
Rapid treatment of angina at home: antibiotics and folk remedies

  • Rapid treatment of angina at home: antibiotics and folk remedies

    Angina pharyngis or otherwise angina( acute tonsillitis) is the most common disease of the upper respiratory tract.

    The nature of the inflammatory processes of this common acute infectious disease is associated with the lymphadenoid tissue of the pharynx called the tonsils. How to treat a sore throat at home should everyone know in order to avoid complications.

    After the flu, the incidence of this common disease ranks second in the world. Attacks on infection are predominantly affecting children and adults under 40 years of age. Infection can occur due to exposure to the environment or from their own microbes.

    At the primary stage, the disease is a simple inflammation of the lymphadenoid ring of the pharynx. The secondary stage( symptomatic) as a consequence of the transferred infectious diseases( diphtheria, scarlet fever, etc.) causes damage to the tonsils and the circulatory system( blood flow system).Specific stage implies the presence of specific infections.

    For quick treatment of angina at home, it is recommended to combine antibiotics with folk remedies, which you can learn about in this article.
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    Causes of

    As a rule, with good immunity, lacunae( crevices) do not contribute to the emergence of an acute stage of angina due to the presence of opportunistic microbes in them.

    Due to a number of reasons, the body's resistance may decrease. Infectious process can start with general or local cooling. A person has gotten wet feet or drank a chilled liquid of these circumstances enough to penetrate pathogenic microflora into the tonsils and trigger the process of inflammation( see inflammation of the glands).

    Angina infection occurs not only in the most prominent areas of the body. The whole organism is affected by infection through airborne droplets. The main cause of 80% of the diseases is associated with Group A streptococci. For the risk of infection, it is not necessary to contact a person with a sore throat( see symptoms of sore throat).

    A healthy carrier of streptococci can successfully transmit them through the environment during a conversation or cough. In addition, chronic inflammation of the tonsils, purulent diseases of the nose, dental caries can contribute to the onset of the disease.

    Treatment of sore throat

    In cases of angina, the treating doctor recommends adherence to bed rest, this applies to both adults and children.

    This measure significantly reduces the risk of occurrence and further progress of complications. The internal organs and joints of the skeleton are most susceptible to this.

    The next important thing is changing the diet with emphasis on vitamin-rich foods. It is recommended sparing diet food and a plentiful drink.

    Tactics of treatment of angina in adults at home include the following drugs:

    1. 1) Usually, with angina, antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are prescribed, for example: penicillin series, cephalosporins, macrolides. If angina caused streptococcus, then use amoxicillin and ampicillin. If therapy is ineffective, a drug such as Sumamed, whose active ingredient is Azithromycin, can be prescribed.

      Before taking antibiotics to treat sore throats, always consult a doctor, especially if you do not know what kind of sore throat you have, because the treatment will be ineffective.
    2. 2) Depending on the symptoms, acetylsalicylic acid( aspirin), paracetamol, amidopyrine( pyramidone), analgin can be administered. These drugs are used to reduce pain in grief, bring down the temperature, and as a result improve overall health.
    3. 3) You can gargle with such agents as: Furacilin and Miramistin, and also use a regular soda-salt solution.
    Drug therapy should be strictly adhered to and include only antibiotic medications prescribed by a doctor with anti-inflammatory drugs. This will depend on the type of pathogen determined after examination and examination by an experienced medical specialist.

    Read more: follicular sore throat, lacunar angina, as well as catarrhal angina.

    How to treat sore throat at home

    Treatment of sore throats with folk remedies is aimed at washing microbes from the mucous throat and improve the overall well-being of a person.

    Broths and infusions are the most popular methods of treating angina at home. Than to gargle with a sore throat? The following are the main methods that you can use at home.

