  • Hypertension 2 degrees: what if you have this disease?

    About hypertensive disease is said and written a lot. The word "hypertension" to the majority seems almost a characteristic of the elderly. But it is not so. The intense rhythm of modern life causes hypertension to rapidly grow young. High figures of blood pressure are now found not only in grandparents, but also in young people who often do not attach importance to pressure surges, believing that it is enough to rest and everything will pass without a trace. But, unfortunately, even periodic pressure rises can not be left without attention and competent treatment, if they are repeated, you are already suffering from hypertension of the 1st degree.

    This degree of disease is reversible, with a timely call to the doctor, the recovery prognosis is favorable. But the trouble is that it's the doctor who does not go to the doctor, cope with the attacks of headache alone. This attitude to the periodic increase in pressure leads to the fact that the disease develops further, imperceptibly passing into a more dangerous, 2 degree.

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    Alone with the diagnosis. Understand - what to do

    So, the doctor's conclusion is unambiguous, you are diagnosed with "hypertension of the 2nd degree".The diagnosis is unpleasant, and you are determined to quickly say goodbye to him, exactly following the recommendations of the doctor. Everyone knows that in order to cope with the disease, we must destroy the causes that caused it. Here are the main factors that contribute to the development of grade 2 hypertension:

    • Heredity( genetic) predisposition
    • Overweight
    • Tastes: abuse of salt and spicy food
    • Frequent stress and nervous overload, chronic lack of sleep
    • Smoking, alcohol abuse

    Like and not soa lot of. And if nothing can be done with heredity, then with the other causes that caused the disease, you can safely cope. This, of course, will require some effort from you, but the health is worth it. What is the characteristic of arterial hypertension of the 2nd degree? Unlike the 1 degree of the disease, the blood pressure level becomes higher and more stable. Figures of systolic pressure in people with hypertension of 2 degrees at rest are within the limits of 170-200 mm.mercury column, and 105 -114 for diastolic pressure. Against the background of high blood pressure in patients with examination, the following signs of hypertension of the 2nd degree are revealed:

    • Hypertrophy of the left ventricle
    • Varied manifestations of vascular insufficiency
    • Narrowing of arterioles, changes in the veins of the fundus

    Hypertensive crises are more typical of arterial hypertension of the 2nd degree. Sometimes the emergence of the crisis is due to external causes, but sometimes they arise independently, without any provoking factors. The hypertensive crisis calls for immediate medical attention, since very often it leads to formidable complications - strokes, heart attacks.

    Symptomatic, which should alarm

    We list the main symptoms of hypertension of the 2nd degree, which should alert the patient and force him not to postpone the visit to the doctor in the long box.

    • Fatigue in the morning, increased fatigue during the day
    • Headache, dizziness
    • Flicker flies before the eyes, darkening in the eyes
    • Frequent palpitation, sensation of pulsation in the head
    • Hyperemia, facial swelling and eyelid
    • Memory loss

    As you can see, the symptoms of hypertension2 degrees are rather blurred. Therefore, it is important not to leave them without attention in time. Do not listen to the advice of knowledgeable people and take a handful of pills for headaches, do not stop with the use of homemade tinctures from the berries of Kalina, which reduces the pressure! Be sure to be treated only by a specialist.2 degree of arterial hypertension to this obliges!

    We are determined with the treatment of

    . The doctor should treat the disease. Most likely, it will be your local therapist, with whom you are now obliged to make friends. He will give you a course of necessary examinations - ECG, blood and urine tests, ultrasound of the heart, consultations of a cardiologist, oculist, neurologist if necessary. And on the basis of the data obtained, he will select an adequate medical treatment for hypertension of the 2nd degree.

    Unfortunately, in order for the treatment to be successful, it is likely that life-long medications will have to be taken. Usually, medicines are prescribed several, from different medicinal groups. With the current abundance in pharmacies, they can be widely varied. Required in the treatment is used:

    • Diuretics( veroshpiron, diver, ravel, furosemide)
    • antihypertensive drugs from different groups( bisoprolol, lisinopril, arthil, physiothese)
    • blood pressure lowering drugs( aspidicard, cardiomagnet)
    • blood cholesterol lowering drugs(zovastikor, atorvastatin)

    The intake of prescribed medications should be systematic, it is advisable to take the tablets at the same time of day. How to treat hypertension 2 degrees with medication, you will tell the doctor, but for success it's not enough just to digest recipes in the pharmacy and do not forget to take medication, you also need to rationally organize your regimen. Everything is important here - how you work, how and how much you sleep, whether you are friends with gymnastics, what you eat.

    The diet for hypertension of the 2nd degree is based on the restriction of table salt and liquid. Table salt should be brought to 3-4 grams per day, and you can drink up to one and a half liters of liquid per day. It is better to exclude from the food products that increase cholesterol: fatty, smoked, fried dishes, chips, shrimp, hot sauces and seasonings. Nutrition for hypertension of the 2 nd degree is of great importance, improper diet, overeating in itself can provoke a hypertensive crisis, even stress will not be needed. Certainly, a hypertensive person with a cigarette and a glass of wine is incompatible. You must accurately determine for yourself that you need health or dubious pleasure from bad habits, and to say goodbye to them forever. Watch yourself, lead an active lifestyle, control blood pressure, and stay healthy for many years!

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