  • A broom in a bath is more expensive than money

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    Our distant ancestors solved the problem of "aromatization" in a very original way: they made baths in the form of temporary huts made of twigs and leaves of different trees. Depending on the desire to get this or that flavor, the tree( branches, leaves) was chosen. Most often used linden, then birch, juniper, etc. It was the bathhouse "huts" that "inspired" our ancestors to create the miracle of "bathing", a broom. Slavs used apparently all plants, bushes and trees before they chose brooms from birch, oak, lime, mountain ash, alder, fir, juniper. Of such herbs as St. John's wort, wormwood and even. .. nettle.

    What does the broom give?"Lashing his body, - pi

    se V. Ivanchenko, - a kind of massage that enhances blood circulation in the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, contributing to the subsequent tempering contrast of temperatures, more intense perspiration and increased metabolism, the opening of skin pores and the washing out of various,including pathogenic microbes, the dangerous action of which on the body is paralyzed by volatile substances - phytoncides contained in the leaves of a broom, which have a bactericidal effect. And essential oils that get on the skin, improve its metabolism, "prevent premature aging."It is not by chance that people say: "The day you are soaring, you do not age that day."To strengthen the bactericidal effect, it is best to steam a broom from fresh branches, since they contain more essential oils and phytoncides, which when dried almost completely volatilize. It must be borne in mind that each broom has its own special effect, since in each plant from which the broom is made, it contains its own essential oils and phytoncides. As V.Ivanchenko writes, a birch broom helps "with pain, aching muscles and joints. .. cleans the skin well when it is inclined to rashes and pustules, accelerates the healing of wounds and abrasions, has a calming effect, improves mood. Its special virtue is a strong expansion in a small pair of small bronchi. This facilitates sputum and improves lung ventilation. That's why after such a bath it's very easy to breathe! For asthmatics and ex-smokers, who started respiratory gymnastics, a birch broom is irreplaceable. "

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    The predilection of Russians to birch birch is understandable: for many centuries this tree occupies a special place in the everyday life of the Russian man. Birch leaves, buds, birch bark, sapwood, juice, chaga, wood-everything was used in the household, at home with medicinal purposes. No tree has been devoted to so many songs, poems, fables, proverbs and sayings. Birch buds contain essential oil, bitter, flavonoids, resin, tannins and other biologically active substances. Betuloretin and ascorbic acids, hyperosides, tannins, saponins, essential oils, carotene, phytoncides were found in the leaves. All these substances have a beneficial effect on the human body, including when the leaves come into contact with the body of a person when they are stitching a birch broom in a steam bath.

    Birch brooms can be harvested almost all summer, while the leaves are green. However, it is best to do this in June - early July, when the leaves are already strong, but still in the juice, fairly dense, but still elastic, emit a familiar and loved aroma to everyone.

    Some amateurs adhere to a rather complicated technology, which requires a lot of time and space. But most often, they are easy to prepare for harvesting, observing only the simplest requirements, which are as follows:

    • cut branches in dry weather, since branches harvested in wet weather or covered with dew quickly deteriorate: the leaves dry yellow, deform, quickly fly over. This broom is not enough even for one "park";

    • Prepared branches should be kept in the shade, since sun rays in the leaves cause processes destroying useful substances, in particular bactericidal, aromatic and others;

    • Dry the prepared brooms best in a fairly cool place, in the shade, in a well-ventilated room. When drying, you should observe the "distance", that is, the brooms are located at some distance from each other. At the beginning of drying, the brooms must be turned over daily. Then half-dried brooms can be stored and denser, continuing to turn them;

    • store dried brooms best when suspended.

    By the way, according to the technology described it is possible to prepare brooms from alder, branches of an oak, a linden, a currant, other deciduous plants, and also from nettle and wormwood.

    Special art requires the formation of a so-called prefab broom, which meets all the wishes of the amateur. In the assembly broom include the branches of many plants: birch, oak, alder, willow, ash, lime, currant, mountain ash, viburnum, even bird cherry, and also some herbs.

