  • Catarrh of the maxillary: treatment and symptoms

    Genyantritis is called catarrhal in the event that there is no pus in the maxillary sinuses, that is, there is no bacterial infection.

    This is evidenced by the absence of clinical signs, which are characteristic for purulent sinusitis, in particular - the allocation of a yellowish-green color with an unpleasant odor.

    In most cases, catarrhal sinusitis occurs as a result of complications of prolonged rhinitis, and also due to weakened immunity against the background of an ARVI or other infectious disease.

    Risk factors include the presence of problems with the upper molars, curvature of the septum in the nose, as well as polyps, adenoids and other foci of chronic infection in the nasopharynx.

    Symptoms of catarrhal sinusitis

    Catarrhal sinusitis, and its specific symptoms are more common in adults.in children under 5 years old the maxillary sinuses are not yet formed, therefore, the occurrence of an inflammatory process is unlikely.

    As a rule, before the onset of the first signs of sinusitis, a person has acute respiratory viral infection in the acute phase, which is accompanied by classic symptoms of intoxication - chills, fever, photophobia, etc.
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    To determine that the symptoms of sinusitis have joined the usual course of the infectious disease, it is possible by the characteristic clinical picture:

    1. 1) Pain sensations in the area of ​​the paranasal sinuses, as well as pain in the head, it increases with sharp inclinations, or coughing, sneezing. When you press the "dog fossa" located on the cheek, people also experience pain. By the evening the symptoms are worse, in the morning less pronounced.
    2. 2) Nasal congestion on one side. If both nostrils are not functioning, then bilateral catarrhal sinusitis can be diagnosed. The sense of smell is reduced.
    3. 3) Soply at catarrhal form have a light tint, and also very liquid. In the case of pus in the sinuses, they will find a greenish-yellow color.
    4. 4) With a large amount of secretions, it can start to disturb coughing at night, as the mucus begins to drain down the back wall of the throat, causing its irritation.
    5. 5) The temperature can rise to 39C, there may be swelling of the face and eyelids, on the side where the inflammation is.
    During the remission of chronic sinusitis, as a rule, the symptoms are almost not expressed. The adult can be bothered only by a common cold. And here during an exacerbation, the above-stated symptomatology appears again.

    Treatment of catarrhal sinusitis

    In contrast to purulent inflammation, catarrh of the genyantritis and its treatment can be carried out at home. Since there is no bacterial infection, the meaning of taking antibiotics is also eliminated.

    For the treatment of the catarrhal form, mainly vasoconstrictive drugs are used, as well as regular rinsing of the nasal sinus. If a person is bothering with pain syndrome, then the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Ibuprofen and its analogs, is acceptable. If the cause of sinusitis is an allergic reaction, then prescribe antihistamines( Zocacus, etc.).

    Nasal drops should not be used for longer than 1 week, as they are capable of causing mucosal atrophy, and are addictive to oxymetazoline - the active substance of the majority of vasoconstrictor sprays. Most sold:

    • Nazivin, Sanorin( drops)
    • Otrivin, Tysin( spray)
    After applying these drops, the nose should be washed. To do this, you can use ready-made pharmacy products( Aquamaris, Dolphin, etc.), or cooked yourself from the collection of various herbs. The simplest way is to rinse with warm, slightly salted water. In a clinic you can make a procedure called a cuckoo. This is an effective alternative to home rinsing. It is also recommended to undergo various physiotherapeutic procedures - UHF, ultraviolet irradiation, etc.

    To maintain immunity, you can use vitamin complexes( Vitrum, Complivit, etc.), as well as broth of dogrose, echinacea - they have an immunostimulating effect.

    If due to the presence of polyps in the nose, adenoids, or curvature of the nasal septum conservative therapy was found to be unproductive, then it is recommended to make a so-called puncture in genyantritis. With it, you can rinse your sinus with an antiseptic, and remove the mucus.

    Complications of

    First of all, a bacterial infection is capable of joining the course of catarrhal sinusitis, in which case the sinusitis becomes purulent. And it will need to be treated with antibiotics.

    Secondly, the disease can provoke serious complications - meningitis, inflammation of the eye, thrombosis of the cavernous sinus and meningoencephalitis. This is all possible if the genyantritis will move to the neighboring cavities of the skull.

    In any case, if the first symptoms occur - contact a doctor, then catarrhal sinusitis can not be cured.

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