
How to increase lactation in a nursing mother - increased lactation

  • How to increase lactation in a nursing mother - increased lactation

    Any young mother knows in theory how to increase lactation, but if milk becomes really not enough - panic can develop. Therefore, you need to know in advance how to increase lactation to a nursing mother, and how to do this as correctly as possible.

    Very many mothers stop breastfeeding early, because they suspect that the baby does not have enough milk. Everyone strives to "saturate" the baby with various mixtures and as a result completely pass to them, refusing breastfeeding. But if my mother knew in practice what to do in such a situation, then children receiving breast milk would be more.

    How much milk is excreted normally?

    The amount of milk is OK

    Remember the simple axiom: the female organism is arranged perfectly. Breast milk is produced as much as necessary for a certain stage baby. A larger amount would lead to milk stagnation and emptying problems, a smaller amount will affect the baby - he will be hungry and become ill add weight. Therefore, there is an equilibrium: how many the kid took - so much and returned. Knowing about this proportion, you can adjust the amount of milk. For example, the feeding was successful - the baby is full, but the milk remains, in this case, you can resort to kissing. You will express much less than the child eats, so the next time the milk will be less. After decanting a smaller amount of milk, as a result, the baby will take more, and the volumes of incoming and withdrawn milk will be balanced.

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    Does the baby have enough milk?

    How long does the milk last?

    . How do young mothers understand the insufficient amount of milk? The child's discontented behavior and the first thought suggest that they are at such a thought: he is not full. But do not panic! Maybe the child just wants to suck the breast( not eat), and you suddenly take it from the chest - that's discontent. Maybe he's just uncomfortable or hot, so he's behaving very anxiously.

    Please note! The vagaries of a toddler after a meal do not always mean a lack of milk.

    Others think about the lack of milk for another reason: after feeding, it does not work to drain the milk. According to the young mother, the baby can not eat everything. But it is with well-established feeding that the baby takes all the milk, and that's enough for him.

    The most objective sign of lack of food will be a decrease in the amount of urine a child. For a day the kid should pee 10-20 times with normal feeding. The urine should be light, the color of the straw. If urine becomes dark( concentrated), and the acts of urination themselves become rare, then the baby does not have enough milk. If it was noticed something like this - count the acts of urination( during the day, use diapers so that you can count).If the problem is confirmed - you can fight it, you are not the first!

    Increasing lactation

    Frequent attachment to the chest

    The simplest and most effective way to increase lactation to a nursing mother is to put the baby to the breast more. Before that, you paid attention to the requirements of the child, now attach to your chest at your discretion, for example, every hour. Have to get up and feed at night if the baby's sleep is good, then you can wait a few hours. But at the rest of the time, give your breasts very often, this regime will have to be kept for about a week. After watching the mood of the child after feeding and his urination, if everything is restored - you can switch to feeding at his request.

    Perhaps, there is no other way to increase lactation. You can, of course, try to drink laktogonnye drugs( teas, mlekomin), you can consume milk immediately before feeding. This will help reduce the anxiety of mom, but milk production will increase slightly. Do not be lazy and go for artificial feeding, any woman is easier to give a bottle to a child, but think not only about yourself. It is worth suffering a week of hourly feeding, then to be happy. Everyone is easier not to spend energy on such a regime, every mom wants to return to the old food( drink something alcoholic, eat harmful products).But first you should try to adjust lactation on your own, forgetting about nerves.

    Means for increasing lactation

    Many mothers write off the lack of milk for stress, but think for yourself, what could have happened that the breast stopped producing milk? Why, then, did not the heart become ill from stress, or did the kidneys stop coping with the filtration? The main reason is laziness. A woman's body is able to give as much milk as needed, because you already could bear and give birth to a baby.

    It's also worth knowing that the percentage of unkempt mothers is very small. Usually, the lack of milk in these cases is associated with mental illness, a violation of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, or breast diseases. But most young mothers do not have these diseases. It is also worth knowing that milk to the child gives immunity, which is very necessary for him. Also, breastfeeding enhances the bond between a woman and a child, while feeding hormones of happiness are produced. Feeding will help survive postpartum depression. It's a miracle, to know that your milk is so necessary for a baby. Fight for your happiness!


    Professional recommendations for increasing the amount of breast milk: