  • Holosas for losing weight

    Read in article:
    • How to take slimming with Holosas
    • How to take Holosas for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications
    • Slimming cholagogue: reviews of doctors and slimmer, results

    Slimming cholesose: reviews and results

    Dietsoften take auxiliary drugs in order to clear the intestines and quickly achieve the desired result, and for this, in some cases, natural syrup Holosas is used.

    Is it possible to lose weight with Holosas ^

    Holosas is a preparation created on the basis of an extract of rose hips. It is actively used as an auxiliary treatment for hepatitis, cholecystitis and other diseases, as well as for weight loss.

    The main properties of Holosas for weight loss are:

    • Diuretic and laxative action;
    • Increased bile outflow;
    • Normalization of liver cells;
    • Increased immunity.

    It is due to such functions it is possible to achieve weight loss, but you can strengthen the effect of the drug, taking decoctions with Holosas, hay, raisins, buckthorn, lemon or dried fruits.

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    Slimming Holosaus: pluses and minuses

    The Holosas slimming product has a mass of various advantages:

    • It clears the intestines quite quickly, which is beneficial not only for its work, but also for the condition of other internal organs;
    • Has no side effects and has a minimum of contraindications, as a result of which almost everyone can take it;
    • It can be used by athletes when overexerting during weight training, as well as those who want to increase the protective function of the immune system.

    A slimming cholesterol syrup can be purchased at any pharmacy at a reasonable price, and it has a pleasant sweetish taste, so that even children can drink it as a restorative, but after consulting a doctor.

    It is recommended to combine Holosas with weight loss with a protein diet, based on the following products:

    • Meat and fish of low-fat varieties;
    • Curd, kefir, milk;
    • Boiled eggs;
    • Seafood;
    • Beans.

    Combining weight loss in Holos with the right diet or diet, for example, with the very popular diet now Dyukana, you can achieve maximum effect, as well as simply improve your body.

    Holosas and losing weight with him bring decent results only if you follow all the recommendations specified in the instructions for use.

    How to take holosas for weight loss: the recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications ^

    holosas: how to drink for weight loss, the dose

    Reception holosas for weight loss:.. Instructions for use

    optimal daily rate holosas diet is 3 tsp, but it more oftenthey are used in the form of decoctions. If it is not possible to prepare them, then take it as follows:

    • Before each meal, we drink 1 tsp, but no more than three times a day;
    • The duration of the course is 1 month.

    Indications for Holosas application:

    • Hepatitis;
    • Cholecystitis;
    • Cholangitis;
    • Intoxication;
    • Overexertion during training of athletes.

    contraindications for the use holosas only one thing - intolerance of his constituents.

    holosas and senna slimming

    As is known, grass hay has a laxative and a diuretic effect, which can be enhanced using this broth:

    • Rinse and rinse with boiling water 300 g raisins;
    • Boil 1 liter of purified water, remove the plate from the plate, add raisins to the water, cover with a lid;
    • Brew boiled water 300 g of Senna in another container, leave all infusions for 1 hour;
    • Filter all, connect 2 infusion, infuse Holosas( 300 g);
    • We store in the refrigerator;
    • We drink on an empty stomach for 100 ml, and we take food only after 5 hours.

    Holosas, Senna and raisins

    Another beverage is prepared as follows:

    • Boil 1.5 liters of water, then add to it 100 grams of washed black raisins;
    • After 5 minutes, add 30 g of senna leaves, cook for another 10 minutes;
    • Let the broth cool, then strain and add 150 ml of syrup;
    • We drink 100 g of drink after dinner 2 hours before bedtime.

    Holosas with prunes and dried apricots

    This drink has strong laxative effect:

    • 30 g of Senna we dilute 100 ml of Holosas, we insist in the refrigerator for 6 hours;
    • Grind 100 grams of dried apricots and prunes, spread them to the actual ingredients, whisk everything with a blender;
    • We spread the formed balls, we use them only for dinner for two weeks( 2 pieces each).

    Holosas with buckthorn for weight loss

    For effective purification for a week it is necessary to use this recipe:

    • Boil 1.5 liters of water, throw there 50 grams of drug buckthorn and pre-washed raisins( 200 g), cook for 10 minutes and insist for 1 hour;
    • Separately boil another 1 liter of water, filter the actual broth and mix it with clean water;
    • Add 150 ml of Holosas, stir;
    • We consume at night in a warm form of 100 ml.

    Holosas with lemon slimming

    For the fasting days, the following beverage should be prepared:

    • Add 1.5 liters of still mineral water juice from one lemon, 50 ml syrup, 2 g cayenne pepper and a little cinnamon;
    • Shaken, drink 200 g every 3 hours.

    In this case, there are contraindications: any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as stones in the gallbladder or kidneys.

    Safe dosage Holosas for weight loss with the use of all drinks with it is not more than 300 ml, except for lemon infusion - it is allowed to drink up to 1 liter per day.

    We also recommend that you read the article Bisacodyl for weight loss.

    Kholosas slimming: reviews of doctors and weight loss, results ^

    Doctors do not recommend too often and for a long time to use Holosas for weight loss, because due to cleansing properties, it can remove from the body and useful substances along with harmful. The optimal duration of the course is 1 month, and it can be carried out not more often than 1-2 times a year.

    Weight loss results with Holosas:

    • Rapid weight loss - up to 15 kg in one month;
    • Improved bowel function;
    • Activation of metabolism.

    Reviews about the application of Holosas with the purpose of losing weight:

    Olesya, 27 years:

    "I regularly do unloading days on Holos and lemon juice, and it helps me very well to cleanse the intestines - there are no problems with his work. I note that besides this, you can not drink anything more than water. "

    Albina, 34:

    " I drank a couple of weeks only one Holosus without any additives for about a month, but during this time I lost only 10 kilograms. I note that on a diet I did not sit, but just removed from the diet all high-calorie food and drank 1 tsp.syrup three times a day before meals ยป

    Ekaterina, 43 years old:

    " I threw off 17 kilograms per month on a decoction of Holosas, raisins and Senna, but I also adhered to a rather strict diet containing 60% protein and 40% carbohydrate in the diet. All suffered very easily, especially did not go hungry, because the discomfort from limited nutrition was literally a week "