  • Coconut oil for hair

    Read in the article:
    • Benefits of coconut oil for hair
    • Hair masks with coconut oil: recipes, rules for use
    • Reviews and useful tips on the use of coconut oil for hair

    Coconut oil for hair helps strengthen them, accelerate growth and enhance shine

    Coconut oilOil is a natural product and an effective tool for the care of all types of hair.

    It has the ability to tidy the weakened and shine-free hair, creating a pronounced effect in a short period of time. After all, every woman wants to look perfect, and beautiful, luxurious hair - an integral part of the ideal image.

    Benefits of coconut oil for hair ^

    Coconut oil has an abundance of beneficial properties that help in the proper care of hair:

    • Due to the fact that the structure of the hair contains almost one protein, the main building material, coconut natural product helps prevent its loss.
    • The use of coconut oil has a striking effect - it eliminates the visited parts, and also gives a dazzling shine and a healthy appearance to the hair. When applied, it spreads and envelops the hair along the entire length - from the root to the tip itself, creating a kind of protective layer.
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    • It will be useful to use it for those people who suffer from intense hair loss. It helps to achieve an amazing effect in the shortest possible time, strengthening hair follicles, which, in turn, receive intensive hydration, as well as the necessary trace elements for the normal performance of their functions.
    • Is an excellent wound healing and antibacterial agent, preventing the propagation of pathogenic microorganisms on the surface of the skin and hair.
    • In order to achieve an excellent condition of the head of hear and have a curative effect on it, cosmetology uses both refined and unrefined coconut oil. Both of them perfectly stimulate the immune system, having a beneficial effect on the hair, prevents loss and provokes rapid growth of hairs.
    • Due to the high content of beneficial minerals, homemade coconut oil has a stimulating effect on the hair follicles, in which the blood circulation is normalized, which entails the activation of growth.
    • It has one more important property - hypoallergenic.

    However, it must be recalled that people who suffer from individual intolerance to components that cause allergic reactions, its use will not work.

    It should be noted that unrefined coconut oil , undoubtedly has the largest amount of useful micronutrients for the whole organism - saturated fats and acids. It does not have a pronounced smell and quickly freezes in the refrigerator or in a cool room, turning into a solid opaque mass. But when heated, it melts easily and becomes soft, acquiring transparency.

    However, it contains also the kamedogenic substances that can cause the appearance of acne on the skin of the head, face and whole body, if it is applied undiluted. In addition, it is not recommended to use unrefined oil for the fatty type of scalp, with which it will be very difficult to wash off and will give it an even more polluting effect.

    Without any restrictions, it is possible to use refined coconut oil, which is practically colorless and odorless. Refined coconut product can be used as an independent substance, and in the form of additives to various cosmetics. Like unrefined, it easily solidifies and easily comes to a liquid state when heated.

    It should be noted that for women who want to maximize the growth of hair, it makes sense to regularly use coconut natural product, which can easily be made at home.

    Recipe for cooking coconut oil at home

    • It is necessary to take a coconut nut, open it, pour out the milk separately, and chop the small pieces with a blender.
    • Then you need to pour in it a small amount of clean hot water( but not boiling water), cool and put in the refrigerator.
    • After a few hours, a thick film forms on the surface - this is coconut oil.
    • If stored properly, it will retain its useful properties for at least 15 days.

    Hair masks with coconut oil: recipes, rules of use ^

    For effective use of coconut oil, it is not necessary to visit beauty salons. You can prepare yourself at home an effective coconut mask against hair loss, to enhance growth and achieve maximum gloss.

    Mask with coconut oil from hair loss

    For those women whose hairs break out with bulbs, and break off and cut ends, the mask with coconut oil that will help effectively strengthen the hair follicles is perfect.

    To prepare a coconut mask, it is necessary: ​​

    • Take 40 g of coconut oil and 10 ml of vinegar, mixing them with one egg yolk of fresh chicken eggs( preferably homemade) and 0.5 tbsp.glycerin. The quantity can be proportionally increased if necessary.
    • All ingredients should be at room temperature.
    • After thoroughly mixing the components, rub it into damp roots, and distribute it along the entire length. Before applying the coconut mask, it is advisable not to wash the head.
    • Turn around the head with a plastic bag, wrap it on top with a warm towel.
    • Stand for about 40 - 60 minutes.
    • After the procedure, wash off the coconut mask and rinse the head well with shampoo.

