
How to increase lactation of breast milk - increased lactation

  • How to increase lactation of breast milk - increased lactation

    Recently, moms are increasingly using special infant formula for feeding babies. Often, breast milk simply does not happen, while in others, lactation decreases. But the reduction in the production of milk can be restored. Therefore, do not rush to transfer the baby to artificial nutrition, for fear of leaving him hungry.

    There are several simple ways to increase lactation. Milk production has a cyclic character: every subsequent month and a half or two months, the volume of milk production is weakened. If you overcome the first decline, then your baby will be provided with a full-fledged diet.

    Correctly eating

    Some products promote enhanced production of breast milk. This is primarily milk and its derivatives, veal, poultry, fish.

    The daily diet of the nursing mother should include at least:

    • a glass of milk or kefir;
    • one hundred grams of cottage cheese;
    • twenty grams of hard cheese;
    • two liters of liquid;
    • glass of carrot juice( in the absence of allergies).
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    Feeding frequency

    The more often you feed your baby, the higher will be lactation. Close contact with the baby also contributes to the production of breast milk. Gentle and affectionate touch will help you to restore the necessary amount of food.

    The correct posture when feeding and controlling how the baby sucks the breast also has a beneficial effect on lactation recovery. Take care that the baby touches the chest with his chin. In this case, the lower sponge of the baby should be slightly turned outward, and above the top - the margin of the areola can be seen. Do not despair if milk comes slowly, since it is possible to increase the lactation of breast milk only with some effort.

    Therapeutic baths

    In order to prepare such a bath, you will need a bowl and hot water. Before going to bed, lower your chest into a bowl of water and hold for about fifteen minutes. Water should not be excessively hot. After the procedure, wipe your chest dry and wrap it in cotton underwear.

    Variable shower

    The contrast shower will not only help maintain skin tone. Cold-hot water contributes to the production of elastin in the skin, which ensures the preservation of the shape of the breast. In addition, massage with a contrasting water jet also has a beneficial effect on lactation. In the morning and in the evening massage the breast - the flow of breast milk and beautiful elastic skin to you are provided.

    Get more rest and take a walk

    Fresh air promotes better circulation of blood in the body. A relaxed body is easier to cope with its functions. Therefore, the more you walk and relax, the higher the production of breast milk.


    Massage for breasts

    You can massage your breasts using castor oil. You need to spread them palms. One hand is placed on the chest, and the other is placed under it. With gentle, calm movements in the clockwise direction, massage. Areola and nipple should not be stained with oil.

    If possible, visit the massage room. A specialist will massage your back in the thoracic spine.

    Granny's herbs

    The grass needs to be selected according to its characteristics. Usually only one specific herb helps.

    Most often use a decoction of anise. To do this, a teaspoon of grass is brewed with boiling water in a glass and insisted. Drink an infusion of a quarter of a glass hourly.

    Herbs used to enhance lactation are divided into three groups:

    This group includes herbs that help with digestive problems:

    • anise;
    • cumin;
    • fennel;
    • dill.

    Herbs that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system:

    • lemon balm;
    • mint;
    • oregano.

    Plants that help with anemia, increasing hemoglobin and normalizing physical state:

    • nettle.

    Emotional background of a nursing mother

    Positive emotions contribute to increased lactation. No wonder they say that laughter prolongs life. A balanced or uplifting mood affects the entire human body well. Nursing mother should not experience negative emotions. Stressful situations can lead to an absolute loss of breast milk. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the breastfeeding woman from neuroses and various unpleasant situations.

    Good calm music or a cheerful comedy will help to normalize the emotional background and create a favorable atmosphere.

    Gymnastics for the chest

    A special set of exercises will help to maintain the shape of the breast and increase the flow of breast milk. A few simple exercises will help in just a couple of days to restore the production of breast milk.

    1. The arms should be bent at the elbows at the chest level, and the palms should be connected, pointing the fingers upwards. At the expense of one or two, squeeze one hand on the other, and for three or four - relax, holding your hands in front of you.
    2. Stand on all fours and head up, move around the room. Do this exercise best without a bra.
    3. Straighten your arms and spread them apart. Then cross them in front of the chest and spread them apart. Every swing try to lift your hands slightly up.

    How to increase lactation of milk with

    preparations How to increase lactation with

    preparations Various products for enhancing breastmilk production can be purchased at a pharmacy or a regular store. They release such drugs without a prescription. There are various fees and teas that help increase lactation. They include various herbs and flowers. But you need to choose carefully, because an allergic reaction may occur.

    Tablet "assistants" usually contain vitamins, micro and macro elements, minerals, royal jelly, extracts of various plants. There are also homeopathic remedies for increasing lactation. The advantage of such drugs is their hypoallergenicity.

    Brewer's yeast is beneficial for lactation. The vitamin PP contained in them helps also to maintain a good condition of the nail plates and hair.

    Each mother should proceed from the characteristics of her body. Before taking this or that remedy, it is best to consult a doctor. It is also recommended to keep a diary where all the products consumed per day should be recorded. Then it will be easier to determine what caused the allergic reaction in mom or baby.

    It is recommended to breastfeed for at least six months. Mother's milk will not be replaced by any artificial mixture. Thanks to the mother's milk, the baby is growing rapidly, gaining weight, and its immunological system is getting stronger every day.