
How to clean the abdomen after caesarean section

  • How to clean the abdomen after caesarean section

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    Read in the article:
    • How and how to clean the abdomen after caesarean section: useful tips
    • How to quickly remove the stomach after cesarean section: recommendations, exercises and diet
    • How to clean the stomach after cesarean section and lose weight: results and reviews

    Does not go away bellyafter caesarean section: what to do

    During pregnancy in all women, the abdomen is significantly stretched, and after the birth of a child with the help of cesarean section, it becomes a challenge for many not only how to remove folds, but also how to speed upazhivlenie skin.

    With the help of what and how to clean the abdomen after cesarean section: useful tips ^

    There are several situations when after the cesarean stomach simply falls out:

    • Loose muscles of the abdominal wall: in such cases it is necessary to adhere to a diet consisting mainly of protein food,.For example, it helps to tighten the stomach after a caesarean section exercise "vacuum" or simple twisting;
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    • Diastasis of the tendons located in the middle of the abdominal region. They simply stretch, and their return to their original position may take up to 18 months. To quickly remove the stomach after cesarean, simple exercises are effective, but if a tissue rupture passes through all the tendons, surgery may be required;
    • Hernia. Here, any loads must be coordinated with the doctor, as when it is jammed, complications can arise.

    Why after caesarean does not go away belly

    If the stomach does not go away after cesarean - do not get upset, as the body usually recovers within two months. If no positive changes occurred during this time, this can be due to several reasons:

    • Breastfeeding: with it, you can not lose weight sharply and sit on a strict diet, tk.the kid gets all the necessary substances to strengthen immunity from the mother's milk. Weight reduction occurs smoothly, and this can take from 6 months to 1 year;
    • Absence of physical activity: of course, with the care of an infant, there is almost no time to visit the gym, but to remove an apron on the stomach after a cesarean, at least it is impossible to evade domestic duties and it is desirable to perform at least light exercises that take up to 10 minutes;
    • Diastase: every fifth woman encounters this problem, and it manifests as follows: weight loss is still there, but the stomach after cesarean section remains hanging. Pull the muscles in this case will help only exercise.

    After how much the stomach goes after cesarean

    It all depends on the body of every woman: one manages to restore the abdomen after a caesarean section in a few days, while others take months to do this. To quickly regain the old forms, you need at least a minimum of physical activity and a non-strict diet.

    How to quickly clean the abdomen after caesarean section: recommendations, exercises and diet ^

    How to clean the abdomen after cesarean section: exercises how to perform at home

    How to get rid of the abdomen after cesarean

    Observing a few basic rules, one can get a flat stomach after cesarean and recovershort terms:

    • You can not load yourself physically until the seams completely heal, otherwise they will simply "spread out".At first, it is advisable to ask someone from close relatives to help with the care of the child, and not to pick him up;
    • It is possible to resort to the help of plastic surgery, but it should be remembered that it will take a long time to restore skin tissues right after cesarean and plastics;
    • After giving birth, it is recommended to wear a bandage for an early tummy tuck: it helps to tone muscles and get rid of sagging skin;
    • If after a cesarean hangs his stomach, his suspender needs to be approached simultaneously from three positions: give himself a light physical activity, go on a diet for nursing moms and regularly massage the problem area.

    Belly exercises after caesarean section

    It's worth noting that it's hardest to get rid of the fat layers that hang over the seam and they can stay even for a few months while dieting and playing sports, but then they will leave anyway.

    As for the exercises, at the initial stage there will be enough walking, swimming in the pool and cycling: all this helps to normalize the work of the heart and blood vessels, and at the same time remove the folds. Also at home, you can do the following:

    • Put your back on the floor, hands stretch down, lift the hip to the maximum height and stay for 10 seconds. We return to the previous position, repeat 8-10 times;
    • We lie with our backs on the floor, we place our feet as close as possible to the buttocks. We strain the abdominal muscles, straighten the leg with light pressure and return again. We repeat on each leg 8 times;
    • We lay down, draw the belly as much as possible, hold your breath for 20 seconds and exhale. We execute 3-5 times.

    Massage of the abdomen after cesarean section

    To not wait for the stomach to go away after caesarean alone, this can be facilitated by doing self-massage:

    • Gladim, stroke and knead with circular movements the area from the navel to the periphery;
    • With time, you can increase the speed and intensity of pressure;
    • It is recommended to perform massaging as early as 3-4 days after delivery, but the movements should be very light.

    Diet for weight loss after caesarean section

    From nutrition, weight loss depends to a greater extent, and to remove the stomach without harming the child's body, it is worth paying attention to the rules:

    • Refuse from consumption of floury, fatty foods and sweets: all this can provoke gas formationin the intestines of the baby, besides it contains many fast carbohydrates and calories;
    • Your diet should be diversified with vegetables, fruits, berries, lean meats, greens, lean fish, porridges and fermented milk products.
    We also advise you to read the article How to pump up the buttocks.

    How to clean the stomach after cesarean section and lose weight: results and feedback ^

    Do not worry about how long the stomach goes after cesarean: if you follow all the rules, you can find the former press in just a few weeks. It should be borne in mind that any physical activity should not harm the mother's body, and the diet is for the baby, therefore, before doing anything, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    How to lose weight after cesarean and remove the stomach: reviews

    Tatiana, 23 years old:

    "I got rid of the belly helped by the protein diet of Dyukan + simple exercises. I did not breast-feed the baby, tk. Because of the strong stress, I lost milk, so I could limit myself to eating. Do not do this to others.such a method personally I consider radical "

    Galina, 25 years old:

    " After cesarean, I had a terrible apron, tk.during pregnancy I gained a lot of excess weight. For 3 months, I still managed to remove the fat, but I had to exercise every day and adhere to proper nutrition. "

    Olga, 30 years old:

    " I did the vacuum exercise for a couple of months, and I also gave up harmful high-calorie foods. She was breastfeeding, and it only affected the baby positively, besides, I lost 5 kg in that time ยป