
Chronic pharyngitis: symptoms and treatment, photo, prevention

  • Chronic pharyngitis: symptoms and treatment, photo, prevention

    Many of us have heard of such a disease as chronic pharyngitis.

    Having transferred the disease on their feet, neglecting regular treatment, patients suffer from acute pharyngitis and acquire a chronic form of this disease.

    The disease is characterized by a chronic inflammatory process in the mucous and lymphoid parts of the pharynx.

    In addition to insufficient treatment of the acute form of pharyngitis, chronic develops due to alcohol abuse, such a harmful habit as smoking, due to air pollution and excessive burden on the throat and ligament.

    Sometimes such a diagnosis is put together with sinusitis or chronic tonsillitis. To distinguish pharyngitis from sore throat, sinusitis or laryngitis, only a doctor can. In each case, individual treatment.

    The main causes of the development of the disease

    In adults, such a disease can develop for the following reasons, with a combination of several of them:

    • insufficient immunity work.
    • exposure to contaminated air with chemicals.
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    • the effect of the profession. The disease often occurs in lecturers, singers, other people, whose work is associated with the tension of the pharynx and larynx.
    • presence of allergies.
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular gastritis, pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis, reflux esophagitis. With the last disease, the stomach acid is thrown into the pharynx and the oral cavity, which irritates the mucous membrane of the throat.
    • sinusitis, tonsillitis, chronic diseases of the oral cavity( stomatitis, gingivitis).
    • constant fatigue and stress.
    • regular body hypothermia.
    • frequent use of vasoconstrictor drops.
    • illiterate treatment of acute pharyngitis.
    • bad habits, such as alcoholism and tobacco.
    • lack of vitamins, especially vitamin A.
    Recently, there has been a persistent relationship between the chronic form of the disease and the diagnosis of intestinal dysbacteriosis. Therefore, when pharyngitis is detected, it is quite often possible to assert not about an independent disease, but about the pathological state of several systems and organs.

    During periods of exacerbation the disease develops due to viruses, fungi, bacteria. Staphylococci, streptococci, adenoviruses, candida, pneumococci are the most relevant pathogens of the disease. Determine which microbe struck your throat, can only the doctor on the characteristic analysis, for example, on the smear with the definition of the pathogen.

    Symptoms of chronic pharyngitis

    Symptoms of the disease in the chronic form are more lubricated. If during an exacerbation there is a cough, a sore throat, a perspiration, a temperature, an enlarged lymph node under the neck, then with a chronic pharyngitis the symptoms are not so pronounced. Depending on the type of pharyngitis, adults and children show characteristic signs.

    1. In the catarrhal form of pharyngitis or in the initial form, the patient develops edema, dilates the vessels of the mucous membrane of the throat, feels a lump in the throat, constant perspiration, dryness and burning. There is hyperemia of the mucosa, the patient often has to clear his throat due to the accumulation of mucus on the back of the pharynx. Coughing often occurs in the morning, sometimes it is combined with vomiting and nausea. With pharyngoscopy, the doctor sees a viscous mucus, some of the enlarged follicles. This type of ailment often develops in those people whose profession is associated with work in harmful industries. Also, the disease is characteristic of avid smokers and alcoholics.
    2. In hypertrophic form of the disease, there is an increase in the volume of lymphoid tissue in the pharynx. In the same way, patients are troubled by sadness, perspiration, and sore throat. In addition, the back wall is constantly accumulating viscous mucus and pus, the patient has an unpleasant odor from the mouth. Traditional medicines in the case of hypertrophic form do not help much.
    3. During the atrophic chronic pharyngitis there is progressive sclerosis of the mucosa, as well as the apparatus of lymph. This is the final stage of the disease, in which the symptoms are expressed more clearly. Mucus in the throat becomes viscous, it is severely separated, dense crusts often appear. Patients feel a foreign body in the throat. In some cases, when coughing, the crusts come out in the form of fragments. Patients are worried about dry cough, perspiration and sore throat, it becomes difficult to sleep due to cough. The patient's voice quickly becomes tired.
    When a chronic disease worsens, all the characteristic symptoms of an acute form of pharyngitis appear. Dryness, discomfort, perspiration, soreness in the throat intensify, it becomes more difficult to swallow. Often there is a general malaise, an increase in body temperature, the patient's voice quickly sets.


    Chronic pharyngitis, and its symptoms are determined by a doctor-otolaryngol using pharyngoscopy. When examining the throat, the back wall looks thinned and dry( in case of atrophic pharyngitis);visible enlarged lymphoid clusters, as well as hyperemia( with hypertrophic and catarrhal form).

    In a number of cases, in the acute phase of the disease, a swab from the throat and nose is prescribed to prescribe a suitable antibiotic. If there is a chronic chronic pharyngitis, a test for elevated blood sugar, an immunogram, a thyroid ultrasound and a digestive system are recommended.

