  • Games that develop speech and thinking

    Almost all the games described before, children met with gaming, in which both speech and thinking are actively involved.(These two important mental processes are inextricably linked.) But in these games, the level of development of speech and thinking that the children have already reached has been used.

    Games of this section are aimed at developing these processes in the necessary unity.

    The development of the child's speech goes in several directions. This is the development of articulation, and the expansion of the active vocabulary, and the development of coherent speech, that is, the ability to express one's thought in words, and the formation of speech thinking. All these directions are presented in the games of this section.

    Only the first two games( "Wonderful trunk" and "Bag, let in!") Are aimed at testing the articulation and clarifying the pronunciation of difficult sounds for kids. And the emphasis in them is on the intonational expressiveness of speech, which, as a rule, affects children. The following games( "The Bunny and the Bear" and "Where the Bunny Hides?") Are aimed at the development of the child's spatial representations and the assimilation of their verbal designation. In fascinating plot situations, children learn the meaning of the basic prepositions and adverbs, which designate the spatial relations of objects( close, far, in front, behind, on the contrary, side by side), and immediately consolidate knowledge. This enriches the child's vocabulary and develops his spatial representations.

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    In most games in this section, the word is associated with movement and action( real or imaginary).In the games "The Birthday of the Alyonushka doll" and "Where did we see what we saw?" The connection between speech and movement is the basis for the development of the child's thinking: the verbal expression of his actions contributes to their comprehension and understanding, and movements and imaginary actions fill the words with concrete content.

    In some games, children learn to highlight the purpose( function) of the subject. In the beginning, this is facilitated by the plot, imaginary situation and the action with the subject( "The Birthday of the Alyonushka doll"), in the future the children learn to formulate the purpose of objects with the help of words, guessing and guessing riddles( "To whom?"

    For the development of the child's thinking,the selection of essential features of the subject, but also the synthesis of them in a single view. There are several games of this section devoted to the development of this ability. In the game "Guess it!" an example of the synthesizing of signs is given by the educator himself.he enumerates the characteristic features of the object, that is, he conceives a riddle, and his children guess, that is, they build a holistic image of the subject according to the totality of its characteristics. At the same time, acting as assistants to the educator and listing after him signsof the objects depicted in the picture, the children make the first steps to describing the subject through analysis and synthesis of its characteristic features.

    In the next game, the kids already compare objects according to the totality of characteristics. In the game "Paired pictures", they themselves( on the basis of the support questions of the educator) list the features of the depicted object, that is, they produce an elementary analysis and synthesis. Arguing and exchanging impressions, children establish the identity or differences of objects. The game teaches them to reason and draw conclusions.

    In the final game of this section( "Toys-artists"), kids learn to establish meaningful relationships and relationships between acting characters and understand different life situations. Passing these relations through coherent speech, children comprehend the content of life situations.

    Thus, the games presented in this section provide an organic connection between thinking and speech, which enriches these crucial mental processes and promotes the cognitive development of the child.