thus causing painful sensations. In addition, this symptom can be associated with cracks in the intestinal mucosa, which is often accompanied by hemorrhoids.
    3. Bleeding. This symptom is almost always present with hemorrhoids, which occurs when the knot is fractured or injured by the calves. Blood can be seen on toilet paper, it can flow out by drop or a trickle at the end of emptying. Falling of hemorrhoids. Once this symptom appears, the diagnosis immediately becomes quite obvious. Depending on the stage of the disease, the nodes can be adjusted either independently or manually, or they can not be adjusted at all.
    During an exacerbation, all the symptoms of chronic hemorrhoids manifest themselves brightly, and during the remission period the patient usually does not bother.

    What causes an exacerbation of chronic hemorrhoids?

    Never exacerbation of hemorrhoids suddenly for no reason at all. There is always a provoking factor that will break the calm course of the disease:

    • is an improper diet, and the aggravation often occurs after festive feasts accompanied by alcohol, spicy, spicy and pickled dishes;
    • stool disorder: constipation or diarrhea;
    • lifting of weights;
    • long stay on legs or in sitting position;
    • in women hemorrhoids often worsens during pregnancy or after childbirth.

    In some cases, chronic hemorrhoids proceed according to the type of thrombosis or knot infringement. At the same time, clinical manifestations are very bright and require immediate, competent treatment.

    How can one cure a disease in a chronic form?

    In case of an exacerbation, the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids should be tried as early as possible. In this case, it will be much quicker to cope with the disease, avoiding unwanted complications. Treatment is usually started with simple conservative methods, using both medications and traditional medicine.

    If the nodes are located externally, then apply topical ointments Relief, Relief Ultra, Relief Advance, Gepatrombin G, Proctosedil, Aurobin. These drugs contain several components that remove pain, edema of the node and improve blood flow in it. Ointments, dissolving thrombi, dry the tissue and eliminate burning and itching.
    If the nodes are located inside the intestine, then it is most convenient to use the eponymous candles from hemorrhoids as needed from one to four times a day.

    From traditional medicine, sessile hot and cold baths with soothing anti-inflammatory and hemostatic herbs, suppositories and ointments based on honey, mumiy, propolis, fat, birch tar, potatoes will help to relieve the exacerbation of hemorrhoids. Also, steam onions, garlic baths and alum baths are practiced.

    The situation is more complicated if it is a chronic combined hemorrhoid of grade 3.With inefficient conservative treatment, in II - III stages of chronic hemorrhoids, minimally invasive methods are used, such as ligation of nodes with latex rings, cryotherapy, sclerotherapy, infrared photocoagulation. But if these methods of treatment do not have a positive effect, the hemorrhoidal nodes are removed surgically.

    In order not to miss the precious time and to conduct effective treatment in case of exacerbation of chronic hemorrhoids, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible. How to treat chronic hemorrhoids, what methods should be used and the length of the course of treatment - all this is better discussed with a proctologist. And so that repeated exacerbations do not happen, it is necessary to properly revise one's lifestyle, nutrition and remove all kinds of provoking factors from it.

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