
What it is possible to eat nursing mum?

  • What it is possible to eat nursing mum?

    The brightest moment in the life of every woman is the birth of a child. Happy moments are accompanied by excitement about the health of the baby and mother.

    How to eat properly, so that the child gaining weight, and the milk contained all the necessary elements necessary for the growth of the child?

    Which foods are preferably consumed to improve lactation of breast milk? These questions are asked to themselves by all newly-made parents.

    Drinking regime of nursing mother

    It is known that when breastfeeding it is necessary to drink plenty of liquid, at least 1.5-2 liters per day. As drinks can serve dairy products - milk, fermented milk, yogurt, yoghurt, as well as juices, compotes from dried fruits and broth of wild rose.

    There is an opinion that the composition of milk improves and its production increases with the use of hot tea with milk or cream. It is better to drink beverages in a warm or hot form, then the volume of breast milk increases.

    It is necessary to vary drinks to maintain the vitamin balance. Broth of dogrose contains ascorbic acid and vitamins P, B. Dairy products are rich in calcium, necessary for the growth of the child.
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    Compotes from dried fruits and juices include vitamins C, A, P, B. Particularly favorable for nursing mothers are juices made from carrots, apples, pumpkins, peaches. Plum compotes and juices can be drunk with an interval of 5-6 days, as their use causes bowel relaxation in the child.

    It is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages, including beer and carbonated sweet drinks, as this can adversely affect the digestion and general condition of the baby.

    Caffeine in large doses, consumed with coffee beverages, can lead to frustration of the child's nervous system, so you should limit the use of caffeinated beverages.

    Nutrition - What You Can Eat Nursing Mother?

    Recommendations for feeding a nursing mother include three basic rules:

    1. 1) The products must be fresh, natural and properly cooked;
    2. 2) Exclude from the diet acute, smoked, fried and fatty foods;
    3. 3) Do not eat foods that can cause allergies in the baby.
    The technology of cooking for a nursing mother should differ in that dishes after heat treatment are required to preserve as many minerals and vitamins as possible. From this position, it is advised not to cook for a long time vegetables, do not boil again the first dishes, prepare vegetable stews, lightly frying the ingredients. Salads should be prepared immediately before consumption, chopping vegetables.

    As for salt, its intake should be limited, since the use of salt in large quantities can lead to water retention in the body, which causes a violation of salt and electrolyte balance.

    You should not buy products in spontaneous markets, it is important to purchase goods of proven quality only in supermarkets or grocery stores. With care, introduce new foods in the diet to catch the child's reaction to the appearance of new ingredients. The health of the child depends on the mood of the mother, her condition, nutrition and regime. As a rule, calm, disciplined moms grow healthy babies.

    Each lactating woman must follow a diet, excluding smoked products, spicy foods, fried and fatty foods. All these dishes are not useful to my mother or baby.

    In addition, they can cause disorders in the body of a woman, dyskinesia of the gallbladder, congestion and inflammation in the liver, gastritis, pancreatitis. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in a woman are undesirable for a child, so you should follow certain rules.

    Many products used by a nursing mother cause allergic reactions in an infant. It is required to use small amounts of chocolate, strawberries, seafood, caviar. Do not drink citrus juices and eat exotic fruits. In the summer, breastfeeding mothers should confine themselves to those fruits that grow in their region. Useful fruit of apple, pear, cherry, apricots, quince.

    Recommended meals for a nursing mother

    To achieve a balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, food should be diverse. Inclusion in the diet of a sufficient number of vegetables and fresh fruit will help preserve the vitamin balance in the body of a woman and a baby. Boiled potatoes, carrots, beets, green onions, broccoli are useful.

    It is recommended to eat bread with cuttings and bran, enriched with vitamins of group B. It is favorable for the baby to use such dishes as vegetable soup, buckwheat and wheat porridge, fish, low-fat cheese. Rice should not be taken often, as the child may have constipation. Eggs should also be used with caution: not more than twice a week.

    Vitamin D plays an important role in the body of a child, therefore it is required to include fatty fish saturated with useful elements and omega-3 in the diet. River fish can also be consumed without abuse, subjecting them to long-term heat treatment, as it is often infected with helminths.

    Useful dishes from fish like the ear, fish meatballs, meat shop. To make up for the deficiency of vitamins in the winter, it is recommended to use salads from boiled vegetables - vinaigrette, fur coat, olivier. Many useful substances and vitamin C are found in sauerkraut, pickled apples, watermelon.

    The ration of the nursing mother should include bakery products: low-fat cookies, shortcake cakes, pastries with fruits, rye crunches. It is necessary to include in the dishes creamy, olive, linseed, corn oil. Meat is preferably cooked by extinguishing or boiling. Very useful meat, rabbit, veal, chicken, lamb.

    To facilitate cooking and save time, you can tear the meat in advance and mince the meat into portions. In the freezer, keep the portioned frozen meat and every day make meatballs, cutlets, croissants, casseroles for every taste. At the age of 6-7 months the baby can be fed with meat, so forcemeat is always useful for cooking meat dishes for mother and child.

    As the first dishes you can prepare vegetable soup, mushroom, buckwheat, lentil, with meatballs or dumplings. Porridges based on oatmeal, buckwheat, corn cereal give energy and enrich the body with minerals and vitamins. It is better to take food 5-6 times a day, and between breaks to drink juices, compotes and mineral water.

    The nutrition of a woman greatly influences a child's growth, its development and general condition. Therefore, nursing mother should take care not only of the child, but also her own nutrition and health.

    What is not recommended for a nursing mother?

    When eating a product such as white cabbage, eggplant, zucchini, cucumber, radish and grapes, it is not uncommon for a small child to have digestion problems.

    A bloating occurs, the baby becomes restless. Bean cultures( peas, soybeans, beans) should be limited or excluded from the diet of a nursing woman, depending on the behavior of the child when using these products.

    You should not use marinades, pickles, products containing preservatives and dyes. Never need to risk eating mushrooms bought in the market. They can be conditionally edible and pose a threat to the life and health of the child.


    If your mother is hungry, then as a snack you can use rye rusks, fresh fruits and vegetables, yogurt, low-fat cheese or cottage cheese, milkshakes. The body always gives a sign about what it lacks.

    Thirst signals that there is not enough liquid in the body for milk lactation, certain taste preferences indicate a lack of certain ingredients or vitamins in the body. If you want nuts, you can eat a little almonds, if pulling on sweet, try frozen fruits, dried apricots, marmalade, pastille.

    With a lack of vitamin C in the body, you want to eat pickled cucumbers or pickled tomatoes. You should not eat a lot of pickles, it is better to fill the lack of vitamin C with tea with lemon, kiwi, rose hips, or nettle decoction.

    Can milk be given to a nursing mother?

    On the account of milk specialists have a dual opinion - some claim that milk can be drunk if the child does not have milk allergy( you can check it by passing the appropriate tests), in addition, it is allowed to use low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream.

    The opinion of the other party is to exclude dairy products from the diet, the maximum is that it is allowed to add small portions of milk to tea or porridge.

    In case you decide to try milk, pre-test it to see if the baby has an allergy to milk protein. If tests fail, then make sure that the baby does not develop a rash, in which case it is necessary to stop using dairy products.

    . Is it possible to sow a lactating mother?

    By the number of allergic reactions, seeds are in second place, after milk. In this regard, it is not advisable to use this product during feeding.

    The place of seeds is recommended to eat nuts, including walnuts. However, get involved in them, too, is not worth it. Optimum 2-4 nuts per day.

    Can I persimmon a nursing mother?

    It is not recommended to use this product in quantities of more than 2 pieces per day, because it is also a strong allergen. Persimmon must necessarily be ripe, pay attention to this when buying.

    In addition to the negative factor persimmon has a number of useful properties: strengthening the immune system, preventing anemia, promoting the durability of the bone tissue of the baby, helps to regulate the intestines, and also replenishes calcium in the mother's body.

    How to improve the composition of milk?

    With a lack of milk, it is advised to drink more hot drinks. These include cocoa, tea with cream, a warm milkshake with fruit.

    If the milk is not fat enough, it is recommended in small amounts to eat walnut, almonds. To improve the digestion of the child, in the dishes for the nursing woman it is necessary to add greens - the root of parsley, dill, nettle.

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