  • Omega 3 fatty acids for weight loss

    Read in article:
    • Is it possible to lose weight with fatty acids Omega 3
    • How to take omega 3 for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications
    • Omega 3 slimming: reviews of slimmer and doctors, results of

    Omega 3 fatty acids: results of weight loss

    Today, scientists conduct numerous studies that are associated with the effect on the body of fatty acids. According to these studies, fatty acids have a positive effect on physical and mental health, but, in addition, omega-3 is very effective for losing weight.

    Scientists distinguish three groups of polyunsaturated acids - omega 3, 6 and 9 for weight loss. The greatest value for health and effective burning of kilograms is omega-3 fatty acid.

    Is it possible to lose weight with fatty acids Omega 3 ^

    Omega 3 is a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids involved in the construction of all cells in the body. It should be noted useful properties of Omega 3 for weight loss and general health of the body:

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    • Fatty acids have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, strengthen the vessels, reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes.
    • Omega 3 improves blood circulation, normalizes brain activity.
    • Polyunsaturated acids help to lower blood pressure, control blood cholesterol level, cure eczema, psoriasis, improve vision and psychological state.
    • Omega 3 fatty acids are indicated in pregnancy, as they improve the development of the fetus. For men, they are no less useful, because they have a positive effect on reproductive function.
    • This group of acids can slow aging, positively affect the hormonal background.
    • Omega 3 when losing weight is indispensable, because it reduces appetite and maintains a sense of satiety for a long time. Due to this, the slimming less eats, the fat deposits are burned and, consequently, a rapid weight loss occurs.

    The main sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids

    Unfortunately, most people's diets contain insufficient fatty acids due to certain eating habits or the inaccessibility of food that are sold at a very high price. In any case, you need to read the list of foods rich in omega-3 for weight loss. A large number of polyunsaturated fatty acids is contained in:

    • red fish;
    • fatty sea fish;
    • seafood;
    • some unrefined oils, namely in linen or sesame;
    • seeds, nuts, especially cedar;
    • all kinds of cabbage;
    • fish oil;
    • dairy products.

    Admission of omega-3 for weight loss: the daily rate of

    To not harm, but on the contrary, to improve the body, it is recommended to observe the daily norm of omega-3 for weight loss. It is 1.1 g fatty acids for female and 1.6 g for males.

    To better understand the dosage, we will point out that for normal functioning per day it is recommended to eat:

    • a tablespoon of rapeseed oil;
    • a tablespoon of flaxseed oil;
    • from five to 10 gifted cedar nuts;
    • 90 g of canned sardines or tuna.

    How to take omega-3 for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contra-indications ^

    Omega-3 for weight loss: how to take, instruction

    If it is not possible to introduce foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids into the diet, you can purchase special supplements with their contents in the pharmacy. When choosing an additive, preference should be given to capsules made from fish oil.

    Omega 3 dosage for weight loss in capsules based on fish oil:

    • In a day should take 2 capsules 3 times a day fatty acid( 15 mg each).
    • The course of treatment and effective burning of weight lasts about a month.
    • To achieve a good result, it is advisable to pass at least three courses according to this scheme: the month of taking the supplement - 2-3 months of interruption.

    The basic rules for the reception of fish oil are as follows:

    • You do not need to take capsules on an empty stomach, because omega-3 fatty acids cause indigestion.
    • It is important to follow the exact dosage and not exceed the allowable amounts. Otherwise, bleeding, nausea and diarrhea may occur.
    • It is undesirable to drink the medicine for more than one month. Prolonged use of the drug can harm the body.

    By itself, taking omega 3 will not be able to promote effective weight loss. To bring the body into shape, you should combine its use with a properly chosen diet and exercise. From the diet it is necessary to exclude sweet, flour, salted. Sports training should be conducted at least 3-4 times a week.

    Contraindications for the use of omega 3

    Despite the great benefits of fatty acids in losing weight and overall recovery of the body, they have some contraindications. The group of polyunsaturated acids is contraindicated in such cases:

    • in case of intolerance to omega 3;
    • for allergic reactions;
    • in the presence of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract;
    • in the case of increased thyroid function;
    • during pregnancy and lactation;
    • for chronic diseases of the digestive system;
    • for hypertension, poor blood clotting.

    If there are any contraindications from the above, before deciding to take omega-3 it is worth consulting with a specialist.

    We also recommend that you read the article Guarana for weight loss.

    Omega 3 slimming: reviews of slimmer and doctors, results ^

    The results of losing weight with omega 3 are as follows: for a month of taking capsules, proper nutrition and regular exercise, you can get rid of 3-5 extra pounds, and significantly improve the overall condition of the body.

    Doctors believe that in case of correct intake, absence of contraindications and preliminary consultation, supplements with fatty acids are very effective and absolutely safe.

    On the Internet, women who lose weight in this way, leave only positive feedback about the use of omega-3 for weight loss. Here are just some of the responses of our regular readers:

    Albina, 30 years old:

    "From childhood on fish oil, I had only unpleasant memories. But due to the fact that today there are additives in capsules, and not in liquid form, I take them regularly, according to the instructions. Capsules are easy to swallow, they do not have unpleasant taste. My result for the month is 3 kg. "

    Marina, 27 years old:

    "In my body, omega-3 comes in the form of flaxseed oil. I drink 4 capsules of supplement three times a day for two weeks already. I feel lightness and energy, the state of my skin and hair has improved significantly, and also 2 kg of extra weight have gone. "

    Daria, 21:

    "I have been taking fish oil in capsules for about two years, naturally with 2-3-month breaks, as indicated in the instructions. At the same time, I control the diet, eat foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, and go in for sports. I feel just fine. "