Vitamin Diet
Vitamin diet: reviews and results of losing weight
Vitamin diet is the most nutritious diet for the body, thanks to which you can significantly lose weight and improve your health.
Vitamin diet for weight loss: the essence, benefits and features ^
The peculiarity of the vitamin diet for weight loss is to maximize the exclusion of carbohydrate food from the menu, is because of her that the man is gaining weight.
But proteins and vitamins are present in the vitamin menu in sufficient quantities, and affect the body in the following positive way:
- Improve metabolism;
- Stabilize the metabolism;
- Normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
The main principle of vitamin nutrition is the ban of certain products in order to reduce the energy value and caloric content of the diet:
- Fatty meat;
- Milk and sour-milk products;
- Legumes;
- Alcohol;
- Cereals;
- Sugar;
- Flour products;
- Mayonnaise;
- Margarine;
- Vegetable and butter.
Throughout the diet, you can eat without restrictions:
- Fruit;
- Fresh, steamed or boiled vegetables;
- Juices and stewed fruit;
- Any greenery.
Speaking about how many kilos is spent on a vitamin diet, it is worth considering its duration: on average, for a week the weight is reduced by 5 kg.
Advantages of the vitamin diet:
- Low calorie;
- Fast result;
- Benefits for the Whole Body.
Despite the last point, people with chronic illnesses before using a diet on vitamins, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
Vitamin diet: dietary rules, menus, recipes ^
Vitamin diet: the best recipes for weight loss, menu
Vitamin diet rules are simple:
- During the day, you need to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water without gas;
- In addition to the above products, the menu excludes fried, smoked, sweet and flour products.
Vitamin-protein diet for 10 days
For weight loss of 7-8 kilograms, this 10-day diet is recommended, in which meals are divided into 6 times and are performed every 2-2.5 hours. Under the ban remain fatty foods, mayonnaise and sauces, and you can drink only tea without sugar and clean water.
Sample menu:
- 08.00: we eat two boiled egg yolks;
- 10.00: eat a whole grapefruit;
- 12.00: cook chicken breast( 200 g);
- 14.00: have a snack with two apples;
- 16.00: eat 200 g of boiled lean fish;
- 18.00: eating an orange.
Egg - vitamin diet
The longest diet is this one, and it lasts 4 weeks. During this time you can eat only eggs, vegetables and fruits, and the weight is reduced by 7-10 kilograms.
Approximate menu for 4 weeks:
- We have breakfast with orange and two boiled eggs;
- Lunch boiled chicken breast or fillet( 200 g);
- Supper with vegetable salad, two boiled eggs, toast and grapefruit.
Vitamin diet for immunity
To strengthen immunity, it is necessary to eat boiled or fresh vegetables and fruits for 10 days, and remove potatoes, grapes and persimmons from the diet. In this case, you can lose weight by 5-7 kilograms without much difficulty.
Sample menu:
- For breakfast, rub the fresh carrots and apple, mix them, add 1 tsp.honey and season with lemon juice. We eat salad and drink green tea;
- For the second breakfast we drink berry juice and eat an orange;
- We have lunch with vegetable stew, soup-mashed potatoes, washed down with rose hips;
- We snack fruit or vegetables;
- We dine with boiled or steamed vegetables, beetroot caviar, we drink tea with lemon.
Vitamin diet for pregnant women
During pregnancy, you should not eat for two - it helps to quickly gain weight and harm the child. In order to remove the extra pounds and stabilize the weight gain in accordance with the deadline, it is recommended to adhere to this 7-day regimen once every 2 months.
Sample menu for the week:
- In the morning we eat low-fat cottage cheese( 150 g), drink a cup of green tea;
- After a couple of hours we eat a banana and an apple;
- Lunch vegetable soup with a piece of low-fat meat, drink with compote or juice;
- For a midday snack, eat 200 g of salad;
- We have dinner with a salad of tuna, arugula, avocado and tomato, we drink kefir.
Vitamin diet for hair, skin and nails
For strengthening hair and nails, skin cleansing, this weekly diet is best used in the autumn-winter period, when the body is weakened and especially needs vitamins. Products remain unchanged - vegetables, fruits, lean meat, but salads can be filled with vegetable oils.
