
How to manage everything to a woman - is it possible to do everything

  • How to manage everything to a woman - is it possible to do everything

    To my great regret, many women simply can not plan their day so that all and everywhere have time. Perhaps our article will seem banal to you, but these tips will help you figure out how to manage everything to a woman.

    So, first of all it is necessary to decide what you need all this for. Set yourself the goal - to determine your maximum being. You need to understand your own motivation, the force that moves you and spurs you. It does not matter what kind of field it will be: career, family, upbringing of a child-genius, the creation of an oligarch from a common husband, etc. The main thing, this understanding is why you need it.

    When you understand, actually, the very goal, then you will understand what is most important for you, and therefore in the second plan will depart a lot of things that until recently were so important. Here you have coped with one task - priorities are placed.


    Understanding the tasks that will assist you in the process of achieving the goal, you need to understand the behavior model and adopt the rules for each role. This is very important, since it will save you from predictable and painful switching. Distribute your time for action, so that you have time to do everything that you have planned.

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    Observing a simple algorithm, you will effectively allocate efforts in time and determine whether you have achieved your goal in a certain period of time or not. This algorithm will prompt you to action.


    Algorithm of actions :

    1. The most important ideas in life or the maximum of being! Be an example for your children.
    2. Tasks to achieve the delivered maximum. Teach children what you know yourself.
    3. Statement of actions. It is necessary to determine the actions that will realize your desires. You can even write a table. In one column, indicate what you are doing for this, and in the second, the actions that will help you achieve this.
    4. Define those functions and roles that will participate in the process of achieving the goal. You should share the roles in your family. Use free time to the maximum, making life full of positive events.
    5. Schedule an action plan for each day. You need to start by counting all your time. You must clearly understand what you will have time to do and what not. If your goal is work, then you need to allocate all the time for the year. Since in the year 6264 hours, then you have to work for 2 088 hours. Spread this time for months and plan on what things you will spend this time. In the table it is worth checking your plan and the time spent on the case in fact. Having dealt with all this, you can start planning all your household chores.

    Useful advices

    Working mom

    If you are a mom and working, then do not waste your time on trifles, because you will not last long. It is worth noting only the main points for the day, setting priorities among all the things you need to do. It is necessary to take into account the urgency and importance of the tasks assigned. Thus, even the working mother will be able to keep within the schedule.

    Please note! It is extremely important to learn how to perform everything on time, without delaying at the last minute. It is better to solve the problem initially when it appears, especially if it is some kind of trifle.

    Do not waste time, but this will indicate that you can simply forget about certain tasks.

    Clean up the daily

    Do not run any of the spheres of life that will be important to you. For example, by cleaning up a little daily in your home, you will generally maintain the cleanliness of the house, and therefore the next time it will take less time for general cleaning. The same rule can be attributed to the lessons with children, if you do lessons with the child together constantly, then before the test you will not have to sit for lessons all night.

    You can not do everything at once

    One should not make one mistake, made by those who want to have time to do everything - to grab for all the business at once. Do not tackle one lesson if you have not finished the previous one. Did one thing - go to the next. Do not fuss, everything must be done systematically. It is quite possible to save time, if you improve your skills, so concentrate on the matter. Do not exhaust yourself, rest from time to time, alternating between light and complicated matters among themselves.

    Sleep well
    Please note! Never work at night, and twice a year always go on vacation. This is necessary for your physical and psychological health, as well as to improve the efficiency of work in any of the fields. After rebuilding your strength, you will be able to work even better.

    Many women believe that it's better to do everything yourself than to remodel after others - this is a terrible mistake that will entail excessive waste of time.

    Please note! Do not give up help, learn to share responsibilities, if there is such an opportunity.

    Once you distribute all the time in accordance with the above recommendations, you will immediately notice that you have time not only for everyday cares and goals, but even have free time for yourself.

    Distribution of responsibilities in the family

    Do not give up all the benefits of life, referring only to the fact that you have absolutely no time. The mistake is that you simply do not know how to dispose of them.

    The complexity of modern moms all have time - and feed the children and husband time to give, and be successful and respected at work, and do not forget about yourself. Remember that beauty and health are those two points that you can never forget, because then you have to spend even more nerves, forces and money, trying to return them and restore them. It is necessary to start looking after yourself from a young age, worrying about your skin, figure, hair.

    Please note! No matter how your schedule is loaded, you need to go to the beauty salon at least once in 7 days: visit the masseur, make a face mask and hair, manicure. ..

    Energy charge, rest that you will receive at the receptionat the cosmetician, all this will allow you with brilliance to fulfill your female duties and lead a new planned way of life with enthusiasm and enthusiasm.