    Treatment of chronic pharyngitis

    Treatment will be effective if it is prescribed based on the type of disease. With any form of chronic pharyngitis, adults are advised to abandon such harmful habits as smoking and alcohol, from working in unfavorable conditions.

    Treatment of possible foci of infection, gastrointestinal diseases and endocrine diseases is also carried out. Doctors prescribe strengthening procedures, such as massage, physiotherapy, immunomodulators.

    1. Atrophic pharyngitis uses water-glycerin and alkaline rinses, lubrication of the back side of the pharynx by Lugol. Therapy of alkaline and oil inhalations is very effective. With a large number of dry crusts, chymotrypsin inhalations are recommended. Used aerosols and troches for the throat, restoring the mucous membrane. As preparations of general influence, vitamins Aevit and group B, aloe extract, FIBS are used. Recommended spa treatment in a humid and warm climate.
    2. In the catarrhal and hypertrophic form of pharyngitis, oily and alkaline inhalations, various herbal rinses( chamomile, sage, calendula) are widely used. Effective decoction of pine buds, violets fragrant. Any anti-inflammatory herbs will help over time to overcome the disease.
    It is recommended to lubricate the pharynx with Lugol solution on glycerin. During the exacerbation of the disease, warm rinses with furacilin, propolis, salt, soda and iodine are recommended. How often to gargle, your doctor will respond.

    Treatment with inhaled antibiotic Bioparox. The latter is especially relevant when a bacterial infection is detected. It is also good to use hexidine, imudone.

    To strengthen the body, in particular nonspecific immunity, is prescribed esberitox, an extract of echinacea. It is also recommended to increase the immunity with the drug bronchomunal or ribomunil. During an exacerbation warming compresses on a neck, special foot baths, steam inhalations are recommended. Homeopathic remedies are used in complex treatment - lymphomyositis, tonsilotrene.

    For successful recovery during acute pharyngitis, a warm drink is recommended, sparing food with no acidic, hot and spicy dishes. If the chronic form of the disease can not be treated for a long time, laser cautery is used, in some cases removal of the glands is recommended.

    In some cases, cryotherapy is recommended. During this procedure, the doctor affects the dry, depleted wall of the pharynx, as well as the area of ​​the pellets or lateral ridges of the posterior pharyngeal wall with the help of cold.

    Complications of

    Pharyngitis, especially in chronic leakage, is not so safe. In young children, during an acute phase of the disease, swelling of the throat and development of suffocation are possible.

    In adults, autoimmune reactions, damage to the heart, kidneys and even the brain are possible. In many cases, the appearance of chronic pharyngitis can be prevented by timely and correct treatment of the acute phase of the disease. An experienced doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment, which will avoid illness and serious complications after it.

    Also read the symptoms and treatment of pharyngitis.

    How to prevent chronic pharyngitis?

    In order not to exacerbate the chronic form of the disease, it is recommended to eliminate harmful factors. Alcohol, smoking, stay in a dusty place, excessive tension of the throat and ligaments should be excluded.

    For the prevention of other diseases are treated. Identification of dysbacteriosis, pancreatitis, gastritis, reflux esophagitis, diabetes mellitus, osteochondrosis and successful treatment of them will help to defeat chronic pharyngitis. In addition, the following is recommended:

    1. 1) Be sure to keep your feet and throat warm. Dress in the weather, drink warm, but not hot drinks. Avoid stress, because it also greatly reduces our protective functions.
    2. 2) You should improve the ecology in your apartment: the air must be wet. To this end, use humidifiers, as well as the usual "grandmother" means - wet towels on the battery, a can of water at the head of the patient. It is necessary to drink more liquids in order to moisten the mucous throat. If your work is associated with a frequent strain of ligaments and a throat, take in the evening warm milk with honey or butter, tea with jam.
    3. 3) It is recommended to eat properly with a predominance of soft food, which does not irritate the throat. In the diet should be more foods rich in vitamins A, B and E.
    4. 4) Effective and harmless are infusions of such herbs as chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, calendula, birch leaves, oak bark. They can be taken orally, and rinse with their throats. It is useful to gargle with sea salt, for this you need to dilute a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Rinse should be done several times a day.
    5. 5) In order to avoid the release of gastric juice, learn to eat dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
    6. 6) Oil inhalations - a simple and effective method of getting rid of the disease. Breathe over warm potatoes, eucalyptus oil, chamomile. To perform the procedure with a glass of boiling water, pour 5 drops of oil.
    7. 7) Change your toothbrush regularly. Experts assure that it accumulates harmful organisms, which then enter our body.
    8. 8) Hardening is an effective method of prevention. Recommended as general and local hardening. With a solution of sea salt rinse your throat, starting from a temperature of 37 ° C, gradually bringing it to 18 °.
    9. 9) Relax in a sanatorium with a humid and warm climate. Physiotherapy, mud therapy, inhalations in this case are very relevant and effective.
    We hope that, using our advice, you will get rid of such a disease as a chronic form of pharyngitis!

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