  • On the compatibility of colors

    In the illustration on the right you can see a circle divided into seven segments - seven colors. Of these, three are basic - it's red, yellow, blue. All other colors are derived, that is, they can be obtained by mixing basic colors or primary colors with achromatic colors - white and black. For example, orange is a mixture of yellow and red, and green is a mixture of yellow and blue. Mixing the blue and white color,

    we get the blue.

    Colors are also conventionally divided into cold and warm colors. Cold - these are the shades of ice: blue, blue, purple. Warm colors are shades of the sun: orange, yellow. Purely red and pure green are neutral. However, if the shades of blue appear in red, it becomes cold-red, if the shades of yellow are warm red. Similarly, green can be cold or warm.

    The main rule when choosing color solutions for top and bottom: warm colors are better to wear with warm colors, cold colors with cold colors. It is very important to catch a shade: warm-green, for example, does not apply to any green, but only to green warm tones and other similar shades.

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    The basic colors also work well together: neutral red and warm red with yellow, cold red with blue. Blue also fits well with yellow. White and black suit everything, but there are a few nuances: yellowish white and grayish white will look dirty next to pure white, so this combination should be avoided. Also it is undesirable to wear a rich black thing with a black thing of a pale shade, otherwise the latter will seem burned out.

    Colors located in the chromatic circle opposite the main ones are called additional colors. If they are next to each other, they mutually reinforce each other, when applied, they extinguish each other. These properties of shades should be used when choosing makeup and clothing, avoiding unsuccessful combinations and choosing favorable ones.

    So, for example, if a green-eyed girl with a pink skin tone will use red lipstick, she will emphasize the green color of the eyes. But if a girl with olive skin color wears a red dress, she will look painfully greenish, and this is a bad combination.

    Therefore, you need to select a wardrobe in accordance with its color. Otherwise, either the clothes can outshine you, or you - clothes, and then the dress, which looked great on the hanger, you will look pathetic and unprepossessing. Do you like colors that do not suit you? Use them in your interior or buy the appropriate little things for the house - watches, soap dishes and stuff.

    According to the laws of the classics in a suit there should be no more than three colors. This rule should be followed if you want to look reserved and elegant. However, if the summer is in the yard and you have a cheerful mood, then no one will condemn your motley dress, where all the shades of the rainbow are combined!