    The second most popular after birch is considered to be sauna lovers with an oak broom.

    Oak, like birch, has long been revered in Russia as a sacred tree. Our ancestors actively used as a medicine the bark of oak. In "Travnik" E. Zalessova read: "Oak bark from different types of oak contains tannic acid. Inside the oak bark in the form of a decoction is used quite rarely. Outside, the decoction of the cortex is used in all cases where it is indicated the use of binders in the form of lotions, injections and baths, from bleeding, abundant mucous secretions, scrofula, English sickness and decubitus. "

    Those who like to thoroughly boil, warm up "to the bone", prefer to use an oak broom with its massive dense leaves, which hold more firmly than birch.

    True, it is believed that the purifying properties of birch broom are much higher than oak, whose leaves are denser and not as porous as birch. But experts admit that an oak broom with its thick leaves quickly and better absorbs bath heat and naturally more quickly transfers this heat to the body of a steamer.

    In addition to tannins, which are many in oak leaves, they contain other substances very useful for the human body: lye, pectins, sugars, protein substances, essential oils, bitterness, starch and others. All these substances oak broom when using it gives more economical than birch. And one more advantage of an oak broom - it is much more durable than birch and many other brooms.

    The preparation of oak brooms is made in August-September.

    Oak broom is especially suitable for people with oily skin. When treating the body in a bath with oak trees, a special role is played by tannins and essential oils of leaves. It is these substances that make the fat skin matte and elastic, it is well cleaned, as well as the pores, have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Oak broom, with massive, strong, dense leaves quickly cleans the body of a steamer, quickly and deeply warms it. The substances released during the soaring from the leaves of the broom have a curative effect. The specialists note that "these substances are able to even reduce the pressure in hypertension." The tanning substance

    and essential oil released from the leaves of an oak broom have a curative effect on all sorts of skin diseases: scrofula, rashes, eczema. . In some parts of Russia,where there are large lime groves, lime brooms are popular, linden has long been popular among the people as a highly curative plant. The person who has caught a catarrhal illness most often recalls a lime color that is radicalthe remedy for many colds, as a diaphoretic and antipyretic. Infusions and decoctions of linden( leaves, flowers) are used as an expectorant for coughing, diuretic with pyelitis and kidney stones, anodyne with gastrointestinal spasms. Fresh linden leaves are used in the formcompresses with headaches, as an emollient and anti-inflammatory agent for burns, purulent inflammation. The healing abilities of linden leaves are also used through a lime broom that "perfectly eliminates the headache,will produce a soft "gymnastics" for the kidneys, accelerate sweating, has a soothing, wound healing, bronchodilating, antipyretic effect. "With catarrhal diseases, there is no equal to a linden broom!

    In many regions of Russia, a maple broom is floating. Maple groves can be found in the Caucasus, Siberia, the Urals, Bashkiria and other places. Among the many species of maple, the most interesting is the maple sugar. From it get maple juice, rich in sugars.

    Young leaves and sprouts of this maple, being torn off, emit white, sweet and pleasant juice. The old leaves are bitter.

    The broth of young leaves and twigs is useful "from internal blockages, jaundice, scurvy and other seizures."Vinegar, in which the leaves were boiled, were taken orally "for suppressing vomiting and dreariness."The leaves boiled in the wine were applied to the inflamed eyes. A lye prepared from burned maple bark was used to clean scabs and ulcers on the head. Such liquor was often prepared for a bath.

    A broom from a maple tree branch is very effective for some skin diseases, body treatment with such a broom gives excellent results: slags are actively excreted from the body, the skin and subcutaneous tissue become "sterile" due to the bactericidal effect of such a broom.

    In some regions, especially in Siberia, one of the favorite trees is bird cherry, which has such a wide range of advantages that it was deified here and there.

