  • Cystitis in men: symptoms, causes and treatment

    Urinary tract infection, causing inflammatory processes in the bladder - a disease with a "woman's face."

    Manifestation of cystitis in men, a rather rare phenomenon, occurs, in general, in women over 40 years old.

    The atypicality of male cystitis is explained by the structure of the male urethra. The male urethra has a longer, narrow and curved anatomy of the structure, contributing to the retention of infection in the urethra, preventing its penetration into the urinary natural reservoir.

    The emergence of male cystitis is facilitated by infravesical obstructions - diseases that cause hydronephrosis. It is very important to start treatment of cystitis in men on time, with the appearance of the first symptoms. Do not delay the question of how to treat cystitis, and start the process on its own - this is fraught with complications.

    Classification of the disease

    According to the researches of Professor O.L.Tiktinsky in the field of urology, he was offered a classification of cystitis, which shows the complete characterization of the disease. According to etiological signs, the disease is of primary and secondary form.
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    1) In the primary form - cystitis in men, manifest acute and chronic course of inflammatory processes.

    2) The primary form of chronic cystitis is characterized by the manifestations:

    • due to infectious infection;
    • post-traumatic effects;
    • parasitic infection
    Basically, it manifests as a secondary chronic form with the development of concomitant infectious inflammatory processes in the urethra.

    3) The acute form can be of a specific and non-specific nature, as a result of infectious genesis, due to multiple causative factors:

    • as a result of chemical damage;
    • thermal effects;
    • the effect of medicinal products and the effect of toxic forms;
    • and multiple nutritional factors
    Depending on the degree of dissemination of intravesical inflammatory processes, the disease is divided into several species that manifest themselves:

    1. 1) Cystitis of the bladder neck - characterized by inflammatory processes with localization in its neck
    2. 2) Focal type of cystitis - differing limited site of localizationintravesical inflammation with the formation of thickening on its walls;
    3. 3) Diffuse cystitis - affecting the entire surface of the organ, causing, at the cellular level, a change in tissue structures.
    4. 4) Trigonitis - an inflammation of the mucous walls in the bladder with localization in the anatomical zone - the triangle of Lieto.
    Appear in the form:

    • dysuria - urinary disorders;
    • terminal hematuria - discharge of blood in the urine, at the beginning of the emission;
    • pyuria - urine with impurities of pus.
    Depending on the disease clinic, male cystitis manifests itself in various forms and forms:

    1. 1) Granular appearance - characterized by the formation of multiple infiltrates on the intravesical walls.
    2. 2) Hemorrhagic form - accompanied by bloody discharge in the urine, as a result of intravesical hemorrhages.
    3. 3) Gangrenous manifestation, as a result of a purulent-necrotic process in the organ.
    4. 4) Cystic form - with the formation of small cystic formations in a limited area of ​​inflammation.
    5. 5) Ulcerous form, emphysema, fibrous, follicular, mycotic and more than a dozen different species, whose names reflect the essence.

    Causes of cystitis in men

    The primary causative factor in the manifestation of cystitis in men is the urological pathology that causes manifestations of hydronephrosis, which may be due to mechanical causes and the consequence of infravesical obstructions:

    • formation of stones in the intravesical cavity;
    • single and multiple diverticula( protrusion in the mucosa)
    • stricture( constriction) and tumors in the ureter and bladder;
    • urinary tract infection and prostate adenoma;
    • effects of phimosis in toddlers.
    The development of an infectious form of inflammation occurs in various ways.

