
Chronic sinusitis: symptoms, treatment, exacerbation in adults

  • Chronic sinusitis: symptoms, treatment, exacerbation in adults

    Chronic sinusitis is a kind of sinusitis, which is characterized by the presence of inflammation in the maxillary sinuses. There is a very protracted course, for which the phases of exacerbation and stagnation of symptoms are characteristic.

    In general, the signs of the disease are manifested in the form of nasal congestion, as well as headaches and general fatigue.

    Promotes the development of the disease curvature of the nasal septum, as well as the presence of frequent inflammatory processes in the body - rhinitis, tonsillitis, etc., as well as caries and other dental diseases.

    Causes of

    Streptococcus or staphylococcus often causes sinusitis, in other cases the disease is provoked by viruses and fungi.

    What contributes to the fact that acute sinusitis passes into a chronic stage? Consider the main risk factors:

    1. 1) Of course, this is an unproductive treatment of the acute phase of the disease, which gave impetus to the transition of sinusitis to the chronic stage.
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    3. 2) Congenital or acquired curvatures of the nasal septum, due to which the outflow of mucus is difficult.
    4. 3) The presence of the inflammatory process - chronic tonsillitis, rhinitis, allergy
    5. 4) Absence of treatment of diseases of the teeth, especially the upper molars, because they are located close to the sinuses.
    6. 5) The presence of polyps or cysts in the nose, which impedes normal breathing and outflow of mucus. In children, it can be adenoids.
    7. 6) Dusty and gassed air constantly irritates the nasal mucosa, which can provoke sinusitis.
    As you can see, the causes of chronic sinusitis can be varied, as a consequence, treatment is also prescribed individually.


    Depending on the symptomatology and degree of severity, several forms of chronic sinusitis are isolated.

    1. 1) Purulent - as the name implies, implies the presence of pus, which replaces clear mucous discharge and contains a microflora.
    2. 2) Catarrhal - a lighter form, which is characterized by inflammation of the mucosa and the presence of viscous and mucous secretions, has an aseptic character.
    3. 3) Pristenochno-hyperplastic - implies the formation of polyps, due to hyperplasia of the nasal mucosa.
    4. 4) Allergic sinusitis - a reaction to a characteristic stimulus
    5. 5) Cystic or polyposis - a polyp or cyst is formed inside the nasal sinus, which causes the development of pathology.
    Depending on how the infection got into the body, they release - rhinogenic, hematogenous, as well as traumatic and odontogenic sinusitis. Chronic form can occur immediately in both sinuses, and be one-sided.

    Symptoms of chronic sinusitis

    In adults, chronic sinusitis and its symptoms are manifested if the acute form of the disease can not be cured in time. During the period of remission, the general well-being of a person is at a satisfactory level, there is little or no symptomatology.

    In the exacerbation phase, signs of general intoxication are characteristic:

    • may cause a temperature increase up to 37.5 degrees
    • headache that renders in the forehead, and also increases with the forehead, coughing and sneezing
    • brokenness, weakness, general malaise
    • runny nose
    Also an inherent symptomsinusitis are various discharge from the nasopharynx, they increase significantly during the period of exacerbation. In the purulent stage, the secretions are yellowish green in color, have a thick consistency, and are also able to dry out and form crusts in the nose. At the catarrhal form, the snot is quite liquid, with an unpleasant odor.

    As a rule, the headache persists man only in periods when chronic sinusitis becomes aggravated, and as a result - the outflow of mucus from the maxillary sinus is disturbed. Usually, people with sinusitis characterize it as:

    • bursting, pressing
    • in horizontal position decreases
    • in the morning less pronounced, in the evening more
    • pain is located as if behind the eyes, has a pressing character
    Also characteristic is the appearance of nasal and loss of smell due to nasal congestion. Due to the fact that the pus flows down the back wall of the pharynx - there may be a night cough and a sensation of a coma in the throat. There is a possibility of conjunctivitis, keratitis and other inflammation in the eyes.

    Exacerbation of

    It is quite simple to detect that an exacerbation of chronic maxillary sinusitis is very simple, evident symptoms are evident:

    • body temperature increase
    • general health deterioration
    • headache, maxillary sinuses
    • discharge from nasopharynx
    Any cold, acute respiratory distress or banal hypothermia can provoke an exacerbation. In the absence of treatment, there is a possibility that the inflammation will fill the frontal sinuses, which will lead to serious complications.

    Also a chronic form can provoke the appearance of pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis. Because of the violation of breathing, there are problems with concentration and attention, sometimes the appearance of dacryocystitis or apnea.

    Treatment of chronic sinusitis

    First of all, in order to cure chronic sinusitis it is necessary to eliminate the provoking factors that became the trigger mechanism in the development of the disease.

    As for adults, it can be chronic diseases of ENT organs, caries, pulpitis, etc. Children - adenoids, curvature of the nasal septum.

    In adults, the treatment of chronic sinusitis in the phase of exacerbation takes place according to this scenario:

    1. 1) Antibiotic therapy is used, it is only the doctor who decides which antibiotics should be taken.
    2. 2) Apply vasoconstrictive drops or sprays, which are designed to relieve inflammation and swelling of the maxillary sinus. These drugs are prescribed courses to avoid mucosal atrophy and addiction. If there is no relief within 7 days - treatment tactics should be reviewed.
    3. 3) Mucolytics - they contribute to the excretion and liquefaction of mucus
    4. 4) Everyone knows the puncture of the maxillary sinus, the method is very effective in treating the acute phase. Allows to wash out a sinus and to enter there necessary medicines, thanks to what it is possible to remove puffiness and a headache.
    5. 5) The installation of the YAMIK catheter is a painless and modern alternative, allowing the treatment of sinusitis without puncture.
    6. 6) Rinse the nose with the method of sinus evacuation or with the help of "cuckoo".The composition includes antiseptics and saline solutions.
    7. 7) In addition, prescribe physiotherapy, as well as vitamins and restorative drugs that can enhance immunity.
    Treatment during remission:

    1. 1) In general, various solutions are used to wash the maxillary sinuses. The most popular option is a solution of salt of low concentration. Also, treatment can be supplemented with the use of sprays that have an anti-inflammatory effect.
    2. 2) The use of immunostimulants, which allow to increase the immunity, and thereby avoid exacerbation. In addition, some doctors recommend long-term antibiotic therapy, using for this purpose small doses of macroloids.
    3. 3) If the cause of sinusitis are various diseases or curvature of the septum in the nose, then such elements need to be eliminated.
    Please note that various warm-ups at home, as well as inhalations are recommended only in the initial or recovery phase. Folk remedies should also be used with caution, and only after consulting a doctor. Complex therapy will cure sinusitis without surgery, and completely get rid of the problem.


    To prevent the development of chronic form, all forces should be thrown on the timely treatment of acute sinusitis. If you have a slight rhinitis that does not go away for a long time - do not let it go on its own, treat it, and strengthen the body and boost immunity.

    Try to avoid hypothermia, and finish the treatment of all kinds of diseases, visit the dentist to avoid problems with the teeth. Adhering to the basics of prevention of sinusitis, you can not remember for a long time about its exacerbations and forget about the possibility of transition to a chronic stage.

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