    A broom made from bird cherry branches is a unique attribute of a true lover of the bath and cleanliness. Thanks to the powerful bactericidal "weapons" the bird cherry broom, like no other, guarantees the destruction of all pathogenic microorganisms on human skin. In addition, when using such a broom, especially if the branches are torn off with flowers, the whole atmosphere of the steam room is filled with such a wonderful scent that any perfume store can envy. But this fragrance is not just pleasant, it is very useful, as it contains all the chemical substances of bird cherry. Penetrating with inhaled air into the lungs, this aroma cleanses them, destroying all pathological bacteria in the lungs and in the respiratory tract. Such a broom is useful for colds, as well as for skin lesions, especially pustular.

    Steamed in Russia and rowan broom. Ashberry ordinary - one of the favorite trees of Russians. A quivering attitude to the mountain ash is reflected in folk art and poetry. Rowan is dedicated to songs and poems, its harmonious statues, snow-white fragrant flowers, bright fruits. Rowan is very decorative. For rowan, especially in the period of its flowering or when it falls in autumn in its purple outfit of berries, it is impossible to get a good look.

    What, besides its beauty and beauty, attracted the mountain ash of man? Their medicinal properties and nutritional benefits, which are determined by the rich chemical composition. In the fruits of mountain ash, and also( to a lesser extent) in the branches and leaves contain vitamins: B ^ & gt;B2, C, P, PP and K, carotenoids, tannins, coloring and pectin substances, sugars, organic acids( mainly apple, wine, sorbic, grape and amber), bitter, almost the entire table of Mendeleev - salts of zinc, manganese, iron, copper, magnesium and others, fatty and essential oils, glycosides, etc.

    In places where it was difficult to find clean water, Russian explorers poured fresh leaves of ashberry into the marsh water, insisted it and after 2-3 hours the smell and flavor of water completelydisappeared. Bacteria in such water disappeared due to the high bactericidal properties of mountain ash. Phytoncides of mountain ash and natural antibiotics contained in it, by virtue of the impact on pathogens, compete with such traditional water purifiers as silver ions, chlorine ions and activated carbon.

    In leaves( young) mountain ash contains up to 85 mg% of vitamin C and in some places young leaves of mountain ash are added to salads, especially in spring. The ashberry bark contains up to 15% tannins and is a good tanning agent.

    In many regions of Russia, especially in Siberia, a rowan broom is often preferred to many others, including birch and oak. The processing of the body with a rowan broom guarantees enhanced separation of sweat and the withdrawal of the most slag, no harmful microorganism remains on the skin, metabolism will be quickly and permanently activated, blood circulation will increase, the cardiovascular system will be cleansed and not only of cholesterol, but also of other harmful substances.

    Sometimes they make mixed brooms - out of branches of mountain ash and tansy grass. If all of the above brooms contribute to the restoration of strength and a good sleep, then a mixed broom from rowan and tansy strengthens the excitation processes in the nervous system. Therefore, if after a bath it is necessary to remain "fresh as a cucumber" - use such a mixed broom.

    By the way, tansy has long been known to man as a medicinal plant. The strong characteristic smell of tansy and its bitter taste are due to the ester oil contained in its inflorescences and leaves, the main component of which is the kyton tui-on. In addition, the composition of the oil includes camphor, bor-neol, pinene, etc. Tansy also contains flavonoids, bitter tannin, organic acids, tannins, alkaloids, sugars, colorants, a wide range of minerals.

    Thanks to such unique substances as bitterness, tannins and essential oil contained in it, tansy acts excitantly on the

    low broom of tansy and ashberry "invigorates".A steamed broom from mountain ash and tansy, when they are being operated on the upper shelf, produces such an incomparable odor, which, as some steamers say, "cleanses the brains" and permanently excites the nervous system. That's why such a broom is recommended to use in the morning, and not in the evening, since the evening soaring with a broom can cost a sleepless night.