    Mask with coconut oil for hair growth

    In order for the hair to grow much faster than usual, there is an excellent tool - a mask with coconut oil with a banana and vitamins A and E.Due to the presence of lauric acid in the coconut oil, it activates the metabolic processes in the hair follicles, which helps to increase the density of hair.

    To prepare a homemade coconut mask for enhanced hair growth, you should:

    • take a small container, mash it with a ripe banana, to which to add 30-40 ml of coconut oil and 3 tsp.fatty sour cream( permissible to replace fat cream).
    • At the end, add 5 to 6 drops of vitamins A and E( sold in any pharmacy).
    • Prepared mass thoroughly.
    • After that it is necessary with the help of massaging movements to put the mask on the roots and the entire length.
    • Before the procedure, the hair should be washed, and before applying the coconut mask can be dried or left a little wet.
    • Cover the head with a warm towel and hold for 40 - 50 minutes.
    • After the procedure, rinse the mask under running water with shampoo.

    The vitamins present in the coconut mask will provide the scalp with nutrients and stimulate the hair follicles. And sour cream and banana will soften them and nourish with useful trace elements.

    Mask with coconut oil for shine of hair

    For the elimination of lifeless condition and a dull shade of hair, giving strength, strength and dazzling radiance to the hair, a homemade mask with coconut oil will help to enhance the shine, which is prepared with the addition of essential oils.

    Recipe for preparing a coconut mask for enhancing shine:

    • It is necessary to attach to 60 ml - 80 ml of coconut oil 1-2 tbsp.marigold flowers( calendula flowers) and the same amount of chamomile.
    • It is desirable to add here also 1-2 tsp.dried rosemary herb.
    • At the end add 4 drops of one or two essential oils, most suitable for smell. It can be bergamot, geranium, lavender, ylang-ylang or cedar. Their presence in the composition of the mixture is a prerequisite. After all, they will allow the coconut mask to have the proper effect, restoring the structure and giving an extraordinary shine to the hair.
    • Mass, thoroughly mixing, heated for 30 minutes over low heat. Then cool and pour into a container with a tightly twisting hole of a dark material - glass or plastic.
    • The resulting mixture is insisted in a dark place for about 8 to 10 days. After aging, it should be warmed to a warm state and strain.

    Only now you can start applying coconut mask:

    • Apply the mask to clean and slightly moistened hair, starting from their root and along the entire length.
    • Then you should put a plastic bag on your head and wrap it with a towel.
    • It is recommended to keep the mask for about half an hour.
    • Rinse with clean water and wash with shampoo.

    Hair after coconut oil, according to the girls, get an impeccable appearance, they become strong, dense and shiny, and the intensity of their growth increases several times.

    Use prepared at home coconut mask is recommended not more often than 1 or 2 times a week. The course should consist of approximately 12 to 15 procedures, between which to take a break, at least 1 month.

    When making home masks, it is worth not to admit the following mistakes:

    • The consistency of the mask should not be too liquid, otherwise it will not hold on to the roots and along the entire length, draining over the clothes. This will not achieve the expected therapeutic and prophylactic effect.
    • After application of the treatment mask, it is recommended to comb the head with a rare scallop, which will allow uniform distribution of the contents along the entire length - starting from the roots and ending with the tips.
    We also recommend that you read the article Nicotinic acid for hair growth.

    Reviews and useful tips on the use of coconut oil for hair ^

    To date, positive reviews of the mask with coconut oil for strengthening and shine of hair, which leave women, tried their actions and experienced an impressive effect.

    Based on these reviews, we can safely say that when using coconut masks hair grows in a month not less than 3 to 5 cm, whereas in normal mode their growth is no more than 1-2 cm. Of course, everything depends on the individualabilities of the organism, laid down by the genetic program. But these opportunities can be significantly enhanced through the use of therapeutic coconut masks.

    In addition, women using home masks with coconut, provide information that after several procedures, the roots are significantly strengthened, the hair ceases to fall out, and the comb, after its use, remains absolutely clean.

    In a circle of friends and friends, surrounded by relatives and friends, you can often hear exceptionally pleasant reviews about coconut oil. A large number of people all over the world, mostly its beautiful half, in every way praises home made coconut masks for hair, listing their undoubted advantages over other therapeutic masks.

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