    Ascending pathway - penetration of infection:

    • from the urinary tract - urethritis( see how to treat urethritis in men);
    • of the prostate gland;
    • from the reproductive system - the testicles and appendages;
    • from seminal vesicles due to vesiculitis.
    Downward pathway - the infection is penetrating as a result:

    • of tuberculous kidney disease;
    • of acute pyelonephritis;
    • purulent-inflammatory lesion of the kidneys - pionephrosis.
    Hematogenous pathway - infection comes from purulent focal lesions with background diseases:

    • with long-term almond disease - tonsillitis;
    • accumulation of mucus and pus during maxillary sinus;
    • of multiple purulent lesions with furunculosis;
    • for acute, focal pulpitis
    Direct pathway - infection penetration:

    • with endourologic manipulation;
    • as a result of fistula formation or opening of the bladder cavity;
    • for cytoscopic examinations;
    • with abscesses of appendicitis or prostate.
    The provoking factor in the development of urethral inflammatory processes is the consequences:

    1. 1) Transurethral operations;
    2. 2) Endocrine diseases;
    3. 3) Damage to the spine;
    4. 4) Overcooling and stress;
    5. 5) Bad habits and unbalanced diets

    Symptoms of cystitis in men

    The leading symptoms of inflammatory processes are multiple manifestations of cystitis in men, it can be:

    • pain and difficulty urinating;
    • sensation of acute imperative urges;
    • presence of blood in the urine;
    • manifestation of putrefactive ambre, with the admixtures of flakes of the severed epithelium in the urine;
    • intoxication and fever;
    • burning sensation and cuts in the ureter when urinating;
    • painful manifestations in the phallus, musculocutaneous scrotum and groin;
    • signs of enuresis.
    The chronic form of the disease proceeds undulating without an acute manifestation of symptoms. Has a stable character of manifestation. In the analyzes of urine tests, there are signs:

    1. 1) Leukocyturia;
    2. 2) Proteinuria;
    3. 3) Periodic manifestations of microhematuria;
    4. 4) Urine with mucus impurities
    See also, signs of cystitis in women.

    Possible complications of

    Not started treatment of cystitis in men with medicines in time, threatens with very unpleasant complicated processes in the form of:

    • of inflammatory processes and abscess in the perivascular fatty tissue;
    • development of pyelonephritis;
    • lesion of the cervical sclerosis.
    • development of hypoplasia


    When diagnosing a disease, an integrated approach, involving studies by different methods, is of great importance.

    1. 1) The disease is differentiated from phimosis, epididymoorkhitis, and prostatitis.
    2. 2) Bacteriological studies of sowing and smearing, for the detection of pathological flora.
    3. 3) Study of scraping by PCR - to identify sexual infections.
    4. 4) Identification of anomalies in the general analysis of urine.
    5. 5) With the help of urodynamic examination, organic obstructions are detected.
    6. 6) Detection of pathological changes in the urethra is performed by ultrasound examination of the kidneys.
    7. 7) The method of cystoscopy reveals macrohematuria.
    8. 8) Endoscopic research method allows to determine the presence of stones, tumor formations and the nature of inflammatory processes, and also perform a biopsy procedure.
    9. 9) In controversial situations, additional diagnosis by the method of cystorpha or multispiral cytourethrography is used.
    Read also, treatment of cystitis at home.

    Treatment of cystitis in men

    Treatment of cystitis requires men to be patient and fulfill all the prescriptions and prescriptions of the treating doctor.

    In acute incidence of cystitis, a bed rest, sparing regimen, abundant liquid intake( up to 3 liters during the day), complete elimination of alcohol and provoking products from the ration, and abstinence are required.

    How else to treat cystitis? As a drug therapy, certain drugs are used:

    • antimicrobials;
    • anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • spasmolytic and plant uroseptics.;
    • organ washing with antiseptic preparations;
    • pre-tuberculosis, intravesical blockade with novocaine.
    Physiotherapy procedures are presented:

    • inductothermia;
    • by electrophoresis and magnetotherapy;
    • by ultrasonic procedures;
    • applications from therapeutic mud.
    In the treatment of deformed urethral pathologies, the following is used:

    • transurethral resection.
    • in case of organ damage with scar sclerosis, nephrostomy is used;
    • for ureteral injuries, the operative method is used - ureteroureteroanastomosis;
    • establishment of the colon after cystectomy is performed by the method of ureterosigmoanastomosis;
    • application in the treatment of the method of ileocystoplasty
    In the treatment of cystitis in men, treatment of background urethral diseases is mandatory.

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