    If you travel around Russia and visit a sauna in every region and get acquainted with bathing customs, you can open a lot of new, although the general principles of using a Russian bath are almost the same everywhere. From which only plants do not make brooms! From the branches of aspen and ash, acacia and rue, lilac and cherry. .. And with what variety of brooms from herbs you can meet! To the already mentioned tansies, nettles and wormwood one can safely number another one and a half to two dozen grasses. They make brooms from a skimmer of yellow and willow-tea( kiprei), from herbage. For example, a broom, collected from different branches, can include the Bogorodskaya grass, which has long been widely used in folk medicine: it is used for chest pain, abdominal pain, for women's diseases, for insomnia, and for coughing, for decoction of herbs drank from drinking. So, this herb, along with some other aromatic herbs( peppermint, for example) is included in the collection broom, which acts very effectively on the human skin and on the respiratory system, especially for colds.

    The aforementioned spray is sometimes the only component of a broom. The composition of the leaves of the spray contains a large amount of tannins( more than in the leaves of oak), leaves and flowers with

    hold about 250 mg% of vitamin C. Cyprus has hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Flowers kipreya( and they are on the plant very much) contain a lot of sugars( kiprei is an excellent honey plant).When steaming in a bath, the flowers and leaves of the spray produce such a pleasant and also very useful aroma that the steamer feels at once relieved, and has a headache. It is good for spraying and in combination with birch branches. A broom from the branches of birch and flowering kipreya( in July-August) is something delicious!

    A broom made from blackcurrant branches, whose leaves have a diaphoretic, diuretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory effect is very fragrant and extremely useful. The substances contained in the leaves( ascorbic acid, tannins, essential oil, pigments, flavonoids, etc.) have a beneficial effect on the skin, cleans it well of pathogenic microbes, and the fragrance emitted by the leaves is able to satisfy the most refined "scent".In folk medicine, infusions and broths of black currant leaves are used in the treatment of rheumatism, gout, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and bladder, tuberculosis of the lymph glands, scrofula, kidney stone disease, dropsy. Steamed in a bath with a broom, you can hope that there will be relief in the presence of such diseases.

    Here and there in Russia there is an evergreen coniferous shrub juniper, fruits of which are widely used in folk medicine. In all parts of the plant contains essential oil, organic acids, tannins. Needles of juniper have a powerful bactericide

    action. Preparations from juniper have a disinfectant effect. Despite the fact that the broom from the branches of the juniper is quite prickly, nevertheless there are many lovers of winding such a broom. High bactericidal resistance, much more than the leaves of many plants, which are also bactericidal. A birch tree helps with gout, rheumatism, swelling, and rashes on the skin. Juniper broom is the record holder for the destruction of pathogenic microbes on the skin of a steamer.

    Along with the lime for a cold, a good broom from alder branches( white, gray) is good. Alder leaves contain tannins, hyperosides, the amount of which reaches 13 mg%, quercitrin, as well as coffee, chlorogenic and protocatechinic acids. Preparations from alder have astringent and disinfectant properties. That is why the alder broom is good • cleanses the skin, destroying the pathogenic microbes, makes the fat skin elastic, possessing an astringent property. In the northern regions of Russia, the use of a broom from alder is not uncommon. Olhovy broom is good for colds, strengthening the separation of sputum in bronchitis.

    And in some Siberian regions a broom made of fir is appreciated. Particularly good such a broom in winter, when local residents, hunters, foresters, namayavshis and intending for the day, in the evening, having drained a bathhouse, will be devoured by a fir broom. The fir contains fir oil. Infusion of young needles and fir buds has long been used by Siberians from scurvy, with aches in bones of cold and fatigue origin. After the bath with the fir broom leaves fatigue from the body and expels

    any kind of sickness, especially the common cold. Fir birch cleans the skin well of pathogens, treats all sorts of skin rashes. Fir oil, tannins, phytoncides of fir on penetration from the broom penetrate into the pores of the body and contribute to the healing of many skin and rheumatic diseases. This broom is useful for gout.

    In addition to fir birch in some places of Siberia, brooms from other coniferous plants are used: cedar, spruce. Of course, coniferous brooms are a pleasure for an amateur who, in his physical condition, is able to endure a rather serious procedure of floating with such brooms.

