  • Your color type

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    The color personality type is determined by three main features: a hint of hair, iris of the eyes and skin pigmentation. Currently, the most common theory of the seasons, in which the color type of personality is determined by analogy with a particular season. Spring

    This is the lightest color-type. Its representatives are most often natural blondes or light brown-haired women, their hair color is wheat, golden or amber. The structure of their hair is thin and fluffy, slightly curly. Eyes - blue, gray or light green in color. Skin translucent, lactic or peach, almost not exposed to sunlight.

    Suitable: gentle, pastel colors, the color of young greenery, the first flowers. Also, a soft white - the color of natural wool - will work well. From the blue scale, "spring" women should prefer light-blue, rich blue, gray-blue, silver colors. Of the red variants of this color scheme are suitable peach, coral, orange

    color. From the yellow scale "spring" you should choose shades from yellowish-beige to golden-brown. From green - it is better to choose the colors from light yellowish-green to turquoise and emerald. Ornaments should be gold or imitating gold.

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    Avoid too light or too dark tones in clothes - this will give you a tired and lifeless appearance.


    As a child, "summer" is an ash-blond girl, but then the color of the hair darkens - unfortunately, towards the mouse-brown. Usually the representatives of this color type at the time of growing light-brown or ashy hair. Eyes are usually gray-blue, gray, watery-blue, green-blue, green and light-brown. The complexion can be very light, grayish-pink, the skin usually does not take sunburn. At the same time, the skin of "summer" can sometimes have an olive shade and in the sun to acquire a nutty ebb. In both cases, on closer examination, a characteristic bluish subcutaneous tone is noticeable. If the girl of this color is freckles, then they are gray-brown in color. According to observations of specialists, this external appearance is most common among Russians.

    Suitable: calm, muted tones - different shades of pink, purple( from light lilac to plum-rich), gray( especially pearl gray) and blue( from sky blue to the color of the sea) colors. From the red scale on the summer color scheme, it will be nice to look at clothes of cold-red shades - crimson, light-plum. From jewelry it is worth to choose silver and pearl gray products.

    Avoid: white, beige, black. Also, the "fly" does not fit the orange, green and gold shades. Autumn( warm color)

    This appearance, unlike the others, is very easy to identify. The hair of representatives of the "autumn" of all shades of red - copper, chestnut, fiery, brown

    with a reddish tint. The structure of hair is good: they are thick, elastic, often curly. Eyes - amber-brown, horse-colored or green. The skin is usually beige or tanned, often freckles are visible on it. Skin is sensitive to the sun, under its rays it quickly blushes and becomes inflamed.

    Suitable for these ladies clothing and accessories in the style of "golden

    autumn" - it can be bright orange, carrot, terracotta, brick, brown. Also, women of this color-type fits the beige color, and from the green range - marsh, mustard, khaki, turquoise. Of the ornaments, it is best for a representative of this type to look at products made of gold, bronze, copper.

    Avoid: cold shades of gray and blue, black, bright white and silver.

    Winter( cold color)

    This type of appearance is more typical for the eastern countries. Depending on the degree of contrast, the colors of the hair and skin are distinguished by two subtypes:

    contrasting is the possessor of blue-black hair, dark brown or transparent blue eyes, bluish with veined skin;

    is non-contrast - this "winter" has dense, often curly, dark hair with chocolate or copper tint, brown or green-brown eyes and olive-gray skin.

    Suitable for such ladies is black and white( including gray and pure white), dark pink shades( crimson, ruby, burgundy, ripe cherry), inky-violet, turquoise and dark brown( coffee color) color. Jewelry is better to choose silver or white gold.

    Avoid: light brown, orange, yellow, shades of gold, bright warm green.