    1. 1) The pain in the throat is perfectly cleaned by regular rinsing of water mixed with sea salt, as well as there you can add a little soda.
    2. 2) Inhalations and rinses with garlic. This strong natural antiseptic helps fight against sore throat. To treat the head of garlic to grind, pour hot water, add a pinch of soda and breathe over such a mixture. Rinse garlic can be done by squeezing garlic in garlic, and adding it to hot water. Another garlic is used for rubbing the soles of the feet on a dream to come. This is one of the options how to treat a sore throat at home.
    3. 3) Decoction of oregano helps to remove the hoarseness of the voice, if it is. For several days, drink a decoction of this herb on a quarter cup.
    4. 4) If sore throat in adults has just begun, effectively apply lemon juice diluted in water. You should also use refined lemon slices, sucking lemon in your mouth.
    5. 5) Propolis will have a good anti-inflammatory effect. It should be chewed before going to bed, it will help cure angina.
    6. 6) To ease the symptoms of angina will be such decoctions as tea with raspberries, cranberries, cranberries, with chamomile and St. John's wort.
    7. 7) Red beet effectively heals throat. To make a solution, grate the vegetable on a grater. Squeezing juice, add to it a tablespoon of vinegar. At least 6-7 times a day you need to gargle with this tincture to get an excellent effect. A little liquid( about 1 mouthful per day) is allowed to swallow inside. Rinse your throat until complete recovery.
    8. 8) Take sage, chamomile and mint. In equal parts( up to about 2 tablespoons) mix these herbs. After this, fill them with one liter of water, pounce. Inhalation of steam from these plants is useful. To do the inhalation, cover with a towel, and breathe over the useful pairs for ten minutes. This will help to quickly cure the sore throat at home.
    9. 9) Iodine is a simple and effective remedy for the treatment of a sore throat. You can wrap cotton wool on your finger, add iodine to it, then lubricate the sick glands. A more gentle method can be purchased at the pharmacy - a drug called Yox or Yodixol. Lubricate your throat several times a day and the disease will go away.
    10. 10) The root of aura will help to remove the inflammation, and with constant use will save from any angina for a long time. Use small pieces of calamus, five times a day. Each piece of root is kept in your mouth for a quarter of an hour. In six months you will forget about angina.
    11. 11) Common onion juice as an antiseptic is excellent in the fight against sore throat. Drink 1 teaspoon of natural juice, three to five times a day, and you will be healthy!
    12. 12) Take the marigold flowers, chamomile and eucalyptus in equal parts. The ground mixture should be mixed thoroughly. Spoon a mixture of 300 ml of boiling water. Boil the infusion, insist it for half an hour, strain. Twice a day, rinse. It is better that the broth was not hot, but warm. Gradually, with 27 degrees of tincture, go to 18( room temperature).This will not only harden your throat, but also help get rid of the inflammatory process.
    13. 13) Kerosene in combination with salt is also an effective tool. Take a jar of 0,5 liters, pour there three tablespoons of salt( table).Pour kerosene, strain it through gauze. Put the mixture in a pan with cold water, the water should reach the neck, then put it on the stove. That the glass does not crack, the fire should not be plentiful. After the mixture boils, boil it without a lid for 1.5 hours. When heated, the contents exude an unpleasant odor, so make the medicine in a well-ventilated area. The poured mixture should be poured into the throat away, try not to get on the tongue. After you need to drink a medicine half a teaspoon of any vegetable oil. After a few days, recovery will come. In addition, blood is purified effectively, the body is cleaned. The medicine is poured into a container of dark glass, tightly closed.
    See also, symptoms and treatment of purulent sore throat.

    Prevention of sore throat

    Probably, it's too much to say that you need to monitor your health, keep your feet warm, dress properly, do not get nervous. In addition, it is very important to prevent the ingestion of microorganisms inside, to temper your body, thereby increasing immunity. Approach the problem need to consistently, then you will not need to look for how to treat angina at home.

    We call the basic rules for the prevention of sore throat:

    1. 1) General and individual hygiene. Use only your own towels, toothbrushes, utensils. Isolate from the rest of your family if you are sick.
    2. 2) Eat right. In food should be the optimal ratio of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In the winter-spring period, in the diet necessarily add vitamin C, because in our latitudes at this time in food it is sorely lacking.
    3. 3) In time, treat such diseases as sinusitis, pyelonephritis, rhinitis, tooth decay, helminthiasis. If often there are chronic tonsillitis, consult a doctor about further treatment tactics. It may be necessary to partially or completely remove the glands, physiotherapy is effective in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis.
    4. 4) Be engaged in hardening your body. It is best to temper, starting from an early age. However, it is never too late to apply tempering. Be engaged in wiping, swimming, contrasting wiping, in the summer you can walk barefoot on dew. Remember that hardening is suitable only in the absence of disease at the moment.
    5. 5) Strengthen the immune system. Do not use frequent throat rinses, overdo it with air conditioning. Too dry air, as well as warm air, can damage the mucous membrane. Do not limit yourself only to warm food: cold drinks and ice cream also harden the mucous. Just start tempering gradually. Internal immunity is strengthened with the help of immunomodulators. Effectively improve humoral immunity with the help of interferon. The most commonly prescribed drugs are bacterial origin - bronchomunil, ribomunil, as well as vitamin complexes.
    6. 6) To prevent recurrence of streptococcal angina in carriers of BHSA, vaccination with such drugs as retarpen or bicillin.
    Preventive measures are very important to prevent sore throats. First, consult a doctor to avoid relapse. Help permanent exercise and exercise, morning exercises, cold wiping with water.

    To increase the susceptibility of the mucosa to hypothermia, doctors recommend local hardening: rinse your throat with water, lowering the temperature to cold. In this case, take into account your physiological characteristics, in the treatment should be systematic. Sunscreen helps to improve immunity and protective properties, especially in winter.

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