
Medical rehabilitation and preventive maintenance of diseases

  • Medical rehabilitation and preventive maintenance of diseases

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    The task of medical rehabilitation is the restoration of health and efficiency in various, primarily chronic, diseases, as well as postoperative conditions with the help of physiotherapeutic, balneological and proper rehabilitation methods. All these methods complement each other and form a so-called integrated rehabilitation program.

    Bath( sauna) is one of the physiotherapeutic devices, in which heat with subsequent cooling and physical relaxation form a complex that exerts a certain effect on the human body.

    Bath as a physiotherapeutic procedure is widely used in the field of therapeutic physical education, the prevention of certain diseases, the rehabilitation of athletes and people engaged in manual labor.

    Physiotherapy methods and procedures contribute to the renewal of homeostasis, the body. Each disease, especially in its chronic course, leads to disruption of homeostasis - shifts in the vegetative balance, which can be restored with the help of medications, as well as physiotherapy methods, including bath procedures.

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    The bath in the rehabilitation system is one of the therapeutic procedures. If the bath is included in the rehabilitation program, then the basic rules of its visit should be observed:

    • to precisely regulate the length of stay in the steam room;

    • maintain a certain temperature in the steam room;

    • maintain a certain relative humidity in the steam room;

    • accurately follow the sequence of procedures;

    • observe the length of stay in the pool.

    Bath can be combined with other methods of rehabilitation, in particular with massage.

    The sauna occupies a certain place in preventive scientific medicine, although it has long been a place of honor among preventive measures in the people's medicine. Recently, the bath is increasingly used to improve physical and mental health. Doctors consider it important that the habit of visiting the bathhouse arose as early as childhood, became an integral part of the right way of life.

    Prevention of diseases associated with cooling the body. This group of very common diseases that people are exposed to regardless of age, sex, occupation. Most often these are diseases of the upper respiratory tract, inflammation of the tonsils of infectious nature, arising from excessive or prolonged cooling, and sometimes with overheating and subsequent cooling.

    For the prevention of these diseases it is necessary: ​​

    • to eat properly( enough vitamins, especially ascorbic acid and vitamin A, mineral salts( iodine, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, etc.) should be present in the food,

    • observe personal hygiene;

    • to lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid bad habits: overeating, smoking, alcohol, stress;

    • constantly train your thermoregulation abilities, that is, deal with hardening

    Modern man most of the timenor is it in warm and dry rooms that sooner or later leads to pampering

    Hardening can be carried out by various methods and means of combining them. Only use natural factors of the environment. You can be hardened at home, but it is best in the sauna. A dangerous enemy of health is obesity. In the prevention of this disease( and this disease!) You can recommend a bath, which for this purpose is used in conjunction with an unloading diet.

    Prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Even with insufficient physical activity, the bath improves metabolism in the body. Stay in the bath trains the cardiovascular system, makes it more stable.

    Prophylaxis of neuroses and psychoneurosis. The bath can give a good effect in the treatment of these diseases, as it helps to rest, eliminate fatigue, achieve somatic and peace of mind.