  • Preplant fertilizer

    A gardener should pay special attention to the preparation of planting holes.

    Well-decomposed( reparted) manure and various composts in the amount of 15-30 kg per 1 pit( or 1 trench of the trench) will fit as organic fertilizer for refueling in pits and trenches. On heavy clay soils, the addition of coarse sand is desirable( 2-5 buckets per 1 m2), and on sandy and sandy loam soils about the same amount of clay. From mineral fertilizers per 1 planting pit it is necessary to make: for pome and stone stones - 400-800 g of lime( depending on soil acidity) or from 500 g to 1 kg of wood ash, 200 g ai.phosphoric fertilizers and 60 g ai.potassium fertilizers( Table).

    Dosage of preplant fertilizer of fruit and berry crops( for medium-range soils with mobile phosphorus and exchange potassium)

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    Size of planting pit, cm

    Organic fertilizers, kg / well

    Mineral fertilizers, GHG / Pit

    Nitrogen( N)

    Phosphoric( P2O5)

    Potash( K2O)

    Apple tree, pear

    60 x 60 x 80





    Cherry, plum, cherry plum, cherry

    40 x 40 x 60






    40 x 40 x 60





    Black currant

    40 x 40 x 40




    Honeysuckle, actinidia, lemongrass

    40 x 40 x 60




    Red currant, gooseberry, aronia

    40 x 40 x 40





    Trench 40 x 40 *






    Superficially *





    * Dosages of fertilizers are given per 1 m2.

    Berry shrubs preplant fertilizer is required in the following amount: organic fertilizer 8-10 kg per 1 running.m, 20 g a.e.phosphoric and 15 g ai.potassium fertilizers for black currant, but for red currants, raspberries, gooseberries and chokeberry, the ratio of these elements should be as follows: 15 g ai.phosphoric and 20 g ai. Potassium fertilizers( since they are "calyly").

    The applied fertilizers must be thoroughly mixed with the entire volume of the soil that is filled in the pit( trench).When planting directly to the roots of plants, it is necessary to pour fertile soil without mineral fertilizers.

    If plants are planted immediately after excavating pits, then when filling the pits with prepared soil, do not forget to compact it slightly( with the feet), so that there is not a lot of settling( especially after watering).

    The soil layer of the underlying layers, taken from the landing pit, must be distributed from above( already after landing) along the near-barrel circle.

    When planting fruit and berry plants, organic fertilizers can be introduced into the planting pit in two ways. In the first case, if organic fertilizers are well decomposed, they are mixed with all the soil intended for backfilling the landing pit. In the second case, with poor quality of organic fertilizers( weakly decomposed straw manure, unripe composts), they do not contribute to the planting pit, but are used to mulch the soil of the near-trunk circle in the first or second year after planting. Do this because organic fertilizers of low degree of decomposition, falling into the bottom of the landing pit, with a lack of oxygen in the air decompose badly, releasing ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, which poison the roots of plants.

    Peat in its pure form should not be used as a fertilizer. It can be used only for mulching the soil surface under the plants. The best way to prepare peat for application to the soil is composting it with manure, slurry, chicken pox, plant and household waste.

    Phosphoric and potash fertilizers in both cases are introduced into the lower third of the pit, mixing them with a small amount of soil. Nitrogen does not contribute to the planting pit, since it worsens plant survival. Therefore, nitrogen and nitrogen containing complex fertilizers( nitrofosc, nitroammophosco, ammophos, potassium, calcium or sodium nitrate) should not be used during planting. Due to deterioration of rooting conditions, it is not necessary to give nitrogen and immediately after planting. Nitrogen can be introduced only after plant survival: if planting was done in the fall, then do it in the spring;if in the spring, then 2-3 weeks after it. Nitrogen is better to introduce into wells with a depth of up to 25 cm along the edges of the landing pit.

    On sandy soils, to reduce water permeability, the planting pits, when packed, are sandwiched with compost or lowland peat( 3-5 cm layers) every 15-20 cm with layer compaction. Phosphoric and potash fertilizers are applied in this case to those layers that alternate with compost or peat. It is good to use magnesium-containing potassium fertilizers.

    No fertilizers are applied when planting strawberries, as it reacts poorly to the increased concentration of salts in the soil. The best period for filling the soil for it - the application of fertilizers under the predecessor or on the steam site for 2-3 months before planting strawberries.