    Advantage of the conifer is that it does not need to be stored for future use: coniferous trees do not lose their coniferous outfit in winter and the broom can be cooked directly in front of the bath, when all the substances contained in it are in the so-called "live" form, especially balsamic substances.

    In some southern regions of Russia on the border with Kazakhstan, where there is no forest, brooms from wormwood are used successfully, which is abundant here. Procurement of such brooms is performed immediately after flowering of wormwood, when the stems of the plant are not yet heavily coarsened. Broom from wormwood is also very useful. In the herb wormwood contains about 2% essential oil, there are glycosides, phytoncides, organic acids, tannins, other biologically active components. Wormwood has long been used in folk medicine for diseases of the joints, jaundice, rheumatism, obesity, bosoms, stomach, liver, gall bladder. Outwardly, preparations from wormwood are used for bruises, purulent ulcers and wounds. With this kind of disease

    , a broom made from twigs of wormwood is always welcome and, perhaps, its therapeutic therapeutic effect will not give way, but rather surpass the effectiveness of some other common brooms.

    A special place among the brooms is occupied by a broom from the branches of nettle, dioecious and less often burning. The stems of the nettle, like the whole plant, are covered with burning long hairs. In the stems and leaves of nettle contains a large number of biologically active substances: ascorbic acid, carotene, B vitamins and vitamin K, organic acids, tannins, phytoncides, etc. Nettle has long been used in folk medicine: it has hemostatic effect, increases blood coagulability,has a tonic effect on the walls of blood vessels, improves all metabolic processes in the body. Broth of nettle leaves is used for tuberculosis, anemia, bronchitis, malaria, spleen diseases, muscular and articular rheumatism, radiculitis. A broom from a nettle is slightly steamed by warm water and soared. The substances contained in the nettle have a powerful therapeutic effect on the skin.

    Recently, traditional eccentric brooms from birch, oak, lime and alder branches have been added, which are still rare, eucalyptus brooms. It is known that the leaves of eucalyptus contain a very valuable medicinal components: oils, phytoncides, aromatic substances with antiseptic properties. Infusion from the leaves of eucalyptus is used as an antiseptic, they are sprayed with wooden parietal walls and poured onto glowing stones. The resulting aromatic vapor has not only antiseptic, but also inhalation properties. With

    , you need to breathe through your nose and then the larynx, trachea, bronchi and even the lungs adjacent to the bronchial tubes are warmed up with the healing eucalyptus vapor.

    The essential oil contained in the leaves of eucalyptus has a bactericidal and analgesic property. In connection with this, it is actively used in the form of compresses for neuralgia, inflammation of the muscles, with various kinds of bruises, sprains, pains in the joints. On the effectiveness of eucalyptus oil in the treatment of some pretty dangerous diseases can be seen in the following example: in such a dangerous disease as angina, it is enough to drop two to three drops of eucalyptus oil on a piece of sugar and hold it in your mouth until it melts andthe inflammatory process will be significantly reduced.

    For a broom, you can also use coniferous lapnik, branches of maple, walnut, ash.

    So, you have chosen a broom and you want to start the main bath procedure as soon as possible - to the broomstick. To "save" the ears, you need to wear a wide-brimmed hat. On hands it is necessary to put on thick woolen mittens - they best protect their hands from bath heat. Mittens must be washed before each visit to the steam room.

    Some steamers with experience masterly manipulate a broom. But this is not a simple matter. Be able to treat the whole body with a broom - quite a difficult art, and some steamers resort to the help of others, believing that the two of them are better to steam. But still many do not recognize the interference of others in this procedure - they like to bathe themselves.

    If during the soaring, especially in a large heat, the broom became dry, it should be soaked in warm water, but immediately shake to make it slightly damp.

    Many inveterate steamers do not whip themselves like a broom. Everyone has worked out for himself a certain sequence depending on many reasons: the state of health at the moment, habits, moods, and so on.

