  • Burdock oil for hair

    Read the article:
    • The use of burdock oil for hair
    • Hair masks with burdock oil: recipes, rules for use
    • Reviews and useful tips on the application of oil hair curlers for hair

    Burdock hair oil strengthens them from the tips to the roots

    Burdock oil iscompletely natural product, which is extracted from the roots of a common medicinal plant burdock.

    Unlike other types of oils that are made by spinning from plants, burdock is obtained by infusion - the roots insist on an oil extract, for example, on sesame, olive or peanut.

    Oil extract from the roots of burdock is very rich in minerals, proteins, natural insulin and vitamins, which positively affects the hairline.

    Use of burdock oil for hair ^

    The benefits of oil extracts were well known to our ancestors who preferred to deal with natural natural products.

    One of the most useful was considered burdock oil. Over time, the methods of its production and use have only been improved, and researchers have found new scientific evidence of the benefits of treating hair with burdock oil. Today it has not lost its relevance in any way, quite the contrary.

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    The most effective is the use of burdock oil for hair:

    • Thanks to its useful properties, it has a good effect on the internal structure of the hairs, helping to restore the balance of metabolism.
    • One of the greatest advantages of this product is its beneficial effect on the blood circulation of the head, which helps to strengthen the roots of hairs and significantly accelerate their growth.
    • Excellent for dry hair, split ends and dandruff - there is no more suitable remedy than oil burdock extract.
    • The undoubted advantage of this product is that it very effectively protects against frequent hair loss and the beginning of alopecia.
    • Perfectly absorbed in the scalp, removing such unpleasant symptoms as dandruff and exhausting itching.

    Alas, not everyone can use the burdock oil extract with confidence. The main contraindication to use is individual hypersensitivity to burdock oil, that is - an allergy to its components. Therefore, before using it, make sure that there is no hypersensitivity to the skin and perform a test test on the back of the elbow.

    With this in mind, it can be safely said that the oil burdock extract should be used for such symptoms:

    • Painful dryness, itching and dandruff;
    • Weakness of hair after chemical wave and color;
    • Progressive alopecia;
    • Weak hair growth.

    There are many different recipes with the use of oil thistles, which are successfully used by women. Extracting burdock oil can be bought in any city pharmacy, and you can do it yourself. It is desirable, after all, to try to make it yourself, since the home made burdock extract turns out to be more fat and saturated with useful substances than the pharmacy one.

    Recipe for cooking home bass oil

    • You need to take 70 gr.raw or dried roots of burdock, grate or finely chop.
    • Pour 150 ml of olive, almond or vegetable oil.
    • Then the resulting mass should be put in a dark cool place for about a week.
    • Stir the mixture steaming for about a quarter of an hour, cool and put in the refrigerator.

    The long-term practice has shown that the burdock best shows its useful properties in the oil solution, manufactured in this way. After a generous supply of vitamins A and E, a multitude of trace elements, natural fats and protein stores contained in the burdock, when heated by steam, they are not destroyed in any way, but, on the contrary, they acquire an even greater strength of beneficial effects.

    Masks for hair with burdock oil: recipes, rules of use ^

    The main way of using burdock extract is the simplest, which is used by most women:

    • You need to moisten your hair( clean or dirty - it does not matter), squeeze it well with a towel and, warming up a little burdock oil, put a thick flat comb on its head.
    • Then wait for 1 to 3 hours and wash off the mask with shampoo and balm.
    • Recommended once every 2 weeks.

    Next, several recipes for the application of oil extracts from burdock for different types of hair will be presented.

    Mask with burdock oil for dry hair

    • It is necessary to stir in equal proportions burdock, wheat and chamomile oil.
    • Slightly heated this mixture, you need to rub it into the head and wait 40 minutes, after which you can wash it off.

    This mask helps to strengthen and moisturize, and also has an excellent stimulating effect on the growth of hairs.

    Mask with burdock oil for oily hair

    • It is necessary to mix burdock oil with one tsp of oil from the bones of grapes, 1 tbsp.l.grapefruit pulp and with 10 drops of lemon oil.
    • Then rub the mixture into the head and leave it for 25 minutes, then rinse.

    Mask promotes cleaning, acceleration of hair growth and restoration of the balance of metabolism.

    Mask with burdock oil for growth of hair

    • It is necessary to mix in equal proportions a burdock and ground red pepper.
    • Rub with egg yolk on the scalp.
    • After an hour you have to wash it off.

    You should know that this mask is very burning and you need patience to stand it on your head for 60 minutes, but the result is worth it.

    Mask with burdock oil against dandruff

    • It will take 2 egg yolks, 2 tsp.honey and as many spoons of burdock extract.
    • Mix everything and rub the mixture into the scalp.
    • Then wait half an hour and wash off the mask with shampoo, 2 times soaping your head.

    This mask promotes a good recovery of the scalp, balance of nutrients of the hair. Excellent cope with dandruff.

    Mask against hair loss

    • To prepare this mask, you need onion juice.
    • Mix the onion juice with burdock extract, then carefully rub the prepared mixture into the scalp, then cover with polyethylene and wrap it with a towel.
    • We wait about an hour and wash off the mixture.
    • After rinsing it is desirable to use a balm for moisturizing.

    This mask perfectly copes with various types of hair loss and promotes the maximum strengthening of the roots.

    We also recommend that you read the article Coconut oil for hair.

    Reviews and useful tips on the application of oil hairgrass for hair ^

    Thanks to its medicinal properties, burdock oil always remains at the peak of popularity. Numerous reviews of him make us again and again make sure of his benefits. Here is a tip about burdock oil from our Sofia reader, who used it to increase hair growth:

    "I have had hair problems since childhood that have caused me a lot of discomfort. They grew very tight, and as I did not try to fix the problem with expensive shampoos and chemist's products - nothing helped. A friend once advised a recipe with burdock oil mixed with red pepper. Grasping the last straw of hope, I began to make masks. Did or made often, approximately every 3 days.

    The result appeared after 2 months. When I noticed that my industry hairs were 5-7 cm, I was just stunned, it seemed to me that this could not be happening. However, this was a reality. Since then, I use only the hanging of the burdock for the head, which I learned to do myself! But remember, this mask is applied intermittently - you do two months, leave the head alone for one month. Only then you are guaranteed a one hundred percent result. "

    The following is another feedback, from Victoria, who successfully used burdock oil to restore, strengthen and shine the hair:

    "I used to love to experiment with hair color, and also to achieve perfect smoothness with hot irons. At some point, I realized that this can not continue further, because as a result of these manipulations, my hair lost its former attractiveness and was simply hanging in strings. On one of the sites I saw recipes for the use of burdock oil and numerous reviews about it.

    Having decided that I have nothing more to lose, I bought it at the pharmacy and, following the recipe for applying it for brittle lifeless hair, began to do the procedures 2 times a week and a half. After a short time, I was amazed at how my hairs got stronger, as they began to shine in a healthy shine.

    I realized that I found my mask personally and my hair health prescription. Since then, I do not paint them, because after applying the extract of burdock oil, the gloss and hair density do not need any paints and ironing and naturally add beauty. "

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