
Arrhythmia of the heart: symptoms and treatment, causes of arrhythmia

  • Arrhythmia of the heart: symptoms and treatment, causes of arrhythmia

    What is it, and how dangerous is it? Each person's heartbeat occurs in a certain individual rhythm. This rhythm is formed with the help of some kind of conducting cardiac system.

    The system consists of bundles of nerve tissues, nodes, clusters of nerve cells, fibers. Arrhythmia occurs in cases of failures in one formation.

    This disturbance of the heart rhythm is a pathological process, as a result of which the frequency, rhythm and sequence of cardiac contraction and excitation are disturbed.

    This condition of the patient can significantly disrupt the normal contractile activity of the heart. And this leads to a number of negative consequences in the future. Violation of the heart rhythm is associated with a number of reasons, which can be established through a comprehensive survey.

    The heart rate in most people in a calm state is 60-75 beats per minute.

    Causes of cardiac arrhythmia:

    • trauma;
    • tumors of the brain and spinal cord;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
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    • diseases of the circulatory system;
    • infection;
    • of the nervous system;
    • endocrine pathology;
    • mental or physical stress;
    • violation of electrolyte metabolism;
    • diseases of the cardiovascular system.
    Depending on the reasons, arrhythmia can be prolonged or occur as a paroxysm( attack).The arrhythmias are divided into the following types: ventricular, supraventricular and atrial. Nadzheludochkovye arrhythmias arise as a result of violations of the internal organs, with diseases of the spine and nervous system, infections, endocrine diseases.

    Symptoms of arrhythmia

    Symptoms of arrhythmia can be as follows: a feeling of discomfort in the heart, tremors, weakness, dizziness, changes in heart rate, shortness of breath, sometimes chest pain means a violation of the heart.

    With tachycardia, anxiety, irritability, unjustified fear may appear. With bradycardia, there is inhibition, weakness and lethargy. Sinus arrhythmia often occurs in young people who have not developed a nervous system. They are excitable, hot-tempered, irritable.

    Each kind of arrhythmia is differently manifested and carried by patients. Much depends on the state of the body, age and psychological mood. There are several types of arrhythmias that are classified into groups:

    1. 1) Tachycardia is a frequent heart rhythm, more than 90 beats per minute. The person in this case feels a strong palpitations. There is a tachycardia in case of colds, with strong emotional and physical exertion, but often there is heart disease later.
    2. 2) Bradycardia - delayed heart rate, up to 60 beats per minute. It appears in healthy people during sleep and rest. Usually occurs with diseases of the thyroid gland.
    3. 3) Atrial fibrillation - in the people is called "madness of the heart".The contraction of the ventricle and the atrium is disorderly, asynchronous. There is a feeling of a fluttering, flickering heartbeat. The frequency of cuts is from 100 to 150 or more beats per minute.
    4. 4) Sinus arrhythmia is the irregularity of the sinus heart rhythm. As a rule, arrhythmia is caused by natural processes of inspiration and expiration. A healthy person has heart rate variability, but if the difference between cardiac contractions is more than 10%, this indicates problems related to the nervous system and heart function.
    5. 5) Extrasystole is a violation of the impulse, the appearance of an extraordinary reduction. Severe tremors in the region of the heart, as well as fading.
    6. 6) Heart blockage occurs when the impulse does not pass through the heart muscle. Such an arrhythmia can result in cardiac arrest.
    Cardiac arrhythmia is a serious disease, so you do not need to self-medicate. The normal pulse depends on the age and activity of the body, the emotional and psychological state. Only a doctor will determine the true cause of heart rhythm disturbances and prescribe appropriate treatment.


    Diagnosis of arrhythmia is carried out with the help of a cardiac examination. The doctor determines the nature, intensity of arrhythmia, measures pressure and pulse. More accurate diagnosis is carried out using an electrocardiogram.

    This is a graphic reflection of the impulses and potential differences on the surface of the body that appear during the period of the cardiac muscle. On the body, electrocardiographs are fixed-special instruments that record the work of the heart. This method allows you to quickly get a lot of data, find out the type of arrhythmia, its complexity. With the help of an ECG, a medical diagnosis is easily established and the necessary treatment is prescribed.

    However, an electrocardiogram determines the type of arrhythmia, which is of a permanent nature. Holter monitoring is used to establish a temporary arrhythmia;round-the-clock electrocardiography. The patient is under control during the day. It is installed sensors that transmit signals to the registrar. The program records any deviations in the work of the heart, which occurred within a day.

    Another method of diagnosis is electrophysiological examination, when sensors are inserted through a vein in the heart. From the chambers of the heart is directly registered electrical potential. This method is rarely used, in cases where heart disease is difficult to diagnose.

    Treatment of arrhythmia

    Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account individual characteristics. Sometimes the patient is recommended to give up bad habits, calm the nervous system, change the way of life and diet. In many ways, the work of the heart is related to the psychoemotional state of the body. Therefore, the result of recovery largely depends on the patient and his mood. The main thing is to restore the conduction system of the heart, its structure, at the same time to eliminate the cause of the disease and restore the work of internal organs.

    Modern methods for combating heart diseases include the use of the ATM device, which allows the restoration of the nervous, immune, digestive systems with the help of bioresonance therapy.

    Osteopathic and psychohygienic techniques in the complex restore the work of the heart, musculoskeletal system and other organs. For treatment of arrhythmia, eliminate the focus of infection, reduce fungal, parasitic, bacterial and viral load on the heart. In addition, purify the body of toxins.

    Treatment of arrhythmia is often performed by specialists of different directions. This is a functional therapist, a doctor - an osteopath, a specialist in psycho-hygiene, a consultant on the right way of life and nutrition. Applied for the treatment of arrhythmia apparatus, stabilizing and strengthening the membrane of cells, calcium channel blockers and blockers of B-adrenoreceptors, as well as sedatives.

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