    A classic example of how to correctly use all the charms of the steam room can be gleaned from the great lover and connoisseur of the Russian bath, VM Shukshin. In his story "Alyosha the Restless" in Alyosha, the steam procedure was divided into two stages. The first stage is the adaptation procedure. After washing, a person makes one or two calls to the steam room for 3-6 minutes with a break of 10-15 minutes. During this approach, you can pour cool water, stand in the shower, trying not to wet your head, just sit on the bottom shelf, without taking any "heroic effort" - this is necessary for the body to adapt to high temperatures.

    The second stage is the basic warming up. It can include from two to five visits to the steam room for 5-10 minutes, depending primarily on health and bath time, the body's preparedness for rather extreme bath procedures.

    In the breaks after entering the steam room, the duration of which can last up to 20 minutes, you need to cool the body or in the air, but more often with the use of water procedures: pool, shower, bath and others, up to the lake, river, snow. ..

    Here is how the hero of Vasily Shukshin Alyosha used a broom: "He took out a steamed fragrant broom from the pelvis, rinsed that basin, put water in it cooler. .." Then he scooped up a bucket of hot water from the boiler and threw it at the stove - the first, test. Kamenka gasped and went to hiss and toss. The heat seized his ears,

    climbed in his throat. .. Alyosha sat down, waited for the first onslaught and then only climbed up to the shelves. To the board of the regiment did not set fire to the sides and back, they poured water from the basin. And rustled broom on the body. All the mistake of people, that they immediately begin that there are strengths to take care of themselves with a broom. We must first scratch ourselves - to walk like a broom along the back, on each side, on the hands, on the legs. .. To make it whisper, whisper, whisper for now.

    Alyosha skillfully did it: he shook the broom in the small room near the body, and his leaves, like small hot hands, touched the skin, provoked, provoked a certain desire to immediately swallow. But Alyosha did not allow this, no. He rinsed himself, lay down. .. He threw another regiment on the stove, held the broom above the stove, over the steam and put it on his sides, under his knees, to the waist. .. He came down from the regiment and sat down on the stool to smoke. Now even small amounts of carbon monoxide, if any, will leave with the first raw steam. The heater will dry up, the stones will heat up again and then you can be soared without fear and excitement. So, dear people. "

    The broom is used in the steam room to create a uniform atmosphere. Especially when the first steam lends itself. Waving a broom, steam is accelerated all over the steam room and a uniform thermal atmosphere is created.

    Broom is a massage tool. As writes E. Zalesova, it was thanks to a broom massage was born. Broom can perform all the massage movements: stroking, rubbing, staggering, lashing, kneading, vibration, pokolachivanie, patting.

    Most often in a bath use a quilting( whipping) of the body with a broom, which is analogous to such effective massage techniques as pinching, patting

    iae. This reduces the excitability of peripheral nerves( sensory, motor, vasomotor, secretory), causing a greater increase in sweating and increased blood flow to the skin, muscles and internal organs and has a strong restorative character.

    Some visitors to the bath, especially inexperienced, beginners, are afraid of a broom. The mistake of such a pair of passengers is passive sitting or lying normally on the first shelf. Such a visit to the steam room is an exercise useless, even harmful. The body does not warm up. When using a broom, you can conduct a light self-massage, as a whip broom hands, legs, back, trunk, which stimulates blood circulation, accelerates the process of warming up, warming the body. After that, you can move to the second shelves, where you can fully warm the body, for which you need to more vigorously use a broom. After this warming up, you can move to the third, uppermost shelves, where the temperature reaches a maximum. When they move to the uppermost shelves, the steamer usually sets himself a task. People of physical labor, sportsmen try to steam out the excruciated places, various kinds of sprains, dislocations, shallow contusions, and so on.