Daily tentative menu:
- We have a radish salad with greens, dressed with olive oil, and a pack of cottage cheese;
- Lunch boiled mackerel( 200 g) and vegetable salad;
- We dine 100 g of cottage cheese, we drink lime tea with honey.
Vitamin Diet for the eyes
With a drop in vision, all fatty food is excluded from the diet, and it is replaced by blueberries, spinach, carrots, corn, rosehips, apricots, nuts, onions and garlic, herring and beets. These products need to be used in the menu all life, but to slow the process of loss of vision, you must apply a 10-day diet.
Sample menu for every day:
- In the morning we are eating salad with beets and carrots, drinking green tea;
- Snacking with any fruit;
- Lunch a salad with spinach and vegetable soup;
- For a mid-morning snack we eat a handful of blueberries;
- We dine with a pair of boiled potatoes and herring, we drink tea or yogurt.
Diet on vitamin cocktails
All 4 days it is necessary to drink milk or juice cocktails with fruit or berries. This option is great for unloading the body and losing weight by 3-5 kilograms.
Approximate menu:
- Breakfast with a milky strawberry cocktail( 300 ml);
- Dinner mix with yoghurt and banana( 200-300 ml);
- For dinner, do the same cocktail as for breakfast.
Recipe for a milkshake with strawberries :
- In 200 ml of milk, add strawberries;
- Beat all with mixer
The remaining mixes are prepared according to the same principle.
Madonna's Vitamin Diet
The main rule of the Madonna diet is the exclusion of coffee and starch-containing products, as well as the correct ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins( 40:30:30).You can eat at any time and only when there is a feeling of hunger. To adhere to this regime is recommended not more than two weeks, and the weight indicators are reduced by 5-7 kilograms.
Madonna's menu for every day:
- For breakfast, fry 1 toast in two egg whites, eat a peach and boiled egg;
- Lunch a turkey breast or chicken in mayonnaise, a slice of bread;
- We dine with macaroni, a piece of fish and fresh or boiled vegetables.
Spring vitamin diet
For weight loss to the summer beach season for 5-7 kilograms, this diet, which lasts 14 days is recommended and is based on fruits, vegetables and protein foods. Approximate daily menu:
- Lunch boiled egg, drink green tea;
- A snack with whole grapefruit;
- Lunch 200 g boiled beef and lettuce;
- Lunch cucumber salad with vinegar;We have supper with stewed spinach.
Vitamin diet for the summer
In a hot period of time, you need to reduce the amount of fatty foods, or even remove it from the diet. This mode of eating on cereals, vegetables and fruits lasts no more than 10 days, for which it turns out not only to normalize the metabolism, but also to lose about 7 kilograms.
Approximate daily menu:
- We have a breakfast of oatmeal porridge with berries or fruits;
- Have a snack with strawberries, cherries or apples;
- We have dinner with boiled fish and a salad of fresh vegetables;
- For a mid-morning snack, eat 100 grams of yogurt;
- We dine with vinaigrette without peas and potatoes.
Protein - vitamin diet: reviews, results, real stories of losing weight ^
Doctors consider the vitamin diet to be one of the safest, because in its diet there are almost all the elements necessary for the body, and there is almost no feeling of hunger. However, nutritionists recommend to adhere to this diet for not more than a month - otherwise hypervitaminosis may develop, which negatively affects the health status.
Exit from the vitamin diet is not particularly difficult, most importantly - do not lean immediately on fatty foods, but gradually increase the number of calories to 1500 Kcal per day.
The results of the protein-vitamin diet are just wonderful:
- Weight reduction of up to 10 kg;
- Well-being;
- Improve vision, skin, hair and nails;
- Strengthening immunity.
Reviews about the vitamin diet for losing weight of our regular readers are also very positive:
Yana, 30 years old:
"I lasted for 4 weeks, and I transferred it very easily. For such a period of time I threw off almost 10 kg and the result is satisfied, becauseit's still the only diet that helped me cope with excess weight. "
Julia, 27 years old:
" I barely survived on the summer vitamin diet: I always wanted to eat something fatty or fried - I love meat very much. I ate so only 8 days, but finally got rid of 5 kilograms. "
Maria, 38 years old:
" I managed to lose weight perfectly on the Madonna's vitamin technique: despite the fact that there are fried dishes in it, the weight goes right before our eyes!!Only a week of such food, and 4 kilograms as never happened! "