  • The most popular myths about fitness

    Myth one: lose weight by all means

    Many start to engage in fitness only in order to lose weight. However, the mistake of many is that, simultaneously with fitness classes, they start eating once a day or even starving. This is a wrong approach. During an increase in physical activity, in this case, exercise, you need a full meal 5-6 times a day. You can not lose weight at any cost to the detriment of health!

    Myth Two: Iron Muscles

    According to the statement that the body of a person who has come to a fitness club should become not thin, but healthy, his muscles should first of all become efficient.

    During the first months of training, the muscles need to be toned down after a forced downtime. From this point of view the desire of the beginner to test loads on the verge of possible looks doubtful and to choose the training of the highest intensity. It is enough to come to classes 3-4 times a week and alternate group sessions in the gym or pool with trainings in the gym, intelligently combining aerobic and sipni.with a load.

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    It should be noted that dance classes will add to your julia dexterity, coordination and freedom, and yoga and pilates make the body harmonious, balanced and perfect. So THAT fitness is natural muscles and a beautiful harmonious body.

    Myth three: only the best trainer

    Now it's fashionable to buy a membership card in the fitness club And engage the most popular coach for individual classes.

    An individual coach, especially at the beginning of classes, is, it's debatable, very good. If a professional is working with you, he will help you to correctly determine the loads and sets of exercises necessary for the city.

    However, an individual coach is an additional cost, which not everyone can afford. Therefore, you can engage in fitness and at home, guided by this topic. In addition, you can visit the gym, where the coach at each lesson you do not need - all the exercises performed on the simulator, we tried to describe in great detail.

    Myth Four: age limits

    Fitness is useful and available at any age. Today there are many different programs: power, dance, yoga, pilates, step, water, cycling, martial arts, etc., which are combined into group, personal, rehabilitation and other formats for all ages and categories involved in fitness.