    Here is what V. Ivanchenko writes about this in his book "Secrets of Russian Temperament": "For example, if in the old days the peasant planted himself on hard work and stretched the bundles, then, going upstairs, he took with him a bouquet of herb smooth grass and"hovered a strained place, and moreover rubbed with a pot-itchy potion. "With bruises and injuries oak leaves were boiled and "soared with water and leaves".With

    wounds and cuts in the steam bath, early-healing herbs were applied: plantain, Cypriot, mullein, medinitsu and others. "

    Experienced swimmers seemingly a simple process of tearing themselves with a broom turn into a genuine art. If a beginner or a careless steamer lashes himself with a broom as a hand, then the benefits of such hovering are few, and sometimes it is harmful. An experienced steamer acts as described by A. Galitsky: "The broom. .. should be slightly damp. From the sides they swear like a fan with a broom. Smoothly, not hurrying. Hardly touching the body. First they pass a broom along the legs, buttocks, back, hands. In a word, the brooms go along the body - from the legs to the head and back. Rags brooms - one on the left side, the second on the right( we are talking about two steamers, in turn, processing each other), then on the hips, until they reach the heels. And then again the brooms move from the heels to the head, from the head to the heels. Four or five times the same route is repeated. .. The steamer walked along the body, and then shakes them over the partner in a pleasant drowsiness. There were beads of sweat on his back. Means the body thoroughly warmed up. You can act more energetically. Go through the broom on the back, spreading out the sweat. Then again, fan out like a fan, body. And all this quickly, vigorously, easily.

    Now you can lightly and make a bed with brooms. On the back, waist, hips, legs. And then what is called birch poultices. Parischik spinning a broom above his head so that the "green compress" thoroughly warmed up. Then he drops it on the body, say on the lower back, back or buttocks, and on the top claps, presses the second

    nickname. .. These compresses are made by order. Say, pain in the lower back. Here at this point the steamer concentrates his efforts, lowers there several times a hot broom. .. "

    In conclusion, rubbed with a broom, like a washcloth. With one hand, hold the broom by the handle, and the second hand is held on the foliage and gently pressed to the body. So lead a broom along the body."Magnificent massage!" - ascertains Galitsky.

    Broom is an ideal tool for treating so-called reflexogenic zones( heels, popliteal, gluteal, axillary, ulnar folds, neck and waist).In the area of ​​these zones, the broom needs to be restrained for a bit longer and palpably pressed against the skin.

    Some caution is required when manipulating the broom in the head area and treating the front surface of the body, since there is a more tender skin. This part of the body is provided with a large number of blood and lymphatic vessels lying close to the surface;there is a large number of different receptors, including temperature, as well as reflexogenic zones.

    When applying a broom to the front of the body, it is recommended to cover your face with a towel. Sex organs and breasts( women) should also be covered( with hands).

    When applying such a powerful effect on the skin as a lashing, it should be borne in mind that while warm( hot) air penetrates deeply into the steamed skin, which leads to an active redistribution of blood and lymph and not only in the superficial layers of the skin. Lashing is usually used in the treatment of large muscles and areas of the body: back, waist, hips. But it can

    is also used when processing "small areas", especially if "diseases nest there".You can spend lashing at the treatment of knee and ankle joints, hands, kidney and liver projections( with their absolute health).

    With the help of a broom, it is possible to carry out such manipulation as rubbing: the leaf part of the broom conducts rubbing movements along the body. At the same time, circular grinding movements are carried out on the body, and on the limbs the broom moves from the hands and feet to the trunk, along the lymphatic vessels. In the area of ​​wrinkles rubbing is carried out carefully.

    The method of rubbing is most often performed with such diseases as rheumatism, gout, sciatica, lumbago, myositis, joint pain after injury, overexertion, chronic bronchitis and pneumonia, as well as in some other diseases, when a deep impact on the painful area is required.

    Rubbing is contraindicated in various skin diseases, inclinations to bleeding, with various ulcers, especially trophic ones.

    Rinsing with a broom is best done in the horizontal position of the body and ending with stroking to "calm" those parts of the body that have been rubbed. At the end of grinding, you must move to a vertical position gradually.

    With the proper application of bath procedures, the state comes to the same as Shukshin's hero Alyosha: after coming home from the bathhouse, "when it was getting dark. .. lay down on the bed. He did not hear his body, the world around swayed according to the heart. "The physical energy given to them in the bathhouse gave him such an influx of

    energy psychic, spiritual that "he was all new, all hovering."