  • Fish oil for weight loss

    Read the article:
    • What is the use of fish oil for health and weight loss
    • How to take fish oil for weight loss: recommended doses and contraindications
    • Results, reviews of thin and doctors about the use of fish oil

    Fish fat for weight loss is the best source of polyunsaturated fatty acidsOmega-3

    Fish oil is a valuable product that has been used in medical nutrition for more than a century.

    Due to its unique composition, the product not only helps with exhaustion, infectious diseases, rickets, tuberculosis, but also contributes to safe weight loss.

    What is the use of fish oil for health and weight loss ^

    The use of fish oil is explained by the presence in its composition of vitamins A and D, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, which the human body does not produce independently and receives only from the outside.

    This combination of essential components entering the body with fish oil allows us to maintain normal processes of tissue growth and regeneration, the formation of the bone system, and also helps maintain metabolic processes at a physiologically necessary level.

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    The properties of fish oil increase the energy value of nutrition and literally save the compounds used by the body for the construction of tissues, are indispensable in the treatment of serious diseases and during rehabilitation.

    In addition, fish oil contributes to weight loss. Although the possibility of using it to reduce body weight started talking recently, the tool quickly gained popularity.

    Useful properties of fish oil for weight loss are as follows:

    • Normalization of metabolism, improving blood circulation and stimulating fat burning.
    • Accelerated formation of muscle tissue due to activation of protein production.
    • Decrease in the volume of consumed food due to fast saturation and better assimilation of organic substances.
    • Protect the heart and blood vessels from the negative effects of changing the food system.

    In order to lose weight, you can use both purified and unrefined fish oil, and for those who do not tolerate its specific taste and smell, fish oil in capsules is suitable.

    Especially demanding consumers will certainly appreciate the fish oil for weight loss, produced with useful additives or with a taste of fruit.

    How to properly take fish oil for weight loss: recommended doses and contraindications ^

    Because the purpose of application and other significant aspects of fish oil therapy may differ, both the dosage and duration of the course are individualized. In addition, the reception of fish oil for weight loss should be started only after consultation with a medical specialist.

    The recommended dosage of fish oil for an adult healthy person for weight loss is as follows:

    • about 1 to 2 capsules three times a day.
    • The course of admission should not exceed 4 weeks, and the necessary break is from 1 to 3 months.

    I would like to note that you should not replace capsules with food, exceed the dosage or duration of the course of admission. The desire to achieve an immediate or very rapid result of weight loss can lead to the opposite effect.

    It is very important to remember that fish oil is not a magic remedy for weight loss, which erases extra pounds. Its use prepares the body for changes and promotes weight loss, but without a rational diet and exercise, a miracle will not happen.

    Separately, it is worth noting the importance of fish oil for children's health. The use of the product for a growing organism, of course, is not in doubt, but it is worth choosing especially carefully. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers specially developed fish oil for children, additionally enriched with vitamins and microelements. The product is available in the form of syrup or chewable capsules with pleasant tastes.

    Despite the unique healing properties of fish oil for health and weight loss, natural origin and the absence of harmful additives, it can not be taken by everyone.

    There are some contraindications for the use of fish oil :

    • individual allergic reactions,
    • severe heart, kidney and liver lesions,
    • pulmonary tuberculosis in the activation phase,
    • hypervitaminosis,
    • thyroid disease.

    Restrictions on the intake of fish oil for weight loss can be established in the following cases:

    • for hypothyroidism,
    • for ulcerative diseases of the digestive system,
    • for the elderly,
    • for pregnant women,
    • for lactating women.

    Note also that failure to observe the storage conditions of fish oil can make the drug not only unsuitable, but also dangerous for the body. Manufacturers recommend storing emulsion and capsules of fish oil for weight loss in a cool shaded place, for example in a refrigerator.

    We also recommend that you read the article Corn stigmas for weight loss.

    Numerous scientific publications, articles and consumer reviews convincingly attest to the fact that the results of using fish oil for weight loss are very palpable.

    Reviews about the use of fish oil for weight loss are somewhat different, which is natural for people with different levels of activity and diet:

    • On average, with a characteristic diet and exercise, weight loss is observed at 1 to 2 kilograms per month.
    • The combination of the drug, diet and active training gives about 2 - 3 kilograms of weight reduction during the month. In this case, it must be taken into account that the cleavage of fatty tissue, in this case, is accompanied by a set of muscle mass, which affects the weight indices.
    • Since the use of fish oil has a favorable effect on the condition of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, it helps to form a silhouette and attractive body relief, the tasks of losing weight can be considered achieved.

    Doctors say that the main role in achieving the result of losing weight is the planned use of the product, subject to compliance with all recommendations. This is because the body takes several months to adapt to the new rate of metabolic processes and other changes caused by the intake of fish oil.

    There are also negative reviews of patients, but this only confirms the general patterns of the effect of fish oil on the body. In the world there is no and there can not be a means for losing weight, which would act on all the same way. The experience of all mankind shows that any panacea is nothing more than a fiction.

    The pledge of a beautiful figure - work on yourself, and cod liver oil will make the process of losing weight more effective and safer.