  • Lilies

    Family lily.

    Bulbous herbaceous perennials;bulbs are loose, from unclosed scales and without protective covers;stems erect or slightly drooping;the leaves are evenly distributed along the stem or assembled into whorls, lanceolate or linear;flowers are correct, have 6 petals, 6 stamens and a pestle with a tripartite stigma.

    Classification of lilies is quite complicated, it is more correct to talk about several of its variants. In the old literature, division into sections, subsections and series most often occurs, which have united about 80 species. In more modern classifications, we are often talking about eight sections, a brief description of which will be given here. Due to the large amount of material, the description of the varieties is omitted.

    1 section. Asian hybrids. The most unpretentious varieties, frost-resistant, easy to multiply( many form bulbs), are resistant to viral diseases;the shape of the flowers is different, often star-shaped with bent-twisted petals, the color is usually bright: ruby, red, lemon-yellow with specks, etc. The section is divided into three subsections according to the arrangement of flowers: in the first flowers are directed upwards, in the second- sideways, in the third - down.

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    II section. Hybrids are curly, or marchon-hybrids( almost completely corresponds to the section of Marchon in the old classification).Frost-resistant and resistant to diseases;bulbs ovoid or round, stems high, flowers usually chalmiformes, brightly colored.

    III section. Candidum, or white lilies. Occur from the white lily, sun-loving, non-frost-resistant, often sick.

    IV section. American hybrids. Very demanding of the conditions of detention;flowers often collected in the inflorescence - brush, chalmoid, of various colors.

    V section. Hybrids are long-flowered, or long-floria. Very thermophilic, susceptible to diseases;stalks are straight, tall, tubular or narrowly tubular, of various colors, often of white or light tones.

    VI section. Tubular and Orlen hybrids. Frost-resistant, little susceptible to disease;stalks often curved, tubular flowers, of various colors, more often - bright, often fragrant;multiply by all means.

    VII section. Eastern hybrids. The most exotic in appearance, a variety of colors and forms, but not resistant to frost and disease.

    VIII section. All hybrids and varieties not included in the previous sections.

    Perhaps this classification will soon be complemented by the increasingly popular hybrids of Dutch originators.

    It should be added that the lily is not just a traditional pet of many florists - according to some sources, this wonderful flower again comes into fashion, and there are predictions that the lily will become the most popular green pet in the 21st century.

    Humidity requirements - in the first half of summer require high humidity( additional watering is necessary), at the rest time - in moderate.

    Requirements for heat and light: heat-loving, winter hardiness is different for different groups, for almost all optically scattered lighting, can grow in the penumbra.

    Requirements for soil: prefers loose nutrient soils with neutral reaction;the main fertilizer is introduced before planting, fresh manure does not like, fertilizing - according to the stages of growth( see the chapter "Nutrients").

    Reproduction: the bulbs divided by the number of stems( best in late August and early September, bulbs on heavy soils are not planted as deep as on the lungs), onion bulbs, scales( at any time of the year), seeds.

    Features: in one place can grow up to 6 years. The distance between the plants should be about 25 cm in the row and about 65 between the rows.

    Usage: universal, including for forcing and cutting.