Diet on ice cream
Diet on ice cream helps to lose weight, speeds up metabolism and improves digestion
Ice cream diet is perfect for lovers of sweet desserts, who want to "tasty" get rid of extra pounds.
Although ice cream is considered a traditionally high-calorie product, it can successfully cope with the problem of excess weight.
Can I lose weight on ice cream ^
The essence of this unusual method of losing weight is the use of various ice cream desserts. Ice cream promotes weight loss due to the following useful substances contained therein:
- Amino acid tryptophan or natural tranquilizer - improves mood, improves tone and "heals" nerves;
- Milk sugar and enzymes - accelerate metabolism, metabolism and improve digestion;
- Vitamin D and calcium, which in combination with each other strengthen the bones and prevent the emergence of uncontrolled feelings of hunger.
However, the dietary diet program does not provide for the consumption of ice cream alone and may include the following products:
- Berries( fresh, frozen): blackberries, raspberries, cowberries, blueberries, strawberries and others;
- Fruit( fresh and dried): apples, oranges, pomegranates, kiwi, pears, peaches, apricots, dried apricots, raisins, prunes and others;
- Nuts - almonds, cashews, walnuts;
- Vegetables: cabbage, zucchini, cucumber and carrot;
- Low-fat fish and chicken meat;
- Vegetarian soups, rice and oatmeal;
- Milk, yogurt and cottage cheese.
It should be noted that the ice cream, which forms the basis of the diet, should not contain chocolate, boiled condensed milk and caramel. Wafer horns or cups with this dietary product must also be excluded from the diet.
It is advisable to include the following types of ice cream in the menu:
- Milk, the calorie content of which does not exceed 250 kcal per hundred grams;
- Creamy - 100 g / 290 kcal;
- Sorbet or soft berries - fruit ice cream;
- Fruit ice or frozen fruit drink;
- cream brulee or vanilla;
- Frozen yoghurt.
The main advantage of the dietary method is the ability to lose five or more extra pounds with a delicious and varied diet. The disadvantage of the diet is the presence of certain contraindications:
- Weakened immunity;
- Colitis, flatulence, increased gastric acidity and stomach ulcer;
- Mental diseases and eating disorders.
The frozen dietary food system is based on strict adherence to several strict rules:
- Eat every three hours;
- The daily norm of the main product with mono-diet should be 500 - 600 grams, with a balanced diet - 200 - 300 grams.
Frozen Diet: Menus and Recipes ^
Monodiet on Ice Cream
The main and only product of a three-day dietary mono-procedure is a dairy, vanilla or cream non-nutritive ice cream in the amount of 500 to 600 grams. If desired, you can add to it pieces of fruit or berries.
Approximate menu of frozen mono-diets:
First day of
- Breakfast: plombir with blueberries 100/10;
- Lunch: Plombir with grated apple - 50 g;
- Lunch: dairy with dried apricots - 150-30 g;
- Snack: Plombir - 100 g;
- Dinner: dairy with pieces of kiwi - 200 gr.
The second day of
- Breakfast: dairy with pieces of fresh banana 100/10;
- Lunch: plombir with muesli - 50 g;
- Lunch: vanilla ice cream with grated almonds - 150/10;
- Snack: dairy - 100 g;
- Dinner: Plomb with 8 pcs. Strawberries - 200 g.
Third day of
- Breakfast: sealed with blackberries 100/10;
- Lunch: vanilla ice cream with raisins - 50 g;
- Lunch: plombir with dried apricots - 150/20 g;
- Snack: Plombir - 100 g;
- Dinner: milk ice cream with grapefruit grains - 200 g.
Depending on personal preference, other berry or fruit natural supplements may be included in the ice cream. Daily weight loss with this diet is 1 kg.
Balanced and low-calorie seven-day ice cream diet
The secret of this method, which helps to lose weight, is a balanced amount of protein, fiber, trace elements and vitamins. Afford such an effective diet can not only sweet tooth, but also people who adhere to the active rhythm of life.
Sample menu for the day
- Morning: a plate of oatmeal porridge with dried fruits or a glass of milk with muesli, plombir 100 g;
- Lunch: creamy filling with pieces of pineapple or cranberries - 50 g;
- Lunch: vegetable soup, cooked on lean chicken or mushroom broth, a couple of toasts or 100 gr.stewed mushrooms and low-fat yogurt with dried fruits;
- Snack: milk ice cream and apple( peach, pear) puree 50/20 g;
- Dinner: a piece of low-fat fish or chicken meat - 150 g., Vegetable salad;
- For a couple of hours before bedtime, you are allowed to consume 50 grams of any low-fat liquid ice cream.
Results, reviews of thin and doctors about the diet on ice cream ^
Frozen dietary techniques are often enjoyed by pop and show business stars. For example, the Madonna's diet on ice cream, namely on a creamy filling, perfectly helps her to keep her figure in excellent shape.
Results of the ice cream diet:
- A small but effective weight loss of up to 5 kg per week or 3 - 4 kg in three days;
- Cleansing of the intestines from slags;
- Improvement of intestinal microflora;
- Enhance your mood and significantly improve your appearance.
Since the frozen diet is based on a fairly satisfying and tasty product, it is very easy and painless to carry it. In addition, repeat this "lacquer" dietary techniques can be in a month. However, no matter how light and tasty the diet was, leaving it is worth it with caution.
The output diet should consist of fruits, berries, fresh, boiled or steam vegetables, cereals, soups and so on. But most importantly, during the first days off, and preferably in the following days, strictly refrain from sweet( cakes, pastries), flour( sugar rolls and biscuits), fried( belyasha, French fries) and fast food.
Reviews of the ice cream diet are excellent. Special thanks to this technique are expressed by lovers of sweets, which could not only reduce the desired weight, but regale their favorite product. Nutritionists do not prohibit the frozen method of losing weight, believing that its use will not harm the health of losing weight, but on the contrary, it will help to lose a small amount of weight and significantly strengthen immunity.
We also recommend you to watch a video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: