
Home Masks for Moisturizing Hair - Moisturizing Hair Masks

  • Home Masks for Moisturizing Hair - Moisturizing Hair Masks

    It's no secret that well-groomed, luxurious hair is one of the main components of female beauty. They are dedicated to poems and songs, admired by them, they fall in love with them. But all this provided that the hair is really healthy and attractive, full of vitality and natural brilliance. Agree, it is difficult to compose a sincere compliment to split, colorless curls. Shattered, naughty head of hear can make ordinary even the brightest appearance, to spoil the most refined haircut. That is why proper hair care in cosmetology is not less important than caring for the face, and it should be paid no less attention.

    Trusting advertising slogans, many are sure that the health of hair depends, first of all, on a complex of minerals, a set of vitamins, etc., that is, from regular saturation of hair follicles and cuticles with useful substances. This is not true. Macro- and microelements play, of course, an essential role, but the beauty of our curls is caused not only by them. Of great importance is the water balance, which should be constantly maintained and, if necessary, restored.

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    Naturalness of hair masks

    Often it is the lack of moisture that causes the loss of shine, faintness, confusion, disobedience and electrification, and often loss. Dehydrated head of hair is difficult to shape - weakened tired strands do not want to succumb to styling. Thus, before nourishing our hair, you need to take care of the quenching of their "thirst," and it is best for these purposes to use home masks to moisturize the hair.

    Compared to their store counterparts, they are more effective and, at the same time, are softer and more gentle, since they contain exclusively natural ingredients. The absence of synthetic preservatives and dyes, aggressive chemical compounds makes their use absolutely safe. At the same time, a long-term curative effect of the natural mask will not be replaced by any balm, let alone shampoo, which is applied for a very short time. Naturally, there is an alternative to expensive salon procedures, which are not inferior to the quality of folk cosmetology, but this, as they say, is a matter of taste, and also the issue of free financial means. Home masks for moisturizing your hair will give you an excellent result at a much lower cost.

    Rules for the application of a moisturizing mask

    The main rule of a home moisturizing mask is the choice of ingredients based on the type of hair. The statement that you need to moisturize only dry hair is a myth. Bold type also needs to normalize the water balance, just done with the help of other products.

    So, if the activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp is increased, prepare a mask of curdled milk, whey, tomatoes, blue clay, lemon and carrot juice, rye bread. If, conversely, lowered - boldly apply oily substances( olive, sea-buckthorn, sunflower, peach butter), egg yolks, sour cream, mayonnaise. Owners of mixed hair( dry ends, fatty roots) it is useful to alternate the ingredients, applying each composition to half the curl: for example, the first time we make an oily mask for dry tips, the second one is a lactic acid for the root zone. In all cases, the moistening mixture can be enhanced with glycerin, cognac, arnica tincture and honey.

    Another rule of home hydration is the regularity and optimal frequency of procedures. With a preventive purpose, it will be enough to make a mask after 10 days, even an interval of half a month is possible. When it comes to the restoration, treatment of severely dehydrated hair, it is necessary to moisturize at least twice a week. As for the duration of each procedure, the optimal range is from 40 minutes to an hour - the more components the mask contains, the more active it is and the less time it takes to apply it.

    Moisturizing mask recipes

    Mask on olive oil

    Home hair masks have a variety of cooking options, differing in complexity and composition.

    Here are some recipes combining efficiency and usability:

    • we take olive oil and castor oil equally( usually a tablespoon, although it depends on the length of the hair), add the yolk( pre-whipped, just one egg), bring the mixer to homogeneity, stand on hair for 40 minutes;
    • tomato pulp and carrot juice( half a cup of both) stir, pour honey( liquid, 1 tsp), stir again and apply for 40 minutes;
    • carrots and lemon juices( 4 and 2 tablespoons respectively) are combined with the infusion of chamomile( a tablespoon of water for a glass of boiled water, used warm), keep on the head for an hour - moisturizes well, but it's forbidden to use people with ashy hair color and platinum blondes, otherwise the natural color of the curls will be spoiled by a slight yellowness;
    • glycerin and weak vinegar( a teaspoon of both ingredients) mixed with egg foam( one egg) and castor oil( 2 tbsp is enough), apply for 45 minutes;
    • Mask of blue clay to connect 2 tbsp.l.diluted to a consistency of a dough of blue clay( diluted with water, better boiled, but not hot) with a similar volume of cognac, keep on the head for 40 minutes.(no more);
    • heat curdled milk or whey, and for dry hair, sour cream so that the dairy product reaches a temperature of 36-37 degrees, apply for an hour.

    In addition to these fairly simple recipes, there are other, more intricate mixtures. Experiment, look for your composition, adhering to simple rules of moisturizing and general recommendations of any home hair mask - to provide the head with heat, putting polyethylene and woolen shawl over the mask, thoroughly rinse the mixture with warm water, use only fresh products. Exercise a little patience and care, and your hair will always radiate beauty.