  • Metformin for weight loss

    Read in the article:
    Is it possible to lose weight with the drug Metformin
  • How to take metformin for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications
  • Metformin for weight loss: reviews of doctors and weight loss, results

Metformin: reviews and results of weight loss

Metformin is usually prescribed for diabeticsto reduce blood sugar. Recently, it is used and wishing to lose weight, as it helps to get rid of extra pounds due to its specific properties.

Is it possible to lose weight with the drug Metformin ^

Metformin is a drug used by people with diabetes, or those who have a risk of developing this disease. It is also prescribed in other cases:

  • If polycystic ovary syndrome or anovulation is observed;
  • With diabetes during pregnancy.

Metformin is often used in losing weight: it allows you to get rid of extra pounds without exhausting diets and constant physical exertion due to its action on the body.

The properties of Metformin for weight loss are as follows:

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  • It reduces the digestibility of carbohydrates, thereby preventing the appearance of new fat cells;
  • Reduces the production of insulin, therefore significantly reduces appetite;
  • Lowers blood glucose.

The popularity of taking Metformin for weight loss is largely explained by its composition: it contains povidone, magnesium stearate, corn starch and other auxiliary substances, and the tablet shell is made of talc

Metformin for weight loss: the pros and cons

Like any drug, Metforminfor losing weight to healthy people has its advantages and disadvantages:

  • With proper administration of the drug, you can quickly reduce weight;
  • If you allow an overdose, then there are possible negative consequences, such as glycemia, weakness, lethargy and drowsiness;
  • Metformin has contraindications.

There is only one form of the release of the drug Metformin for weight loss - it packs with tablets of 500, 850 and 1000 mg. Buy this drug is only necessary in the pharmacy, after previewing the expiration dates.

Before you drink Metformin for weight loss, you need to read some rules:

  • Although the drug even with a plentiful intake of fatty foods blocks the absorption of carbohydrates, it is recommended to remove sweets, pasta and potatoes from your diet.
  • It is also necessary to control the amount of calories consumed: it should not be more than 2500 Kcal per day;
  • To achieve maximum efficiency, you need to exercise and regularly take walks in the fresh air.

Is metformin harmful to health

If you take the drug correctly, then there will be no side effects, but there are consequences if you find it necessary to consult a doctor:

  • Diarrhea;
  • Vomiting or nausea;
  • Itching;
  • Complete loss of appetite;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Shortness of breath;
  • Acute abdominal pain.

In general, it is often the athletes who take Metformin, and losing weight in this case is necessary for drying fat without losing muscle mass. In addition, they use diets based on protein products( for example, the Ducane diet), and the duration of the course is determined in accordance with the instructions.

Metformin for weight loss in tablets allows just a few months to bring the figure in order, without causing harm to health.

How to take metformin for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications ^

Metformin: Efficacy and safe doses for weight loss

Metformin for weight loss: instructions for use

The daily norm of Metformin for weight loss is 2500-3000 mg, and it should be taken as followsway:

  • Twice a day before dinner and dinner for 500 mg;
  • In case of insufficient physical activity, it is necessary to reduce the number of calories consumed per day up to 1200 Kcal.

Indications for the use of Metformin:

  • Diabetes mellitus of the first or second type;
  • Pre-diabetic state;
  • Overweight, obesity;
  • Monotherapy for insulin-dependent diabetes.

Contraindications for the use of metformin :

  • Diseases of the liver, kidneys and lungs;
  • Violation of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • Myocardial infarction;
  • Dehydration;
  • Large amount of lactic acid in the body( lactic acidosis).

Safe dosage of metformin for weight loss

With insulin dependent form of diabetes, you can increase the number of doses of the drug up to three times:

  • Drink 500 mg before breakfast, lunch and dinner;
  • We eat any food except sweets, oils and fatty foods.

Metformin Richter for weight loss

The preparation of the German manufacturer is adopted according to the same scheme as above, but there are restrictions in terms of food:

  • You can not eat any foods containing fast carbohydrates;
  • In addition, rice and instant cereals are prohibited.

Metformin 850: application for weight loss

The agent with a dosage of 850 mg should be taken as follows:

  • The first week we drink 500 ml of Methformin 2-3 times a day;
  • Starting from 7 days, we increase the portions to 850 mg, while using the last pill after dinner.

Metformin 1000 mg for weight loss

After two weeks of taking Metformin 850 mg, you can go to a higher dosage:

  • We take 1000 mg before breakfast and lunch;
  • We leave the food unchanged.
We also recommend that you read the article Fluoxetine for weight loss.

Metformin for weight loss: reviews of doctors and weight loss, results ^

Doctors usually do not recommend healthy people to take drugs intended for the treatment of various diseases, and Metformin is no exception: it can cause a violation of acid-base balance( lactic acidosis), due towhich affects the internal organs. This is possible only if you use it incorrectly and for more than two months in a row.

Results of weight loss with the drug Metformin :

  • Weight reduction of 10-20 kg for 1 month;
  • Normalization of blood sugar in diabetes mellitus;
  • Preventing or getting rid of obesity.

Comments on the use of Metformin for weight loss:

Larissa, 33 years old:

"I took Metformin for a couple of months and found no side effects, but I lost 15 kilograms. I do not say that I kept a diet, but ran regularly. "

Lyudmila, 28 years old:

" Metformin helped me to lose 10 kg in a month, but the first few days after the start of the reception, I felt nauseous. I do not know if this is related to the tablets, but everything went away quickly, and I continued the course without fear for my health. "

Anastasia, 39 years old:

" I lost 20 kg in 1.5 metformin, but then just stopped itdrink as useless. Now my weight is normal, and everything went without complications ยป