
Do I need to cut a child a year and will hair grow faster after this haircut?

  • Do I need to cut a child a year and will hair grow faster after this haircut?

    By tradition, the first haircut the kid is supposed to do in a year. Is there any physiological need? Do I need to cut a child in a year?

    A bit of history

    In many countries there was a custom of admission to the family. A child of up to a year was not considered a member of the family, and even the name was not given to him. Of course, this was due to the high mortality rate among infants. If the child lived out to a year, then he became a member of the community, he was "accepted into the family."As a sign of his "birth" as a member of the community, the child was haircut.

    In our time, is it necessary to cut a child in a year? There are both supporters and opponents of such tonsure. Let's figure it out.

    Hair grows better

    Such a haircut argument is the most common. Is it so? It has long been established that the density and color of hair are hereditary qualities and you can not influence them with a haircut.

    If we consider that the follicles( hair follicles) are formed in the womb and the haircut is not able to change their structure, then this argument becomes absolutely meaningless. The only thing is, the haircut will bring the baby's head in order and look like it will be neat and beautiful. But in the haircut "under the zero", so it makes no sense.

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    We drive away the "dark forces"

    There is such a theory: tonsuring a child drives away from him the dark forces. This theory dates back to the distant past, precisely in those times when the rite of "admission to the family" was adopted.

    If parents believe this, then, of course, let the child cut.

    Opinion of psychologists

    On whether to cut a child a year, can also tell a psychologist. Of course, no one will forbid the ban - for all the will of parents, but these specialists will definitely say that it should not be done.

    The fact that a small child perceives himself as a whole, he still can not understand that hair or marigolds, for example, can be cut off painlessly, but the cut off hand will not grow back. That is why, if he understands at a certain level of consciousness that something should be lost, he begins to be nervous, to be capricious, to do everything to avoid such torture here.

    It should be noted that some nationalities, for example, Jews, do not cut kids up to the age of three.

    Uneven hair growth

    With this hair growth, it is really worth cutting the baby. This will enable new hair to grow smoothly and without problems.

    Another reason to cut a child is the hot weather.

    So, there is no need to cut hair to a child in a year, but to decide whether or not to cut the baby in a year, of course, to the parents.

    Video materials on the topic of the article

    How to cut the fidget:

    All the pros and cons of such a haircut:

    How easy to cut a child with scissors:

    How to cut a kid with a typewriter: