
Ginger: good and bad, how to eat ginger right?

  • Ginger: good and bad, how to eat ginger right?

    Such a plant as ginger followed from a century to a century, and every year its popularity not only did not decrease, but even increased.

    The name "ginger" is truly exclusive: it is called "horned root" or "universal medicine" from Sanskrit.

    Some data indicate that the first cultivation of this plant occurred in India. Already from this country ginger has spread further to other continents. Today, it is grown freely in Australia, Brazil, China, Barbados. In a temperate climate it can also be grown at home.

    Consists of a healing plant from water and carbohydrates, dietary fibers, proteins, fats and ashes. Among all spicy plants, ginger is in the first positions in terms of the number of micro- and macroelements. Think about it: it contains substances such as sodium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, manganese, selenium.

    A large portion( about 5 mg) in 100 grams. Ginger takes vitamin C, also the plant contains a lot of potassium, magnesium and calcium. Vitamins of group B, A and other nutritional components are present in the root of ginger in significant amounts.
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    It contains all the amino acids that are irreplaceable for our body. And oleic, linoleic acid, silicon make this plant an extremely necessary product of our nutrition.

    How useful is ginger, how to use?

    Perennial herbal plant is used in folk, non-traditional and traditional medicine. To preserve the beneficial properties of ginger, it is eaten fresh and dry, as well as pickled.

    Use the plant in the form of decoction, tea, spices, tinctures. It is suitable both for medical purposes and for preventive purposes. The use of ginger is indispensable for health, and harm is insignificant.

    Let's name the main positive factors of influence of ginger on the human body:

    1. 1) It is an excellent remedy to protect against overeating. The eructation is gone, the digestive juice is normalized in gastritis with low acidity. In addition, with its help digestion improves, the products begin to be better absorbed. Effective fights against flatulence.
    2. 2) Very useful as a cold, antimicrobial agent. Excellent helps to cope with the symptoms of influenza, helps fight asthma. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties.
    3. 3) Helps to overcome seasickness. Relieves dizziness, nausea and symptoms caused by this ailment. If you are rocking on the water, just drink a cup of ginger before you go.
    4. 4) The plant perfectly copes with the manifestations of toxicosis during pregnancy. Ginger harmoniously affects the genitals, especially well normalizes the menstrual cycle. Will help to eliminate pain with menstruation.
    5. 5) For men, ginger is useful as an aphrodisiac. Increases muscle tone and enhances desire. It also helps to cope with prostatitis and eliminates impotence. It is known that even the minimum amount of this product in nutrition improves the functions of the genital organs.
    6. 6) It removes the inflammatory process and soreness in arthritis, rheumatism, arthrosis.
    7. 7) With regular chewing, the condition of the teeth and gums improves.
    8. 8) Effectively helps the cardiovascular system: improves heart function, brings pressure back to normal, activates the brain. Thanks to its use in dishes you can get rid of increased cholesterol.
    9. 9) It is recommended to use it for kidney and liver diseases as a supporting agent.
    10. 10) Improves the protective functions of the body. Ginger is used for the prevention of colds and SARS.
    11. 11) The magic overseas root also helps with eye diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
    12. 12) Ginger helps to lose weight. Ginger tea dilutes blood, cleanses the liver, speeds up metabolism.
    13. 13) It has anthelmintic, mild laxative properties.
    14. 14) Has mucolytic properties. Indispensable for bronchitis.
    Ginger can be used in various forms. It all depends on your preferences and taste preferences. As you can see, the rich composition of this plant helps to get rid of a huge number of diseases.

    One of the most unique properties of ginger can be called its antitumor potential. It reduces the risk of cancer, so for the prevention should regularly use it. For the treatment of psychoemotional problems, essential oil of ginger is used. It fights aggression, fears, self-doubt, problems associated with memory impairment.

    The easiest way to eat ginger is to make ginger tea. To do this, take the tea leaves of green tea, make a fresh drink, adding lemon zest to it. Pre-prepare sliced ​​in small pieces or grated on fresh grated ginger root and also put it in a cup.

    Such a drink will be an excellent prevention of many diseases and will only benefit. It is especially useful to drink ginger tea during the cold season and the flu. If you or your child have caught a cold, you do not need to get upset: the root of ginger will get rid of the problem. It will be necessary to daily make ginger inhalations.

    Ginger has proven itself as a remedy for bruising and bruising. For this purpose, you need to compress from a fresh plant.

    Contraindications, harm to ginger

    Like any other product, ginger also has contraindications. In particular, it is not recommended to eat people who have had myocardial infarction or stroke.

    You should not take it and all hypertensive patients. Women in the early stages of pregnancy, nursing mothers, as well as people with various bleeding - uterine or gastric, it is also harmful.

    Ginger is prohibited with fever, exacerbation of stomach ulcers or 12 duodenal ulcers, liver cirrhosis. If there are stones in the biliary tract, it is better to refuse ginger. You need to abandon it and in case you plan any operation in the near future.

    Do not abuse this product. In case of overdose, it is possible to display harmful properties - vomiting, nausea and other toxic and allergic reactions. Using this plant with pleasure in moderate doses, you will save your health and the health of your family for many years!

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