
The temperature and headache in a child: influenza, meningitis or sinusitis?

  • The temperature and headache in a child: influenza, meningitis or sinusitis?

    The child has a fever and a headache, the child is clearly sick, but what can it be? Do not miss a serious disease. ..

    It should be noted that the headache is one of the frequent symptoms of diseases in children from infants to adolescents. The causes of the headache may be different, but we will focus on those that are accompanied by a rise in temperature.

    What causes temperature and headache in a child?

    Influenza and viral infection

    In these diseases, even the slightest increase in temperature is accompanied by a headache. Pain passes from antipyretics, but do not get carried away by them. Temperature is the body's reaction to the invasion of a virus or bacteria. Reducing fever, we prevent the body from fighting.

    Specialists believe that it is not necessary to lower the temperature if it is below 38 degrees. However, it all depends on the condition of the child and its tolerability of high temperature. Each child has his own threshold. During this period it is necessary to provide the child with an abundant drink.

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    So the temperature in the child and the headache associated with it can be caused by a flu or a viral infection.

    From a headache at a temperature, use cold. A cold compress on the head will ease the baby's condition. Now in the pharmacies are selling special packages with gel. They are easy to use. After cooling in the refrigerator, the bags can be used on any part of the body.


    Very terrible disease - an inflammation of the membranes of the brain. It is accompanied by a very severe headache. The pain is so strong that all the other signs of the disease go to the background.

    Therefore, be careful. If the child has a headache, fever, check his condition carefully. When meningitis pain appears in the back and neck, it increases with the turn of the head. Drowsiness, nausea, confusion - an excuse to call an ambulance. There may be a rash on the body. Babies swell fontanel, crying becomes monotonous.


    Temperature, together with a child's headache, can be caused by sinusitis - inflammation of mucous sinus sinuses. If you noticed that the child is constantly stuffy nose, discharge from the nose green, it is most likely a sinusitis. The sooner you contact a specialist, the less unpleasant the consequences.

    First aid

    If a child has a fever and complains of a headache, first of all it is necessary to provide him with complete rest and bed rest in a well-ventilated area, plenty of warm drink and light food.

    It is allowed to take antipyretic, analgesic preparations based on paracetamol and ibuprofen. In this case, you must adhere to the dosage and age restrictions specified in the instructions to the drug.

    You can not warm up the baby and wrap it around.

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